Thursday, December 14, 2006

Open Discussion

Until I can find or create something interesting to discuss.


IrOnY RaGeD said...

Found this comment on another blog,

"It is unfortunate that the guiltless die in war. No doubt we killed many Germans who opposed Hitler in their hearts. But how are we to know? Is it our responsibility to make these very fine moral determinations during war? Moreover, these people opposed Hitler in their hearts but not in their actions. They may have grumbled to their wives but their work and money supported evil. How righteous does that make them?

The moral logic of this post troubles me because it either paralyzes us or sets us up to fail. If we can't risk killing the guiltless and we can't guarantee the guilt of those we kill, then we are reduced to killing no one. That's no way to fight a war.

Johnny moo moo said...

War is never a picnic Volt! Sadly, I have to agree with your logic.

However, there may be an alternative to this dilema. Before any bombing campaign, simply approach each and every house, knock on the door, and kindly ask the civilians residing there if he/she is guilty of supporting evil, thus, allowing the armed forces to target the correct individuals ensuring only the guilty will perish during war.

As for this statement:

"Moreover, these people opposed Hitler in their hearts but not in their actions."

Unable to protest legally, how does the little guy civily oppose tyranny without ending up in some camp, gulag, or industrial shredder?

And, remember, the German people were slowly conditioned/fooled with promises of peace, therefore, how does the little guy morally choose the correct action/time to use the only alternative he has left........assassination?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Hiya Johnny!, Sorry I didn't answer right away. I been working, today I had to go to Kenosha Wisconsin. Just got home...

Good to hear from you though. How do you like this format? Hopefully between you, me and FF we can get something going here. I want to invite TT as well but he doesn't have an email that I know of and I don't want to openly post this addy on Lydia's blog. (I don't care if they eventually find out, but I'm not gonna come right out and tell 'em...LOL)

Johnny moo moo said...


Im sorry!

Inspired by your vehemence, I did go to the Cheeto blog and suggest your blog to our friendly associates.

I must admit, I like Lydias format much better.......its what Im used to I guess.

And, working is no! Collect welfare- invent incredible excuses- and live off of other peoples back breaking work. Perhaps one day you too can post 24/7 on celebrity blogs?

Worf thats the best joke I heard all year. Seriously, think about it carefully. He's dumber than a bucket of rocks.

Tall Texan said...

Test. if you can see this, I can post.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I see ya. I turned the "comments" section to "anybody" can post from "only registered members".

I'm still figuring this out...

Do you like the comments in a pop up like this or do you prefer a full page like Lydia's?

Johnny moo moo said...

Hey TT, thanx for dropping by. Perhaps Volt forgot to mention it but every repub who drops in to this blog recieves a back bacon sandwich, a pack of smokes, and a bottle of Moosehead beer to wash it all down.

Anyways, while I am no PETA activist or anything like that, I do enjoy the company of animals whom we share this planet with; our human arrogance neglects to comprehend that we dont own this ant farm.

Have you ever seen a Moose swimming in a crystal clear blue lake or a bear climbing a mountain? I have and its pretty cool to see them in their natural habitat.

Im very proud of Lil Miss Moo Moo. This summer, on her own initiative, she hopped on her bike and pedalled to the local auditorium to protest a circus/animal show by placing leaflets on all the car windshields of the spectators. She printed the leaflets herself and had no guidance from me whatsoever. This was all her idea and effort 100%.

WARNING.........this video is not for the faint of heart. EXTREME red pill! This video is NOT for people who consume blue pills on a regular basis.


I only wish they could write down how they feel on this blog. Of course, thats if they had the luxury of choice that is.

"Choice is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without."

Tall Texan said...

TalllTexan said...
Volt, I tried to post on your site, but the beta version won't let me.

Here is my comment:

Hi, JMM. Did I say you were being hard on Lydia? If I did, I apologize, but I don't recall saying it.

Those characters on her blog have their mind made up that America is evil, etc, etc. Nothing is perfect, but Worf has things all wrong. He certainly has tends to obsess about other people's parentage and whether someone actually has a son or daughter. IMHO, this obsession borders on the psychopathic.

I hope you have a good time in Mexico. We were there last year and had a wonderful time. We may go skiing this year.

Volt, I trid to log in on your other thread here, but my firewall said that "this object is blocked." Is there a big difference between the regular blogger accounts and beta.blogger?"

6:19 PM

TalllTexan said...
JMM, I think I even suggested that I didn't think you were using any other handles, just based on a general hunch, and also based on the patterns of punctuation.

If I can reconfigure my firewall or if Volt changes to the non-beta version, I'll try again tomorrow to post a comment there.

Carl, I never stated my religious affilliation, but thanks for the holiday greeting - if you were sincere. A "Merry Christmas" would be equally welcome. You followed it up with some foul words directed to me, so I am dubious as to your sincerity.

6:27 PM

Tall Texan said...

TalllTexan said...
Volt, I tried to post on your site, but the beta version won't let me.

Here is my comment:

Hi, JMM. Did I say you were being hard on Lydia? If I did, I apologize, but I don't recall saying it.

Those characters on her blog have their mind made up that America is evil, etc, etc. Nothing is perfect, but Worf has things all wrong. He certainly has tends to obsess about other people's parentage and whether someone actually has a son or daughter. IMHO, this obsession borders on the psychopathic.

I hope you have a good time in Mexico. We were there last year and had a wonderful time. We may go skiing this year.

Volt, I trid to log in on your other thread here, but my firewall said that "this object is blocked." Is there a big difference between the regular blogger accounts and beta.blogger?"

6:19 PM

TalllTexan said...
JMM, I think I even suggested that I didn't think you were using any other handles, just based on a general hunch, and also based on the patterns of punctuation.

If I can reconfigure my firewall or if Volt changes to the non-beta version, I'll try again tomorrow to post a comment there.

Carl, I never stated my religious affilliation, but thanks for the holiday greeting - if you were sincere. A "Merry Christmas" would be equally welcome. You followed it up with some foul words directed to me, so I am dubious as to your sincerity.

6:27 PM

Tall Texan said...

Volt, I think I like Lydia's blog template better - not for reasons of asthetics, but I generally have my pop up blocker on, and also because this style use active scripting, which I usually have turned off as well.

When I first tried to post here, it gave me a weird page of text that started out with what appears to be your email address.

I'll post it here, but only after I comb through it to make sure there is no personally identifying information on it, unless you object. I'll "X" out your email address.

Freedom Fan said...

Hi Volt,

Thanks for inviting me to your new blog. Hey if you bail from Lydia's blog those bubble brains will be hurtin for certain.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Thanks guys, Seems that blogger is forcing all new blogs onto the beta site. They say that soon they will move the old blogs to this new one and then drop the "beta" handle.

That said, there is an option to revert the template to the old style within the "beta" format.

I kinda like the comments in a popup window, but will turn it off for TT.

I'm still playing with the template and trying to figure out how to use my own images for the background.

Hopefully when I get a look that I really like I can start to post some content.

Johnny moo moo said...

Gentlemen, its open discussion and I have raised what I feel is an important subject.......certainly theirs more to life than Cheney and Coulter?

Did you guys watch the video? I understand if you didnt......I myself turned away many times.

But, I feel our inability to view the truth halts awareness, thus ultimately leading to the ongoing torture of these poor creatures.

I watched your video FF of the muslim woman being stoned......not pretty, but, it was this awareness that led me to sign the petition you admirably pointed out.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Here's something I'm working on.

I'd like to make the header stationary and get everything to scroll under it eventually...

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I think I'm done makin it purty for awhile...deleted test blog.

Now on to content.


IrOnY RaGeD said...

Sorry TT!, I'm gonna put the comments back on pop up. I like that better, sides, you'll be able to see how cool my blog looks at the same time....LOL

Freedom Fan said...

I watched your video FF of the muslim woman being stoned......not pretty, but, it was this awareness that led me to sign the petition you admirably pointed out.

I believe this kinda public pressure has had an effect in reducing public stonings of these poor young women. Thanks for contributing your voice, Johnny.