I encourage healthy debate, even rowdy and bawdy barfights. However, comments in EXTREMELY poor taste and/or regarding someones family, loved ones or uninvolved third parties will be summarilly deleted.
Please keep personal attacks specific to the person you are attacking.
By the way feel free to comment as you wish. I won't delete you unless you get personal about my boy. That I won't tolerate. You can say whatever you like about me though.
I don't think they're the same person Johnny, but not only does he have access to her blog via being a "team member", he also HAS to have her log-in and password.
It also means Lydia lied earlier about having worf tell her "friend" who to delete. And WORF is the one who exposed her.
He couldn't have deleted "bbq"'s posts so quickly if he had to relay everything through a "friend".
Worf showed his hand. He's TOTALLY completely in charge over there. Lydia may have oversight, but he's the day to day management right down to her online identity.
It also makes me wonder if he's orchastrated this whole thing about IP blocking to consolidate his power. We know he's a celebrity stalker from his little bouts with Weslsy Crusher. (Wil Wheaton)
Whoever was doing the "blocking" got me once or twice too with the "not accepting posts" message, but mostly the page just refuses to load, or I get a 404 error.
I hope Lydia knows what she's doing, Worf may just take her places she doesn't want to go.
Not only that, but considering his software/internet security knowledge who among ALL of us would be better equipped to do such a thing?
He's taken great pride in telling us all just how much he knows in that field, then over the past few months IP's have been blocked?
Would Mike or Clif or even Carl KNOW wether it was Worf or not? He could lie about his own and blame everyone else's on US. Thereby getting Lydia to turn it all over to him.
But we DO know you have Lydia's log-in and password now. Thank you for that.
I caught the one before this one too, but it got deleted too quickly. Also, it didn't have the telling response of having "Lydia" refer to herself in the third and first person in the same posting.
I warned you guys along time ago on TT's blog that she was sneaky.
I was always a civil debater prior to Worfs unwarranted attack on my offspring, and his dictating what Mike and I could discuss on the blog.
I am guilty of defending my 14 yo daughters honor and nothing more.
Lydia, who sent my offspring her love via e-mail, seemed to CONVENIENTLY miss Worfs dozens of vile posts attacking me and my daughter; I became more suspicious of her true motives.
I have been rewarded unkindly for pointing out her immoral attitude in failing to scold him publicly and for failing to defend an innocent she claims she (LOL)loves.
Actually, I was scolded by Lydia for failing to forgive Worf immediately........sorry, I will choose to forgive someone when I feel the time is right!!!
Naturally, she has no choice but to attack my character in a nefarious effort to protect her christian status......she has her sights set on me for this stupid hacker scenario.
She has never responded to my my generous offers of additional information regarding my person??? Instead I get some stupid rainbow or Jesus crap!
And now, she rewards Worf by giving him complete control of her blog.........WTF?????
Those two work together much more than you can possibly imagine....trust me!
Im proud of myself though for never bowing to their bullshit or trying to appease Lydia.
I work hard and have taken on a big responsibiltiy in life by raising a kid - but Im confused? How is it that a slanderous Cheeto muncher gets all the rewards?????
Remember ancient Rome? If a subject of a foriegn kingdom killed just ONE Roman citizen, Rome would kill ONE THOUSAND of their subjects ... Well, its the same here. If just ONE of our people get locked out, then ALL of the right wing trolls get locked out for the rest of the night. IF they don't like it, too freakin bad. What do you think Clif? Think they learned? Should we let them babble some more? Tell you what trolls. We'll lift the ban, TEMPORARILY, but if ONE more person gets locked out of the blog this evening, we won't be hearing from any of you till tomorrow. Clear it up any? You play nice, we'll play nice. -Wharfeus Rateus, lib emperor
Can you believe how insecure are these lib weasels? Now WR thinks he's Caesar or Napoleon or perhaps a little Adolf ... tenderizer I mean. Since he's chased away all the gals with his temper tantrums, he's had to settle for tenderizing his meat.
Great work, Volt. Here's a thought: If WR is such a genius, how come he posted under Lydia's ID? Hmmmm?
Actually one does not have to be a computer genius to understand that the whole "locking out" nonsense is bogus. Even Carl figured out that you would hafta be nuts to believe that someone could foil Google.
Google is the largest, most successful internet site of all, so their security must be ironclad; they employ real computer geniuses, not wannabes like WR. Can you imagine what news, that their security had been breached, would do to their stock price? This is just another goofy conspiracy theory like the whole Diebold drivel.
What I have learned from blogging with these libs for a year or so, is that they will say and do anything without any qualms whatsoever. They have no honor; they have no integrity; they are not trustworthy.
I doubt whether WR would hesitate before smearing Conservatives in order to become Lydia's blog tyrant.
"On June 2, a combined force of local, provincial and federal police arrested 15 young Muslim men, including five minors, in the Toronto area. Those 15, and two others who have been in jail since last August, are accused of plotting terrorist attacks on various targets in Ontario. If convicted, they could be sentenced to life in prison."
Hmmmmmmmmmm........so this is how muslims thank Canada for allowing them freedom in a democratic society.
Perhaps if were were to adopt a few of their customs.....like stone our women.........they might not plot to blow up the CN Tower?
Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business law, contract law, sexuality, and social issues. Some Islamic scholars accept Sharia as the body of precedent and legal theory established before the 19th century, while other scholars view Sharia as a changing body, and include Islamic legal theory from the contemporary period."
And Worf? I know you haven't worked for Lydia all along.
I remember the posts just last year where you TOLD her you could help with her blog and security.
Kinda like you did with Wheaton.
You gained her trust somewhere along the way. Which is between you and she. I personally don't care, but for someone accusing others of subterfuge and malicious intent you're sure revelling in your abilities now huh? And Clif too.
And, I also remember when you called into "Young Turks"..........Lydia bragged she had a thousand posts while you were yakking about illusions.....ooopps.....I mean religion.
That was no pre-determined event.....100% authentic!
This is getting really funny now, Clif is now claiming it was I who impersonated Lydia just to make Worf look bad...
Also I notice that they've somehow turned off the ability to delete your own posts. I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that here so they can't UN-incriminate themselves...
Now it's all something I made up to discredit Worf and disrupt the blog. He's just covering his ass cause he knows Lydia would be pissed. And they are talking and emailing each other. They know damn well whats going on between them.
Piss on all of 'em. All of 'em. They aren't interested in truth or anyones innocence. They just want to hate and ban and delete.
Screw it. I'm tired of being accused of something I didn't do, or being someone I'm not. They can have it.
And if they want to come here, that's fine. Let 'em have it with both barrels.
Or maybe I've worked for her all along, and you knuckleheads were too stupid to figure it out? -WR
Apparently WR is Ms. Cornell's girlfriend. Musta happened shortly after PP dumped him. Notice that nowhere does WR deny that he has usurped Ms. Cornell's ID. He's not mad at any supposed "imposter". On the contrary, he's quite proud.
This is the same loser who has been booted off a half a dozen friendly blogs. There's a reason for that:
All he does is stream foul language and throw tantrums like a toddler. He is so insecure that he must be the center of attention and monopolizes the blog. Since he has no life, it's common to find 8 or 9 posts in a row from this same psycho. Now he has been given control over who can comment. Amazing.
It's tuff to imagine trusting worf to police my yard for dog poo, much less entrusting him with my blog. Apparently some folks must learn the hard way.
What I fing interesting is now they're attempting to blame this on me.
There are a few possibilities I suppose,
A. Lydia KNOWS Worf has her ID, and DOESN'T know Worf is using it maliciously. (in which case he and the rest are trying desperately to cover his ass)
B. Lydia KNOWS Worf has her ID, and KNOWS full well how Worf is using it. (in which case she has lied about it several times now)
C. Lydia DOESN'T KNOW Worf has her ID. (in which case he and the rest are STILL trying desperately to cover his ass)
There is simply no doubt that he DOES HAVE HER ID. He's been quite gleeful in his newfound abilities, even though Lydia claims he doesn't have that power.
Oh one thing I forgot to mention regarding Worf being the one doing the blocking, while googling info on how to build this blog I found a page about "IP blocking" on your blog if you're the administrator. It's for blocking spambots and malaprops and such.
If you have the ability to type into the template, you CAN IP block.
"I don't know about you, but I'm starting to believe Johnny may have been telling the truth."
Its ok Volt, I understand women have a certain undeniable believability over men when it pertains to justice.......they know this and use it towards their advantage.
When my ex-wife assaulted our daughter at age ten I called the police......they came, but did nothing. However, had I myself performed this same assault I can assure you a billion times over I would have been quickly arrested and handcuffed.
Personally, while I have enjoyed the jousting with that bunch, I'd rather not do it while Worf is in charge over there. It's kind of like getting into a boxing match where the referee is also your opponent. -Tall Texan
One does not need to be a computer whiz to realize that the servers at Google can not be easily hacked; all that is necessary is using common sense -- something not very common with libs.
I personally have never been "locked out" except when someone was apparently performing some blog maintenance, and I have commented from several different computers.
It is possible that technical errors have occassionally been encountered by some. But it is also possible that these libs have simply lied in order to justify censoring Conservative comments.
I consider the latter more likely. All you have to do is witness the enthusiastic cheering for censorship by BG, thu, MM, GIJ, LL and WR.
I doubt there was ever a "girlfriend" conduit. What girlfriend would want to be bothered with worf's ranting? Wouldn't any "girlfriend" who was involved also be commenting on the blog, especially now that the Conservatives have bailed? As Volt pointed out, how could the girlfriend have responded so quickly to delete opposition comments? Now Volt's screen capture demonstrates that worf was really in charge all along, as worf confirms:
Or maybe I've worked for her all along, and you knuckleheads were too stupid to figure it out?
Anyway, as TT says, there is no point in having a debate in which your opponent is also the referee.
I believe what actually happened is that Ms. Cornell wanted to censor the opposition, but did not want to sully her hands with the deed. She needed credible deniability; Worf is simply her proxy.
As every story teller knows, controversy is stimulating; an environment, in which everyone agrees, is boring. So they are stuck with a vapid blog of peace, love, Christianity sans belief in anthropomorphic God, and rabid Republican loathing.
Ms. Cornell's goofy definition of "fear" is "False Evidence Appearing Real". For liberals, a better definition might be "Fresh Evidence Abrogating Reality".
Libs are gripped by fear when someone challenges their pseudo religious "reality". It is no accident that almost all lib forums are also tightly controlled echo chambers. Libs do not possess the emotional or mental capability to long survive in an open marketplace of ideas.
Volt, I'll check in here from time to time. This whole kabuki dance that Lydia and Worf are putting on is about as dishonest as you get. Like you said, Volt, if he is wrong about you, then one has to ask What else is he wrong about?
If Worf didn't actually accuse me of being a hacker or being in league with the hackers (if there are any to begin with), he certainly suggested it a few times, and, like you said, I KNOW that I wasn't part of any hacking, but proving that is another matter.
Lydia lied for all the reasons you oultlined, above, but she also, several months ago, said that she would never give her password to anyone. Well, now we know that that is a lie as well.
Personally, while I have enjoyed the jousting with that bunch, I'd rather not do it while Worf is in charge over there. It's kind of like getting into a boxing match where the referee is also your opponent.
Notice how Worf demands screen shots of the lockout screens? Well, where are his screen shots? Bit of a double standard I'd say.
My best guess is that what what is happening is that with all the volume, there's an occasional glitch, OR, Blogger may have some profile of that may include volume and frequency of comments posted, refresh rates, and it may profile posters based on catagories of key words, which may include curse words, or words associated threats, and after Carl threatening me with deadly force, perhaps that triggered a tripwire. WHO REALLY KNOWS. I think we've all been locked out at different times.
Oh wow. I just lurked over at the echo chamber and BG and MM are having a circuitous discussion about early memory or something. I can't quite follow, since after 30 or so comments there still doesn't seem to be any point. BG is easily the most boring blogger alive. One time he offered to show WR his parents' garden pictures. Zzzzzz. He even makes GIJ look interesting.
TT, I will post the URL if I can. Do you mean of the comment section? Do you mean here? Because I really don't want to post over there anymore either...LOL
Hi, Volt, yes I was just referring to the comment section, and I was just asking you could post it on the current thread when a new one opens (here, of course!) Many thanks, TT.
You know, I have been thinking about it and on a slow blog where the posts are fewer a far between this might be a good format. But when it's moving fast, it's hard to refresh the page in a pop up.
Gawd, I hope all Brits aren't as boring as their food and BG. The vacuous goofball says he had that same stimulating conversation with his wife. She proly went screaming from the room with a case of fatal boredrum. Geez, what a charming ladies man; no wonder BG must turn to lib boys for any hope of receiving carnal knowledge. I do hope he is gentle with young MM since he's proly a virgin who lives with his mom and pet hamster.
I like this format much better.....it loads faster and is easier to read. I had one devil of a time posting last nite.
Volt said
Oh and Johnny, I'm sorry.
It's just Lydia has always been so nice to me, and it was hard to think she could be that underhanded."
LOL.....no apology needed! We all react differently according to each others behavior/personalities through differing degrees of acceptance and character compatibility.
"The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others."
"Cheetos are a crunchy, cheese-flavored snack made from extruded cornmeal. Introduced by Frito-Lay in 1948, they currently sell about one billion bags per year in a number of countries. In some markets they are popular enough that the word "Cheetos" is often used as a generic term for any similar cheese puffs snack food, but it is, in fact, trademarked by the Frito-Lay company.
Cheetos are made in many different styles. There are "Crunchy Cheetos", which are fried. Some Cheetos are baked in ovens; for instance, Cheetos Puffs, Cheetos Twists, Cheetos Paws, and Cheetos Whirls are all "finished dryed" in very large throughput ovens. Contents One of the more popular varieties of Cheetos are "Flamin' Hot Cheetos", which are covered in a spicy powder. They also come in "Flamin' Hot Cheetos con Limon", which are also flavored with lime.
A distinguishing feature of snacks in this genre is their tendency to turn the eater's fingers orange or red. This is due to the powdered dyes used to color the corn tubes. In 2005, Holiday Cheetos Twists were introduced, which were made to turn the eater's tongue green. Natural Cheetos contain no dye or food coloring and do not contain artificial flavors or preservatives. Nutritionally, they are similar to other Cheetos snacks though.
The manufacturing process does not create uniform pieces. At times, exceptionally large Cheetos have been sold on eBay. The largest of note is about the size of a lemon, weighs half an ounce, and is preserved and on display in Algona, Iowa."
I'm tempted to tell Worf that BG's secular progressive religion is "Godless". -Volt
LOL. Perhaps WR is a Coulter fan after all.
Yes I see the method to the madness now. BG wanted to sell atheism, but it took him about 100 tedious comments to get there. What a mental giant.
Obviously the SPs want to wallow in perversion without criticism from the religious folks, so they must demonize the religious folks in order to cleanse their consciences. BG fancies himself some kinda uber-genius, but this is the routine fare of Air (head) America radio.
To their credit, the libs in the echo chamber were having none of that. So BG had to apologize and shuffle off in shame. Big yawn.
I was baptized and raised Lutheran by my mother. After she died me and my father pretty much quit going to church.
I'm definetly "non-practicing" but I guess I still believe.
I base that on the fact that whenever I've been close to, or about to be in a serious accident, I tend to pray to Jesus.
I'll probably end up in hell though because as soon as I realize the crash is inevitable, I tend to start babbling every cuss word I know and then make up some right up until impact.
You do KNOW for a fact of course that for billions of years before you walked into the Quickie mart to buy your bag of Cheetos that they existed in a state of nothingness. And after their brief passage through your body, they will return to a state of nothingness.
It is only a myth that post-consumption they go to an eternal Cheetopia.
Or if they tasted bad to Chell...
The theory of an eternal "maise" cannot be proven with Science.
That's ok Johnny. It was MANY years ago when I was 10. Sad to say but other than many brief flashes of images in my mind, I have no real memories of her.
"You do KNOW for a fact of course that for billions of years before you walked into the Quickie mart to buy your bag of Cheetos that they existed in a state of nothingness."
Impossible..... Cheetos, are in fact, a direct result of the "Big Bang Theory?"
Beyond this, I have no idea where Cheetos existed?
Trying to understand Cheetos? The stalks were sewn by a cult who were essentially trying to INVADE THE CORNFIELD. And when Wheat zealots had their asses handed to them by the Soybeans c.70 in the Wheat Thins revolt all of a sudden new stalks are created - this time calling for a 'meek, mild Cheesiah' that doesn't call for soy-based alternatives - the one Cheetoians beieve is real today. Trying to understand Cheetos? They were doing anything but!
A simpleton with no sense of humor who attempts to make others feel inferior by way of speculating that our fun contributes nothing to mankind because its not intelligent enough for him.
Cliffy really gets my goat though and I know I shouldn't let him.
He keeps refering to MY "fraud" last night. He and Worf are the ring leaders in this. HE KNOWS it was a set up. He knows that his butt buddy Worf is doing this. THEY BOTH KNOW I haven't done ANYTHING like they've suggested.
But being the Pious christian ass he is, he's perfectly fine with maligning and lying about his fellow man.
Like I said last night, I get tired of being accused of things I haven't done, or being someone I'm not. ESPECIALLY by these pompus assholes who are the ones themselves that are pulling all the bullshit.
Now looks like BG has gone to bed, but WR is still debating him, and the pathetic psycho is working himself into a frenzied rage with each successive solo post. LOL. What a piece of work. Wharf Rat the Blog Czar, defender of Free Speech. Bwahahaha.
Actually Volt, your last topic was excellent; I feel kinda guilty that I hijacked it. I really intended to comment because I have mixed feelings about the swearing on a quran thing.
My first instinct was to permit it in the interest of religious freedom, but I really don't want the quran anywhere near our lawmakers, lest they get some ideas about implementing sharia. So I think it's either the Bible or nothing; that's our tradition. If they don't want to swear on a Bible, then they don't need to swear on anything.
When she lies and then releases the hell hounds to smear and malign people it affects ALL of us.
AND ALL of our names have been drug through the mud over there. YOU have, Johnny has, and now me.
I know I won't forget it. I was just telling Johnny I'm gonna keep those screen shots in the side bar at the top just to remind them we know what they've done.
I don't know about you, but I get REAL pissed off when somebody lies about me and then sets me up.
Libs are such losers: They don't like football, weak sense of humor, slow on the uptake, quick to anger because they take themselves so seriously, not interested in nor attractive to babes, full of anger toward imaginary bigots and whine like victims.
They are really not very nice folks -- not cool guys you'd ever want to hang with.
Well, now we know. He's much more than just a "team member".
LOL he deleted it quickly though hoping no one would notice.
Hi dolty boy, how is the fuck each other blog going son?
very interesting eh Cliffy?
By the way feel free to comment as you wish. I won't delete you unless you get personal about my boy. That I won't tolerate.
You can say whatever you like about me though.
Chill out Cliff........take a deep breath and stay calm!
BTW Volt, good find......seems Lydia and Worf are the same person all this time.
I don't think they're the same person Johnny, but not only does he have access to her blog via being a "team member", he also HAS to have her log-in and password.
It also means Lydia lied earlier about having worf tell her "friend" who to delete. And WORF is the one who exposed her.
He couldn't have deleted "bbq"'s posts so quickly if he had to relay everything through a "friend".
Worf showed his hand. He's TOTALLY completely in charge over there. Lydia may have oversight, but he's the day to day management right down to her online identity.
It also makes me wonder if he's orchastrated this whole thing about IP blocking to consolidate his power. We know he's a celebrity stalker from his little bouts with Weslsy Crusher. (Wil Wheaton)
Whoever was doing the "blocking" got me once or twice too with the "not accepting posts" message, but mostly the page just refuses to load, or I get a 404 error.
I hope Lydia knows what she's doing, Worf may just take her places she doesn't want to go.
Volt said
"It also means Lydia lied earlier about having worf tell her "friend" who to delete"
There is a God!!!
Alas......Im not alone anymore in what Ive known for months! Believe me Volt, you dont know half of it!
Not only that, but considering his software/internet security knowledge who among ALL of us would be better equipped to do such a thing?
He's taken great pride in telling us all just how much he knows in that field, then over the past few months IP's have been blocked?
Would Mike or Clif or even Carl KNOW wether it was Worf or not? He could lie about his own and blame everyone else's on US. Thereby getting Lydia to turn it all over to him.
Volt said
"It also makes me wonder if he's orchastrated this whole thing about IP blocking to consolidate his power"
OUTSTANDING.........Ive been very suspicious of this for months??? Lets face it, Worf is neurotic with an extremely controlling personality....period!
And you call us conspiracy theorists.
You're all nuts.
Maybe Worf, maybe.
But we DO know you have Lydia's log-in and password now.
Thank you for that.
I caught the one before this one too, but it got deleted too quickly. Also, it didn't have the telling response of having "Lydia" refer to herself in the third and first person in the same posting.
Can you say "busted"?
I knew you could.
There you go Clif. Just for you.
If you want to bury the thread fine. Just make sure everyone knows just WHO it is.
Ask and ye shall receive.
I warned you guys along time ago on TT's blog that she was sneaky.
I was always a civil debater prior to Worfs unwarranted attack on my offspring, and his dictating what Mike and I could discuss on the blog.
I am guilty of defending my 14 yo daughters honor and nothing more.
Lydia, who sent my offspring her love via e-mail, seemed to CONVENIENTLY miss Worfs dozens of vile posts attacking me and my daughter; I became more suspicious of her true motives.
I have been rewarded unkindly for pointing out her immoral attitude in failing to scold him publicly and for failing to defend an innocent she claims she (LOL)loves.
Actually, I was scolded by Lydia for failing to forgive Worf immediately........sorry, I will choose to forgive someone when I feel the time is right!!!
Naturally, she has no choice but to attack my character in a nefarious effort to protect her christian status......she has her sights set on me for this stupid hacker scenario.
She has never responded to my my generous offers of additional information regarding my person??? Instead I get some stupid rainbow or Jesus crap!
And now, she rewards Worf by giving him complete control of her blog.........WTF?????
Those two work together much more than you can possibly imagine....trust me!
Im proud of myself though for never bowing to their bullshit or trying to appease Lydia.
I work hard and have taken on a big responsibiltiy in life by raising a kid - but Im confused? How is it that a slanderous Cheeto muncher gets all the rewards?????
I don't know what went on with you and Lydia. She's always been at the very least civil with me, and mostly nice.
However like most of us, she does seem not to see in herself or those who agree with her, the things they see in us.
Like Pogo once said, "We've seen the enemy and it's us."
I just hope she knows Worf well enough for the trust she's showing in him, I know I wouldn't.
Remember ancient Rome? If a subject of a foriegn kingdom killed just ONE Roman citizen, Rome would kill ONE THOUSAND of their subjects ... Well, its the same here. If just ONE of our people get locked out, then ALL of the right wing trolls get locked out for the rest of the night. IF they don't like it, too freakin bad.
What do you think Clif? Think they learned? Should we let them babble some more? Tell you what trolls. We'll lift the ban, TEMPORARILY, but if ONE more person gets locked out of the blog this evening, we won't be hearing from any of you till tomorrow. Clear it up any? You play nice, we'll play nice.
-Wharfeus Rateus, lib emperor
Can you believe how insecure are these lib weasels? Now WR thinks he's Caesar or Napoleon or perhaps a little Adolf ... tenderizer I mean. Since he's chased away all the gals with his temper tantrums, he's had to settle for tenderizing his meat.
Nevertheless, it is the repubs civilty that has always impressed me......I slowly noticed this over a long period of time.
I wouldnt want some emotional, out of control, rectum stretcher, leading my country......LOL!
It would appear that Ms. Cornell owes everyone an explanation for what appears to be a blatant lie. Perhaps my high regard for her is not justified.
Oh, and FF, you have fought very valiantly.......Kudos!
I was kinda lookin forward to Lydias new blog so we could post without fear of being labelled hackers or impersonators.
Worfs the hacker.....hes in looooooove!
Thanx JMM. But c'mon it was easy. After all they're only libs.
Sorry if I'm in and out here for awhile. I'm auditing 4th quarter fuel taxes. I just got lucky when I captured that screenshot.
Did you get the email FF?
Great work, Volt. Here's a thought: If WR is such a genius, how come he posted under Lydia's ID? Hmmmm?
Actually one does not have to be a computer genius to understand that the whole "locking out" nonsense is bogus. Even Carl figured out that you would hafta be nuts to believe that someone could foil Google.
Google is the largest, most successful internet site of all, so their security must be ironclad; they employ real computer geniuses, not wannabes like WR. Can you imagine what news, that their security had been breached, would do to their stock price? This is just another goofy conspiracy theory like the whole Diebold drivel.
What I have learned from blogging with these libs for a year or so, is that they will say and do anything without any qualms whatsoever. They have no honor; they have no integrity; they are not trustworthy.
I doubt whether WR would hesitate before smearing Conservatives in order to become Lydia's blog tyrant.
Yes, I did get the email, Volt. Thank you.
"On June 2, a combined force of local, provincial and federal police arrested 15 young Muslim men, including five minors, in the Toronto area. Those 15, and two others who have been in jail since last August, are accused of plotting terrorist attacks on various targets in Ontario. If convicted, they could be sentenced to life in prison."
Hmmmmmmmmmm........so this is how muslims thank Canada for allowing them freedom in a democratic society.
Perhaps if were were to adopt a few of their customs.....like stone our women.........they might not plot to blow up the CN Tower?
JMM, you guys recently dodged the bullet when the Islamists recently tried to implement Sharia up your way.
Hack into Google??? Im still tryin to figure out how to use my mouse?
"Sharia (شريعة translit: SharÄ«‘ah) is the body of Islamic law. The term means "way" or "path"; it is the legal framework within which public and some private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Muslim principles of jurisprudence.
Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business law, contract law, sexuality, and social issues. Some Islamic scholars accept Sharia as the body of precedent and legal theory established before the 19th century, while other scholars view Sharia as a changing body, and include Islamic legal theory from the contemporary period."
When FF? Ive never heard of this?
Listen to you goons.
You especially moo mook.
waaa waaaa waaaa.
Like a bunch of freakin girls.
You think Lydia just suddenly "trusted me" with something?
You think I just happened into her blog?
Or maybe I've worked for her all along, and you knuckleheads were too stupid to figure it out?
Who knows?
The shadow knows.
You guys are fun to read.
I thought we were bad.
Its like a pajama party in here.
I've gotta run an errand. I'll be back in about 45 minutes or so.
Not smart enough for MOO MOO Worfy........your in love... period!
Wonder if shes in love with you??
Doubt it....you have orange lips....LOL!
You should check out Lydia's blog.
Cliffy just posted under my handle, like what happened to Mike and Worf last year.
And Worf is bragging about his capabilities...LOL
Moo moo, you're as stupid as you look. If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous.
Go back and READ what I said Plato.
Actually, I believe it was you dolty, who was braggin about my capabilites.
I merely concurred the obvious.
And Worf? I know you haven't worked for Lydia all along.
I remember the posts just last year where you TOLD her you could help with her blog and security.
Kinda like you did with Wheaton.
You gained her trust somewhere along the way. Which is between you and she. I personally don't care, but for someone accusing others of subterfuge and malicious intent you're sure revelling in your abilities now huh? And Clif too.
I guess WE were the suckers.
And I still gotta go. Be back in 45 or so.
No Dice Thumper...........I clearly remember you being in awe that Lydia Cornell was actually reading your posts...LOL!
And, I also remember when you called into "Young Turks"..........Lydia bragged she had a thousand posts while you were yakking about illusions.....ooopps.....I mean religion.
That was no pre-determined event.....100% authentic!
How did we "Dodge the bullet?"
Im very curious?
I'm back.
LOL, Worfy Neutron boy genius couldn't distiguish MY posts from Clif's fake ones...
You brought up an interesting point there Johnny.
I too was hoping Lydia would get a new blog, or at least find some way to really indentify us, so we could prove our innocence.
But it wouldn't have mattered. It was a set up all along. An inside job.
This is getting really funny now, Clif is now claiming it was I who impersonated Lydia just to make Worf look bad...
Also I notice that they've somehow turned off the ability to delete your own posts. I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that here so they can't UN-incriminate themselves...
Volt said
"This is getting really funny now, Clif is now claiming it was I who impersonated Lydia just to make Worf look bad."
LOL......how convenient! Im sure its the excess Cheeto dust built up in their brain thus I feel compelled to forgive them.
Anyways Volt, Im toast and have to wake up soon to keep the economy going.
Night Johnny!
Well there it is.
Now it's all something I made up to discredit Worf and disrupt the blog. He's just covering his ass cause he knows Lydia would be pissed. And they are talking and emailing each other. They know damn well whats going on between them.
Piss on all of 'em. All of 'em.
They aren't interested in truth or anyones innocence. They just want to hate and ban and delete.
Screw it. I'm tired of being accused of something I didn't do, or being someone I'm not. They can have it.
And if they want to come here, that's fine. Let 'em have it with both barrels.
But lets make sure some comments don't get away. Like this one for instance:
Listen to you goons.
You especially moo mook.
waaa waaaa waaaa.
Like a bunch of freakin girls.
You think Lydia just suddenly "trusted me" with something?
You think I just happened into her blog?
Or maybe I've worked for her all along, and you knuckleheads were too stupid to figure it out?
January 3, 2007 10:01 PM "
And this from Lydia's:
DOLTRON: said...
So we know you have the CAPABILITY to do so maliciously IF YOU WISHED
I've got all sorts of "capabilities" genius.
Thats why you're you, and I'm me.
Or maybe I've worked for her all along, and you knuckleheads were too stupid to figure it out?
Apparently WR is Ms. Cornell's girlfriend. Musta happened shortly after PP dumped him. Notice that nowhere does WR deny that he has usurped Ms. Cornell's ID. He's not mad at any supposed "imposter". On the contrary, he's quite proud.
This is the same loser who has been booted off a half a dozen friendly blogs. There's a reason for that:
All he does is stream foul language and throw tantrums like a toddler. He is so insecure that he must be the center of attention and monopolizes the blog. Since he has no life, it's common to find 8 or 9 posts in a row from this same psycho. Now he has been given control over who can comment. Amazing.
It's tuff to imagine trusting worf to police my yard for dog poo, much less entrusting him with my blog. Apparently some folks must learn the hard way.
Hi FF! I was just gonna post another comment I don't want to lose from Lydia's "Gerald Ford" thread.
"Lydia Cornell said...
FF - No one deletes comments but me.
Worf does not have my password and there is no deleting of comments. I only delete the ones that are vile and use foul language.
8:56 AM"
I don't know about you, but I'm starting to believe Johnny may have been telling the truth.
By the way, You gonna accept that invite?...LOL
What I fing interesting is now they're attempting to blame this on me.
There are a few possibilities I suppose,
A. Lydia KNOWS Worf has her ID, and DOESN'T know Worf is using it maliciously.
(in which case he and the rest are trying desperately to cover his ass)
B. Lydia KNOWS Worf has her ID, and KNOWS full well how Worf is using it.
(in which case she has lied about it several times now)
C. Lydia DOESN'T KNOW Worf has her ID.
(in which case he and the rest are STILL trying desperately to cover his ass)
There is simply no doubt that he DOES HAVE HER ID. He's been quite gleeful in his newfound abilities, even though Lydia claims he doesn't have that power.
Oh one thing I forgot to mention regarding Worf being the one doing the blocking, while googling info on how to build this blog I found a page about "IP blocking" on your blog if you're the administrator. It's for blocking spambots and malaprops and such.
If you have the ability to type into the template, you CAN IP block.
Well, I added to the post a bit. What do you all think?
Now if they can convince Lydia to go along with them we have a complete coup de’etat.
Volt said
"I don't know about you, but I'm starting to believe Johnny may have been telling the truth."
Its ok Volt, I understand women have a certain undeniable believability over men when it pertains to justice.......they know this and use it towards their advantage.
When my ex-wife assaulted our daughter at age ten I called the police......they came, but did nothing. However, had I myself performed this same assault I can assure you a billion times over I would have been quickly arrested and handcuffed.
Personally, while I have enjoyed the jousting with that bunch, I'd rather not do it while Worf is in charge over there. It's kind of like getting into a boxing match where the referee is also your opponent.
-Tall Texan
One does not need to be a computer whiz to realize that the servers at Google can not be easily hacked; all that is necessary is using common sense -- something not very common with libs.
I personally have never been "locked out" except when someone was apparently performing some blog maintenance, and I have commented from several different computers.
It is possible that technical errors have occassionally been encountered by some. But it is also possible that these libs have simply lied in order to justify censoring Conservative comments.
I consider the latter more likely. All you have to do is witness the enthusiastic cheering for censorship by BG, thu, MM, GIJ, LL and WR.
I doubt there was ever a "girlfriend" conduit. What girlfriend would want to be bothered with worf's ranting? Wouldn't any "girlfriend" who was involved also be commenting on the blog, especially now that the Conservatives have bailed? As Volt pointed out, how could the girlfriend have responded so quickly to delete opposition comments? Now Volt's screen capture demonstrates that worf was really in charge all along, as worf confirms:
Or maybe I've worked for her all along, and you knuckleheads were too stupid to figure it out?
Anyway, as TT says, there is no point in having a debate in which your opponent is also the referee.
I believe what actually happened is that Ms. Cornell wanted to censor the opposition, but did not want to sully her hands with the deed. She needed credible deniability; Worf is simply her proxy.
As every story teller knows, controversy is stimulating; an environment, in which everyone agrees, is boring. So they are stuck with a vapid blog of peace, love, Christianity sans belief in anthropomorphic God, and rabid Republican loathing.
Ms. Cornell's goofy definition of "fear" is "False Evidence Appearing Real". For liberals, a better definition might be "Fresh Evidence Abrogating Reality".
Libs are gripped by fear when someone challenges their pseudo religious "reality". It is no accident that almost all lib forums are also tightly controlled echo chambers. Libs do not possess the emotional or mental capability to long survive in an open marketplace of ideas.
Volt, I'll check in here from time to time. This whole kabuki dance that Lydia and Worf are putting on is about as dishonest as you get. Like you said, Volt, if he is wrong about you, then one has to ask What else is he wrong about?
If Worf didn't actually accuse me of being a hacker or being in league with the hackers (if there are any to begin with), he certainly suggested it a few times, and, like you said, I KNOW that I wasn't part of any hacking, but proving that is another matter.
Lydia lied for all the reasons you oultlined, above, but she also, several months ago, said that she would never give her password to anyone. Well, now we know that that is a lie as well.
Personally, while I have enjoyed the jousting with that bunch, I'd rather not do it while Worf is in charge over there. It's kind of like getting into a boxing match where the referee is also your opponent.
Notice how Worf demands screen shots of the lockout screens? Well, where are his screen shots? Bit of a double standard I'd say.
My best guess is that what
what is happening is that with all the volume, there's an occasional glitch, OR, Blogger may have some profile of that may include volume and frequency of comments posted, refresh rates, and it may profile posters based on catagories of key words, which may include curse words, or words associated threats, and after Carl threatening me with deadly force, perhaps that triggered a tripwire. WHO REALLY KNOWS. I think we've all been locked out at different times.
Well, that's my opinion.
Volt, sorry for the double post, but I couldn't find the one where I posted the one just above.
I'll have to learn how to navigate this blog.
Volt: Small favor: When a new thread becomes active, would you mind posting the URL for it? Thanks.
Oh wow. I just lurked over at the echo chamber and BG and MM are having a circuitous discussion about early memory or something. I can't quite follow, since after 30 or so comments there still doesn't seem to be any point. BG is easily the most boring blogger alive. One time he offered to show WR his parents' garden pictures. Zzzzzz. He even makes GIJ look interesting.
Hi TT, FF.
TT, I will post the URL if I can. Do you mean of the comment section? Do you mean here? Because I really don't want to post over there anymore either...LOL
Oh and Johnny, I'm sorry.
It's just Lydia has always been so nice to me, and it was hard to think she could be that underhanded.
I'm still not sure she's aware of EVERYTHING Worf does, but it's quite obvious she knows enough to lie about her password.
Hi, Volt, yes I was just referring to the comment section, and I was just asking you could post it on the current thread when a new one opens (here, of course!) Many thanks, TT.
Comments here
Like this TT? or on the main page?
That's great, Volt. Thanks. It's just that I could not find my original comment. Thanks.
or the full URL?
Your example, a couple of posts above should do fine. Thanks again.
Tell you what, I kinda like the comments in a pop up like this, but lets have a vote.
At the end of the day I'll go with whatever the majority decides.
You know, I have been thinking about it and on a slow blog where the posts are fewer a far between this might be a good format. But when it's moving fast, it's hard to refresh the page in a pop up.
I'm starting to see the light TT, LOL.
I'll still go with the popular vote though.
(I just found a keyboard shortcut though CTRL+R)
Actually, Volt, dont' sweat it. I think I've figured the beta version out now. The way it is is fine. Thanks.
I caught part of that dialogue. One word: BORING.
Volt, the F5 key is even faster. FYI.
Volt, I find the pop-up option extremely cumbersome. I have never seen it used on another blog.
LOL well that's;
1 for
2 against...
I'll change it.
The most Johnny could do is tie it up.
LOL, just checked the echo chamber...
England, where the introverts stare at their shoes and the extroverts stare at your shoes....
Gawd, I hope all Brits aren't as boring as their food and BG. The vacuous goofball says he had that same stimulating conversation with his wife. She proly went screaming from the room with a case of fatal boredrum. Geez, what a charming ladies man; no wonder BG must turn to lib boys for any hope of receiving carnal knowledge. I do hope he is gentle with young MM since he's proly a virgin who lives with his mom and pet hamster.
"clif said...
Worfeus I'm sure by NOW a few nameless trolls think a few of us here were created out of "evil energy"....LOL
2:06 PM"
It looks like the thought police, pope clif-pious and worf, are about to excommunicate BG for non-spirituality on a spiritual blog....
"That belief system of yours, colors all that you say on the subject, and thus, negates any real scientific basis for your conclusions.
You are as relgious as the right wing Christian fundamentalist therefore.
Only your religion, is an anti-religion religion."
I'm tempted to tell Worf that BG's secular progressive religeon is "Godless".
Think he'd get it?
I like this format much better.....it loads faster and is easier to read. I had one devil of a time posting last nite.
Volt said
Oh and Johnny, I'm sorry.
It's just Lydia has always been so nice to me, and it was hard to think she could be that underhanded."
LOL.....no apology needed! We all react differently according to each others behavior/personalities through differing degrees of acceptance and character compatibility.
"The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others."
Friedrich Nietzsche
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."
Religious Worf is super pissed at British Gary for discussing purpose and Atheism.
"Is man merely a mistake of God's? Or God merely a mistake of man's?"
Friedrich Nietzsche
"God is dead"
"Nietzsche is dead"
"Cheetos are a crunchy, cheese-flavored snack made from extruded cornmeal. Introduced by Frito-Lay in 1948, they currently sell about one billion bags per year in a number of countries. In some markets they are popular enough that the word "Cheetos" is often used as a generic term for any similar cheese puffs snack food, but it is, in fact, trademarked by the Frito-Lay company.
Cheetos are made in many different styles. There are "Crunchy Cheetos", which are fried. Some Cheetos are baked in ovens; for instance, Cheetos Puffs, Cheetos Twists, Cheetos Paws, and Cheetos Whirls are all "finished dryed" in very large throughput ovens.
One of the more popular varieties of Cheetos are "Flamin' Hot Cheetos", which are covered in a spicy powder. They also come in "Flamin' Hot Cheetos con Limon", which are also flavored with lime.
A distinguishing feature of snacks in this genre is their tendency to turn the eater's fingers orange or red. This is due to the powdered dyes used to color the corn tubes. In 2005, Holiday Cheetos Twists were introduced, which were made to turn the eater's tongue green. Natural Cheetos contain no dye or food coloring and do not contain artificial flavors or preservatives. Nutritionally, they are similar to other Cheetos snacks though.
The manufacturing process does not create uniform pieces. At times, exceptionally large Cheetos have been sold on eBay. The largest of note is about the size of a lemon, weighs half an ounce, and is preserved and on display in Algona, Iowa."
I see you've been following Worf's teachings for quite some time grasshopper....
I cant remember if your a religious man or not? Do you believe in God?
I could be wrong but arent you into Neo-Paganism?
Just curious; I dont want to debate or anything.
You know, WE need some spirituality HERE.
Perhaps if we embrace the mighty Cheeto, we can become brothers in Cheeto consiousness.
Don't resort to fear, ignoring the anti-Cheeto diminishes it. Embrace the Cheeto within you and shed it's dust not discord wherever you go.
I suggest we all get fancy robes and funny haircuts, and hang out in airports giving out Frito-Lay snak paks.
I want serious debate only, no phony "cornman arguments"...
I'm tempted to tell Worf that BG's secular progressive religion is "Godless".
LOL. Perhaps WR is a Coulter fan after all.
Yes I see the method to the madness now. BG wanted to sell atheism, but it took him about 100 tedious comments to get there. What a mental giant.
Obviously the SPs want to wallow in perversion without criticism from the religious folks, so they must demonize the religious folks in order to cleanse their consciences. BG fancies himself some kinda uber-genius, but this is the routine fare of Air (head) America radio.
To their credit, the libs in the echo chamber were having none of that. So BG had to apologize and shuffle off in shame. Big yawn.
I was baptized and raised Lutheran by my mother. After she died me and my father pretty much quit going to church.
I'm definetly "non-practicing" but I guess I still believe.
I base that on the fact that whenever I've been close to, or about to be in a serious accident, I tend to pray to Jesus.
I'll probably end up in hell though because as soon as I realize the crash is inevitable, I tend to start babbling every cuss word I know and then make up some right up until impact.
Hello brother FF, Cheeto?
Thanx Volt
Im sorry to hear about about your Mother.
You do KNOW for a fact of course that for billions of years before you walked into the Quickie mart to buy your bag of Cheetos that they existed in a state of nothingness. And after their brief passage through your body, they will return to a state of nothingness.
It is only a myth that post-consumption they go to an eternal Cheetopia.
Or if they tasted bad to Chell...
The theory of an eternal "maise" cannot be proven with Science.
That's ok Johnny. It was MANY years ago when I was 10. Sad to say but other than many brief flashes of images in my mind, I have no real memories of her.
"Brother FF Cheeto"
Volt said
"You do KNOW for a fact of course that for billions of years before you walked into the Quickie mart to buy your bag of Cheetos that they existed in a state of nothingness."
Impossible..... Cheetos, are in fact, a direct result of the "Big Bang Theory?"
Beyond this, I have no idea where Cheetos existed?
The seedlings, the stalks in general, are of course not sewn by Cheetos. They are sewn by men, trying to understand Cheetos.
FF said
"Yes I see the method to the madness now. BG wanted to sell atheism, but it took him about 100 tedious comments to get there. What a mental giant."
I kind of feel responsible. I told BG it was okay to express his views regarding this subject. However, I had no idea he would be so pompous about it.
Perhaps two Atheists is too much?
Trying to understand Cheetos? The stalks were sewn by a cult who were essentially trying to INVADE THE CORNFIELD. And when Wheat zealots had their asses handed to them by the Soybeans c.70 in the Wheat Thins revolt all of a sudden new stalks are created - this time calling for a 'meek, mild Cheesiah' that doesn't call for soy-based alternatives - the one Cheetoians beieve is real today. Trying to understand Cheetos? They were doing anything but!
Volt said
"They are sewn by men, trying to understand Cheetos."
Are you suggesting that to understand the Cheeto is to understand purpose?
Speaking of "uppity"... Thu's back.
Wow...thats pretty good Volt. I had no idea of the true heritage of the Cheeto.
Ahhhh.......brother Cheeto Voltron, it seems you are under attack.
Forget him, hes just a freshie.
I don't think so Johnny.
About the "freshie" I mean.
On his profile, it say's "Computer Science" and "New Jersey".
I've seen that on someone else's profile but I don't remember who's.
He's somebodies sock puppet, I just don't know if he's ours or theirs.
I guess time will tell.
Interesting to see if they can stand the snooty airs for very long.
A simpleton with no sense of humor who attempts to make others feel inferior by way of speculating that our fun contributes nothing to mankind because its not intelligent enough for him.
I hereby rename him "Serious Too"
Lydia has been conspicuously absent. She possibly could be off somewhere, but I'm wondering what her response will be when she finally does return?
Will she embrace her spoiled little brood with OOOO's and XXXX's?
Or will she be upset with them?
How will this little house party end? Stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel...LOL
I probably ought to start a new thread. This one's slowing down.
I do want to keep the pictures on top though. Just to remind them we KNOW.
Perhaps I'll put them at the top of the sidebar.
Make it a good one.
Forget em Volt.....its time to move on and slowly progress towards another Cheeto dimension.
Anyways, Im hitting the hay.
Cliffy really gets my goat though and I know I shouldn't let him.
He keeps refering to MY "fraud" last night. He and Worf are the ring leaders in this. HE KNOWS it was a set up. He knows that his butt buddy Worf is doing this. THEY BOTH KNOW I haven't done ANYTHING like they've suggested.
But being the Pious christian ass he is, he's perfectly fine with maligning and lying about his fellow man.
Like I said last night, I get tired of being accused of things I haven't done, or being someone I'm not. ESPECIALLY by these pompus assholes who are the ones themselves that are pulling all the bullshit.
LOL, Night Johnny.
Hello brother FF, Cheeto?
Hey thanx bro. Luv em. They go good wit beer. But then hell, everything goes good with a brew.
Like those fine Nicaraguan cigars I got from Santy. But my favorite Christmas gift was a fuzz buster to slow down my speeding tickets.
Oh wow it looks like WR, the blog czar, won the debate with BG. Imagine that.
'Course WR will finally be winning every debate from now on. 'Cause if'n you hurt his feelings you will be history.
Hey I guess that's his version of "free speech". Ain't libs grand?
LOL, well FF, got any idea'rs fer the next topic?
I was thinking about a new thread.
Got anything cooking?
Think maybe they got Lydia tied up in the basement?
She's been surprisingly scarce...
Now looks like BG has gone to bed, but WR is still debating him, and the pathetic psycho is working himself into a frenzied rage with each successive solo post. LOL. What a piece of work. Wharf Rat the Blog Czar, defender of Free Speech. Bwahahaha.
Actually Volt, your last topic was excellent; I feel kinda guilty that I hijacked it. I really intended to comment because I have mixed feelings about the swearing on a quran thing.
My first instinct was to permit it in the interest of religious freedom, but I really don't want the quran anywhere near our lawmakers, lest they get some ideas about implementing sharia. So I think it's either the Bible or nothing; that's our tradition. If they don't want to swear on a Bible, then they don't need to swear on anything.
You didn't hijack it FF.
We ALL used to post at Lydia's.
When she lies and then releases the hell hounds to smear and malign people it affects ALL of us.
AND ALL of our names have been drug through the mud over there. YOU have, Johnny has, and now me.
I know I won't forget it. I was just telling Johnny I'm gonna keep those screen shots in the side bar at the top just to remind them we know what they've done.
I don't know about you, but I get REAL pissed off when somebody lies about me and then sets me up.
Oh, and TT as well.
(the others like wufus, chaos, clippy and rusty probably deserve what they're getting. But they don't care and WE'RE the ones getting screwed for it.)
I'll bet you Worf is behind the IP blocking if there is any.
You CAN IP block if you are the administrator of the blog. (or have their credentials)
It's just a line of code you put into the template. Normally they use it to block spambots or people who disrupt the blog.
Hey Volt check out this tripe:
They left for one reason and one reason only. They couldn't hang with us, and got tired of being made fools of.
They were looking for an out, and they took it.
I suppose he has already forgotten saying "not one more word" before he started deleting all our comments. What a toole.
Little Blog Caesar is a font of fabrication. LOL.
Like TT said FF,
It's hard to box when your opponent is also the referee...
I guess if they're only solution to talking to us was to delete us, then THEY are the ones who couldn't "hang" eh?
Libs are such losers: They don't like football, weak sense of humor, slow on the uptake, quick to anger because they take themselves so seriously, not interested in nor attractive to babes, full of anger toward imaginary bigots and whine like victims.
They are really not very nice folks -- not cool guys you'd ever want to hang with.
Hey Volt, congratulations on your blog. I think this could really become a very cool blog.
The thing that makes a blog interesting is daily change and controversy.
I'll try to do my part once I get fired up and get bored with leering at the echo chamber morons.
Well FF,
Since I've never done this before I'm not sure how it's supposed to work, but the invite is still out there.
Do I have to do anything more on my part to make you a team member?
Looks like I have to set up a new blogger account since you are using a beta version for this blog.
That's all I could do FF. All NEW blogs are on beta. (which isn't really beta anymore, they claim all the older blogs are going to be moved as well)
Well that's it for me. I'm gonna move some things around and then go to bed. Have a good one FF...
Thanks Volt, I'm golden now. Nite.
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