by Freedom Fan, Citizen JournalistOn July 4th I attended a Tea Party Tax Protest and Liberty Celebration. I covered the event as a citizen journalist, since the MSM seemed to be busy with Michael Jackson's funeral and other more important matters. Yes, I looked for the Los Angeles Times reporters, but was shocked that I didn't see any.
The Tea Party took place at noon in a park in San Juan Capistrano, California. It drew about 400 folks and was organized by a lawyer lady who "claimed" not to be affiliated with any "astroturf" organization, but I'm pretty sure this had Karl Rove's fingerprints all over it. Bwahahaha.
"I Cling To Guns & Religion"
Yeah, me too, "bitter" brother. ...from my cold dead hands mofo. Bring it."Stop Generational Theft"
Exactly. Your grandkids will thank us for not spending their money before they earn it.
"Taxed Enough Already""You ain't seen nuthin yet."
-King Barack Hussein Obama
Soon we will pay trillions in a brutal stealth tax supposedly to change the climate of the entire planet. It's called "Cap & Trade". You will find yourself in grinding poverty but not even understand why. King Obama will steal your dollars and give you "change".
"No Cap & Trade"
For more outrage, see previous post. Call the RINOs, America.
"Save Our Freedom"
The flickering candle of Freedom is fading fast. This is no time to be innocent. We have a right to be angry. At election time you will feel the intensity of our anger. Think 1994.
"No Cap and Trade
No National Health Care
No Bama"
No way, no how.
"Term Limits: One in office & One in Jail"
One can only hope. Hold that thought.
"Say 'NO' to B.O."
Ewwww. Nothing is worse. Somehow this reminds me of Janeane GrrAwfulo.
"Recovery Not Slavery"
Do you suppose Masta Obama is Africa's revenge on America for slavery? Just a thought...
"How do you like me now?"
Obama ... Osama. Hmm just change one letter ... Who was more effective at destroying America?"Don't make the baby pay for your pork"
What? Why would you have a problem with Obama spending your kid's future on thousands of political earmarks and a FY 2009 deficit of $2,000,000,000,000?
"You ain't seen nuthin yet."- King Obama
"We're Tea'd Off"
You betcha. We're mad as hell and we ain't gonna take it anymore.
"The Ugly Face of Socialism"
Is it okay to identify Obama as a "socialist" yet?
"A Nation Without Borders is not a Nation"
But fortunately Obama plans to get tough: He's going to send 1500 UNARMED VOLUNTEERS to defend our southern border. I guess you have to cut costs somewhere.This speaker was passionate about how the feds have cut off one third of the water from northern to southern California, so the water can simply flow into the ocean. To save the "delta smelt" the federal government has destroyed farming in our central valley and 40% of its jobs. If you travel the "grapevine" for hundreds of miles you will see signs former farms proclaiming: "Congress Caused Dustbowl". If the Libs can fuck up just one state so badly, what do you suppose they soon will do to an entire nation? So if you like Obama's "green" jobs policies now, wait until we are saddled with his Cap-And-Trade
This passionate speaker appeared with her little son. Noticed later that she was married to a black guy and she had two mullato kids. Someone tell Janeane "Awful" Garafalo.
To the streets!
Protestors commandeered an intersection in town. The folks were wildly enthusiastic.
"Don't Tread On Me."
Oh no! It appears to be a domestic terrorist -- someone notify Janet Napolitano!"Don't Tread on Me"
Another candidate for Napolitano's "domestic terrorist" watchlist. After Obama's outrageous assault on Hondura's citizens, does anyone seriously doubt that Obama covets the same absolute power over his subjects as wielded by his buddy Hugo Chavez?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Tea Party! - San Juan Capistrano, CA - July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Cap-And-Trade Eight - RINO Traitors
<==Pelosi's Pet RINOs
Pelosi's Pet Rat
Photoshop credit: Leo Alberti
The 8 cap-and-tax Republican turncoats who sold out America are:
Mary Bono Mack (CA) (202) 225-5330
Mike Castle (DE) (202) 225-4165
Mark Kirk (IL) (202) 225-4835
Leonard Lance (NJ) (202) 225-5361
Frank LoBiondo (NJ) (202) 225-6572
John McHugh (NY) (202) 225-4611
Dave Reichert (WA) (202) 225-7761
Chris Smith (NJ) (202) 225-3765
The Carbonated Congress
-"Wall Street Journal", July 3, 2009
President Obama is calling the climate bill that the House passed last week an "extraordinary" achievement, and so it is. The 1,200-page wonder manages the supreme feat of being both hugely expensive while doing almost nothing to reduce carbon emissions.
The Washington press corps is playing the bill's 219-212 passage as a political triumph, even though one of five Democrats voted against it. The real story is what Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House baron Henry Waxman and the President himself had to concede to secure even that eyelash margin among the House's liberal majority. Not even Tom DeLay would have imagined the extravaganza of log-rolling, vote-buying, outright corporate bribes, side deals, subsidies and policy loopholes. Every green goal, even taken on its own terms, was watered down or given up for the sake of political rents.
Begin with the supposed point of the exercise -- i.e., creating an artificial scarcity of carbon in the name of climate change. The House trimmed Mr. Obama's favored 25% reduction by 2020 to 17% in order to win over Democrats leery of imposing a huge upfront tax on their constituents; then they raised the reduction to 83% in the out-years to placate the greens. Even that 17% is not binding, since it would be largely reached with so-called offsets, through which some businesses subsidize others to make emissions reductions that probably would have happened anyway.
Even if the law works as intended, over the next decade or two real U.S. greenhouse emissions might be reduced by 2% compared to business as usual. However, consumers would still face higher prices for electric power, transportation and most goods and services as this inefficient and indirect tax flowed down the energy chain.
The sound bite is that this policy would only cost households "a postage stamp a day." But that's true only as long as the program doesn't really cut emissions. The goal here is to tell voters they'll pay nothing in order to get the cap-and-tax bureaucracy in place -- even though the whole idea is to raise prices to change American behavior. At the same time -- wink, wink -- Democrats tell the greens they can tighten the emissions vise gradually over time.
Meanwhile, Congress had to bribe every business or interest that could afford a competent lobbyist. Carbon permits are valuable, yet the House says only 28% of the allowances would be auctioned off; the rest would be given away. In March, White House budget director Peter Orszag told Congress that "If you didn't auction the permit, it would represent the largest corporate welfare program that has ever been enacted in the history of the United States."
Naturally, Democrats did exactly that. To avoid windfall profits, they then chose to control prices, asking state regulators to require utilities to use the free permits to insulate ratepayers from price increases. (This also obviates the anticarbon incentives, but never mind.) Auctions would reduce political favoritism and interference, as well as provide revenue to cut taxes to offset higher energy costs. But auctions don't buy votes.
Then there was the peace treaty signed with Agriculture Chairman Colin Peterson, which banned the EPA from studying the carbon produced by corn ethanol and transferred farm emissions to the Ag Department, which mainly exists to defend farm subsidies. Not to mention the 310-page trade amendment that was introduced at 3:09 a.m. When Congress voted on the bill later that day, the House clerk didn't even have an official copy.
The revisions were demanded by coal-dependent Rust Belt Democrats to require tariffs on goods from countries that don't also reduce their emissions. Democrats were thus admitting that the critics are right that this new energy tax would send U.S. jobs overseas. But instead of voting no, their price for voting yes is to impose another tax on imports from China and India, among others. So a Smoot-Hawley green tariff is now official Democratic policy.
Mr. Obama's lobbyists first acquiesced to this tariff change to get the bill passed. Afterwards the President said he disliked "sending any protectionist signals" amid a world recession, but he refused to say whether this protectionism was enough to veto the bill. Then in a Saturday victory lap, he talked about green jobs and a new clean energy economy, but he made no reference to cap and trade -- no doubt because he knows that energy taxes are unpopular and that the bill faces an even tougher slog in the Senate.
Mr. Obama wants something tangible to take to the U.N. climate confab in Denmark in December, but the more important issue is what this exercise says about his approach to governance. The President seems to believe that the Carter and Clinton Presidencies failed by fighting too much with Democrats in Congress. So his solution is to abdicate his agenda to Congress -- first the stimulus, now cap and trade, and soon health care. We wish he had told us he was running to be Prime Minister.
See also:
Stop The Madness That's Killing Jobs, "Investors Business Daily", July 2, 20009
"National Health Insurance, 'Cap and Trade': Two Steps in the Wrong Direction" by Peter Schiff, June 28, 2009"...[U]nder my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket...So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
-Barack Hussein Obama
"...I chose my friends carefully...the Marxist Professors and the structural feminists..."
-Barack Hussein Obama
"I hope he fails."
-Rush Limbaugh
Me too, Rush. Me too. Or God help us all...
Restore our beloved founding father's vision of America: A haven of liberty where individual freedom is protected from tyranny by the U.S. Constitution.
De-throne King Obama and make his Marxists minions extinct forever.
Fire. Them. All. Join the Revolution!