Tuesday, November 10, 2009

News Flash! Voltron is a Conservative!

Yes it's true, after all this time and all the posts on this blog I've been outed as a Conservative.

"Another note on our friend "Voltron" aka cosmic cowboy\crusty, etc.

For years he sold himself as a passive, uninvolved "moderate" who spent his time driving trucks and working with fuel figures,..."

"...But check out his "ruffian blog" now, and you'll see a much different picture of our friend voltron, and its a stark contrast to the "casual blogger" he portrayed..."

Note how astute our 'friend' Worf is. He finally picked up on the fact that I'm not a passive moderate. I really am sorry I tried to hide that from you all these long years.

Wait, there's more:

"Yup. That's right.

Our little "casual blogger" friend is no casual blogger at all, but instead is highly divested in the far right wingnut movement that infested our capitol and shouted down discourse..."

I'm highly "divested"....Is that good or bad?
Although if I am indeed a Conservative wouldn't it be better if I were highly 'INVESTED' in the movement?

I am curious though, why is it that when liberals march on the capitol to protest they never "shout down discourse"???
(or are described as "infesting" the capitol for that matter...)

This coming from a self proclaimed "intellectual". This is why you can't argue with liberals folks, their memory only goes back to yesterday, and sometimes not even that far.

Note also that the thread prior to the one this comment was posted under is a glorious example of leftwing hypocrisy.

"Judge not!" but we will.
"Accusers are evil" but watch us accuse...


cosmiccowboy said...

Actually I'm amazed that idiot did'nt include another of his tearful farewell messages.
He cant be that stupid to think we are'nt conservative.
And yes when their ilk were protesting anything Bush did it was just political discourse.They could call the then sitting president whatever idiotic thing they could feeblemindedly conjure.
Now if you dissagree with Obama you are either an obstructionist or a racist.
Kind of funny how all inclusive they are.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You have to keep in mind, Volt. That blithering, paraoind idiot over there thinks that you and I are the same person. Maybe that's what he meant by saying that you had been parading around as a moderate. Or not. Who knows with this lunatic anymore.