Saturday, January 6, 2007

The World Is At War. Will We Survive?

The world is at war. It is a global war of epic proportions; it is like none other we have ever faced. I am deeply concerned that we may be losing this war. The short term success of our enemy is virtually assured because we have failed to recognize the nature of our enemy, and political forces from within have successfully demonized our current leadership and convinced many of us that our enemy is actually ourselves. Ironically this is true, but in the opposite way they intend.

"We have met the enemy... and he is us"
-Walt Kelly

The war of the 21st century is between people, whose minds and culture have remained in the 14th century, and people in the rest of the world who choose to live in the 21st century. Our enemy really hates us not because of what we have done, but rather because of what they themselves have failed to do. Witnessing our success serves only to cause them embarrassment and envy. Our enemy’s theocratic traditions prevent them from changing while encouraging them to conquer or destroy us.

Our enemy’s crippling 14th century culture suffers from all seven of the
“Key Factors for Failure” identified by LtC Ralph Peters in 1998:
• Inability to accept responsibility for individual or collective failure.
• Domination by a restrictive religion.
• Restrictions on the free flow of information.
• The subjugation of women.
• The extended family or clan as the basic unit of social organization.
• A low valuation of education.
• Low prestige assigned to work.

Our enemy’s culture is dominant throughout the Middle East, the northern half of Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia. However demographically, our enemy’s culture is rapidly spreading throughout Europe and much of the western world. Europe and many western nations like Canada are dying because fertility levels are well below replacement levels. To survive, Europe must import labor from other countries; over the last several decades, these immigrants often came from Islamic countries. For example, France is now approximately 10% Muslim and growing.

But the statistics only tell part of the story; the immigrants are the young folks who will rapidly replace the aging original inhabitants. As we are aware from the French car-burning riots, Muslims rarely assimilate into the culture of their host country; in fact their religion forbids it. Muslims are convinced that their culture is superior, whereas the people of the west are full of self-doubt and are ashamed to promote or defend their own once magnificent but dying culture.

Our enemy has failed in every measurable way and they can no longer ignore their own collective failure because they have been thrust into the information age; each day they must contrast the abject failure of their culture with the success of western culture. They were once successful in blocking out the influence of modern culture, but they can no longer do so. Our enemy cannot afford to admit failure because to do so would mean that their religious beliefs are a lie.

Similarly, our enemy cannot change because they are taught from birth that their religion requires belief or death. This religion is intolerant of all other religions and any attempt to reform or soften its requirements is considered blasphemy. These poor people are trapped and there is no escape even for those who want to escape.

Our enemy cannot accept the status quo and they cannot change. Their only alternative is to attempt to destroy us as commanded by their religious scripture. Unlike all our previous enemies, our new enemy is not afraid to die. They welcome death because they believe that death brings honor and paradise, and as a bonus it will free them from the squalor and embarrassment of their failures on earth. Their profit from petroleum provides the means necessary to purchase modern 21st century weaponry. They will not hesitate to use them.

Ironically, America and the western world is now the strongest it has ever been both economically and militarily. In the 20th century, America and its allies succeeded in conquering fearsome enemies, but there was no doubt about the identity of the enemy. However, this war is different because most of us cannot even recognize the enemy and many deny the terrifying danger that we face. The mantra of multi-culturism has placed blinders over our eyes by convincing many of us that western culture is evil and its achievements have all come at the expense of those who have not achieved. Any courageous soul who dares defend his proud western culture will endure bogus charges of bigotry and intolerance; protesting intolerance is deemed intolerant. The daily worldwide atrocities committed by our enemies are either ignored or excused by somehow blaming ourselves. Our own occasional failures, like the disgusting treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, are played and replayed endlessly. Our mainstream media, once merely embarrassed by its inherent bias, has now been cowed to the point where it can no longer honestly report news, as was illustrated by the recent Danish cartoon controversy.

What does the future hold? In a couple of years the current Republican leadership of the United States will end. The war will not. Because the Republicans have been successfully demonized as imperialist, nazi-like war-mongers, it is likely that the next U.S. President will be a Democrat; many suggest it will be Hillary Clinton.

In the U.S. there will continue to be enormous political pressure for us to abandon the work we started in Iraq. We will probably withdraw militarily before the 2008 elections and Iraq’s nascent democracy may falter as a result. Meanwhile we will continue to demonstrate that we are powerless to stop Iran from developing a nuclear arsenal. It is obvious from the rhetoric of Iran’s current leadership that they plan to use those nuclear weapons as soon as possible. Meanwhile there are many tactical nuclear weapons unaccounted for in the former Soviet Union; it is likely that these will end up in the hands of terrorists seeking paradise. The next Democrat administration will likely ignore our enemy or negotiate from a position of weakness which will only encourage them to act sooner rather than later. The evisceration of our Patriot Act will cripple our ability to detect and prevent the next catastrophic terrorist act.

Only after the next historic conflagration erupts on American soil, will America realize that it must defend its very survival with the resolve necessary to utterly destroy the enemy. Half measures and appeasement will no longer be acceptable as we found after WWI. Unfortunately, America will respond with the over-kill mentality which she always does when her survival is at stake, and many more innocent people will die. The irony is that today’s doves probably will be the ones screaming the loudest for blood. They will scoff at their erstwhile allies in Europe who will continue to blame the victims and urge calm. This confluence of events will also lead to a worldwide economic depression which will last for many years. Fortunes will be wiped out, retirement savings will evaporate, and many will be bankrupted. Eventually the survivors will recover and 14th century values will be soundly rejected. Progress back toward current levels of prosperity will slowly occur, but the lesson will have had an unprecedented cost in terms of lives and treasure.

Please convince me I’m wrong. I sincerely want to believe that I am. Maybe all bad things really are the fault of George W. Bush, and after he leaves office everything will be fine.

"It may sound strange to say, but [somehow] what we have to do is to take the 14th century culture of our enemies and bring it into the 17th century…But they've got to accept [responsibility for] their own failure, personally, nationally and culturally. That is the essential first step."
-Stephen Den Beste



Voltron said...

That said, I didn't realize it was against blog ettiquette to post links to your favorite blogs. I guess I'll have to take theirs down and request permission from my favorites

Come again?

I said Lydia probably appreciates you linking to her site.

How does that constitute being against blogger ettiquette?

You're making something out of nothing Volt, in this and other things.

Clif and Mike don't like you and you know that. You've insulted them. They've insulted you. Clif and Mike are not affiliated with Lydia's blog in any way, other than as guests like yourself, and as for myself, or Lydia, you know neither of us has any malicious intentions of any kind, and any that you percieve are merely that.

Your perception.

Nothing has changed since the first day you came into the blog.

If you want to know who I am, I would probably be willing to 'exchange' personal information with you. I keep my personal identity seperate from my worfeus character, because my worfeus character is just that, a character, not founded in any reality other than the cyberblog.

If you want to stop coming in, because you feel offended, thats your business, but don't for a moment pretend that its because of some evil or malicious conspiracy by Lydia, myself or anyone else over there.

In my regular life, I am a professional. In the blog, I push your buttons, just like you push ours.

BTW, zero comments.

Is that a lot?


You can thank me later for helping with your post count.


And providing you with my IP.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Interesting, perhaps I HAVE become too emotionally involved in my online persona, seeing it more as an extension of myself rather than a character I merely play.

The offer of exchange of personal info is intriquing, but perhaps too much so.

We do have an issue of trust.

The idea of being able to prove at least to someone that I am who and what I say I am is appealing.

Yet you as well would probably not trust me with your info, and even I myself would not. I do have a temper and could in a moment of anger misuse it.

One of the reasons I've never owned a gun. (luckily my temper is a momentary thing, although I can harbor a grudge for quite awhile.)

No thanks I guess. The potential for disaster in that goes both ways. But I do appreciate the offer.

Oh, and your IP is safe. That was simply an article on the web I happened to read, nothing I've implemented as yet.
(however, from another article I did note that it IS possible to IP block from within the blogger template if you have access...)

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I have been on vacation this week and have probably spent more time online that I should have, probably why I'm still tired and not rested.

That said, I have considered those I have interacted with as "friends", allies and opponents alike. Although with my opponents the friendship was a dysfunctional one...LOL
(probably why I took such offense)

And although I might have conceeded much, it's hard to give an inch when said opponents will not.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

The only things I'm sure of is that I firmly believe in true conservative principles, and the president and the last congress were piss poor examples of those as a whole.

I also agree with FF's premise in this thread.

Islam is MUCH more than a religion. It is a way of life and of governance for those who believe.

While many look at OUR government and see the beginnings of Hitler's rise, I look at Islam and see the same.

I firmly believe that will have to fight them either now or later. And later the consequences will be MUCH worse.

Freedom Fan said...

If you want to know who I am, I would probably be willing to 'exchange' personal information with you.

...said the spider to the fly. But we already know who your are: You're the great Blog Czar. All hail Wharf Rat the mighty.

I keep my personal identity seperate from my worfeus character, because my worfeus character is just that, a character, not founded in any reality other than the cyberblog.

Hmmm must be tuff to do that when you are on the LC blog 24/7. More likely you have no time for a real life.

If you want to stop coming in, because you feel offended, thats your business, but don't for a moment pretend that its because of some evil or malicious conspiracy by Lydia, myself or anyone else over there.

Perhaps this had something to do with it:
...not one more word [or else]...

In my regular life, I am a professional. In the blog, I push your buttons, just like you push ours.

Or perhaps in your regular life you're a blogger billing someone else for your time.

BTW, zero comments. Is that a lot?

Proly not compared with your blog. Um you do have a blog don't you? Sorry, being head poodle boy for LC doesn't count.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I'm baaaccckkk!

For a short while anyways, I gotta get my sleep patterns back on track for work monday.

I notice there still hasn't been any further posts at Lydia's. I hope to god they're not blocked cause you know we'll get the blame.

Maybe Worf's playing with the toy I showed him...*fingers crossed*

Freedom Fan said...

Volt, I see TT has been putting some research to good use.

WR is clearly on the defensive about the hypocrisy of his little impersonation stunt, in contrast to what he stated when he was the one being impersonated.


Johnny moo moo said...

Volt said:

"Lydia has been conspicuously absent. She possibly could be off somewhere, but I'm wondering what her response will be when she finally does return?"

Lydia responds:

"What happened this week was a temporary glitch.

Let's move on to the important things that will help heal our country."


Volt said:

"If that's actually you Lydia, you're right and I apologize."


WTF??? Did I miss something? Im sorry Volt but I believe you made an excellent analysis of this whole scenario in your "Wallpaper" your losing me!?

If your fresh out of red pills, I am more than willing to mail you a new supply? :D

Johnny moo moo said...

Good post FF! Stephen Den Beste is obviously quite intelligent.

However, while the thought of Iran possessing nuclear weapons 8 years from now makes me very uncomfortable, I dont recall them expressing directly/indirectly a desire to use them militarily.

This would be utter suicide on their part.

"It is obvious from the rhetoric of Iran’s current leadership that they plan to use those nuclear weapons as soon as possible."

Stephen Den Beste

Freedom Fan said...

Good post FF! Stephen Den Beste is obviously quite intelligent.

Thanks JMM. Yes Den Beste is one of my favorite philosophers. However, I am the author of this post; I guess that may not have been clear from the way I placed Den Beste's quote at the end.

Yes the Islamists would have to be insane to start a thermonuclear war. But are they?

Volt, I can't seem to get back in to author another post. I've tried everything. Any ideas?

Tall Texan said...

Volt, you were probably victimized by the hackers at DOJ and Google, who want to stifle, impede, and hijack this blog. Just kidding.

Try clearing out your cashe and cookies (but leave cookies activated) and see if you can post. You might even consider rebooting your PC first. Good luck.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

"Did I miss something? Im sorry Volt but I believe you made an excellent analysis of this whole scenario in your "Wallpaper" your losing me!?"


No use in pursuing the point. Yes, we were lied to. But it IS her blog. She has the right to put whomever she wants in charge. And she's under no obligation to be truthful with us or anyone.

We now know Worf is in charge.

Just keep it in mind when you post over there.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I don't know FF. I haven't changed anything. I'll take a look.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

It looks like you're still good FF.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Let me know if you can't work it out, but I'm not sure what more I can do here...?

Freedom Fan said...

Thanx Volt, now I'm golden. It looks like the email address is the username in the new blogger.

Johnny moo moo said...

FF said:

"However, I am the author of this post; I guess that may not have been clear from the way I placed Den Beste's quote at the end."

Ooooops, I meant to say it was simply an "okay post" at best. I knew it was you all along......honest!


Just kidding!

IrOnY RaGeD said...

ah, yes it is! LOL

Freedom Fan said...

Looks like the LC blog is back to normal.

My take is that despite her denials, Worf persuaded Ms. Cornell to turn over control of her blog to him, so she gave him her password.

Apparently they are experiencing some intermittent technical difficulties, so with typical lib victim mentality, they decided to indignantly blame the problem on some eeevil Conservative boogeymen.

While Worf may be quite intelligent, he has neither the temperment, judgement, nor capacity for attention-to-detail necessary to administer someone else's blog.

So in a childish tantrum, Worf decided to throw his weight around just to stroke his own fragile ego. He maliciously deleted posts which were not objectively offensive.

The coup de grace was when he screwed up and posted while he was still logged in as Ms. Cornell. He quickly deleted the comment, but not before Volt snapped a picture which now graces our blog.

Clif then decided to help cover his buddy's tracks by demonstrating how easy it is to impersonate another blogger. Meanwhile the other libs tried to blame Volt for the deception, much as male chauvinist pigs would blame a rape victim.

This scenario fits all the available evidence.

However, it is troubling that Ms. Cornell decided to invent a couple of conflicting stories involving her "girlfriend" as some conduit, instead of admitting what really happened.

I believe that Ms. Cornell has now recognized and corrected her error in judgement.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Not only that FF, but to continue to pursue it would only antagonize our host further, and to what end?

They do not trust us, nor we them.

As far as I know we have been truthful with them.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

By the way FF, I'm not sure I like the comparison of me to a rape victim...LOL

Freedom Fan said...

Just take a warm soapy shower and file a police report, Honey.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Soap? I think I'd need turpentine or acetone and a wire brush to get THAT off...LOL

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Also FF, I caught a couple of blogs talking about China and Middle eastern countries blocking blogger IP's and some are experiencing what they think is some sort of 'bleed over'. They evidently feel that they're blocking entire ranges of IP's and some which are not even in the affected countries are being blocked.

So it may not even be someone at Google. It MAY be foreign governments doing the blocking.

Freedom Fan said...

LOL. True, true.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Of course those were in India and Pakistan....LOL


Faker Fan said...

While Worf may be quite intelligent, he has neither the temperment, judgement, nor capacity for attention-to-detail necessary to administer someone else's blog.


God its just eatin at you, isn't it?

Well I'll tell you this lamebrain.

Whoever is administering Ms Cornells blog, has been administering since the first days you stumbled your simpleton self into the blog.

But do feel free to keep speculating over here, and titilate yourself with the latest crumb I just threw you.

Just keep it off our blog.

Freedom Fan said...

God its just eatin at you, isn't it?

Not really. I'm at peace -- the peace that flows from understanding.

Whoever is administering Ms Cornells blog, has been administering since the first days you stumbled your simpleton self into the blog.

True ... now that you are once again out of the loop due to your incompetent performance.

Just keep it off our blog.

Your blog? Interesting. Isn't that attitude what got you in trouble to begin with?

Freedom Fan said...

I'm gonna have to pass [gas] on the Edwards bandwagon.

Yeah me too.


Volt, as for your suggestion that I needed YOU to tell me what an IP hit counter is, is pretty funny. Did you ever consider maybe there are more sophisticated methods, like protocol analyzers and port mirroring, and trend analysis programs?

No. Guess you didn't.

But thanks for trying to help.

And I did appreciate your quick presentation of an article on how to block by IP in blogger. It did give me some stuff to think about, although I had already posted on this article back in July, when I pointed out that someone who had access to the blogger admin page could possibly run a script if they also had the IP of the person they wish to block.

But like I said, your posting of that did give me much to consider.

As for "blaming you", or anyone in specific, we blamed no one. We are simply trying to discover who is locking our bloggers out, and why.

Something we have every right to do.

And we cannot, nor will not, ignore the fact that it happened to liberal bloggers under the precise same circumstances, each and every time. We are not just "guessing" here, we document each event, and the surrounding circumstances.

Our deletion\banning of conservative posts was a decision made after several conservative bloggers, like that thing you call Freedom Fake, and your other pet, Moo Moo, demonstrated giddy glee during the incidents, in addition to a highly accelerated post count from right wing bloggers during the attacks.

This is why we made this decision, and stand by it.

And we cannot ignore the fact, that as soon as we implemented the new tactic, the lock outs "mysteriously" stopped.


Go figure, huh?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Vote NO on ambulance chasers...LOL


Freedom Faker said...

Not really. I'm at peace -- the peace that flows from understanding.

Yeah right.

Thats why you just spent half the morning talking about it, after spending half the night talking about it last night, after spending half the day talking about it yesterday.


It's not eating at you a bit.


Freedom Faker said....

True ... now that you are once again out of the loop due to your incompetent performance.

Nice try.

I'll repeat myself.

Nothing has changed in blog adminstration. Not when you first came in. Not now.

Whoever has been doing it, has been doing it all along.


Freakedout Fan said...

Just keep it off our blog.

Your blog? Interesting. Isn't that attitude what got you in trouble to begin with?

Still having a hard time spelling I see?

The difference between your word, and mine, is the letter Y.

I said OUR blog.

Not "mine".

Better get back to the Speak-N-Spell.

Freedom Fan said...

And we cannot ignore the fact, that as soon as we implemented the new tactic, the lock outs "mysteriously" stopped.

Um ... I'm going with foul play on the part of Diebold.

Volt, WR is indeed a genius. Perhaps one day he will demonstrate his inimitable brilliance by locking me out, thereby showing how easy it is to hack Google's servers.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Like I said Worf, I can only vouch for myself, and I personally know that what I've said regarding myself is true.

Anyways, I never claimed to be a computer or internet whiz. (although you questioned that)

And the "giddy glee" was more at the conspiratorial tone of your posts, not the fact you were blocked, which we have no way of knowing if you were.

All I can tell you is that IF someone is indeed blocking you guys, it is not I, nor do I know who is.

I do not have that capability and although I do not know with certantity, I don't currently believe that FF or TT or Johnny does.


Voltron said..

All I can tell you is that IF someone is indeed blocking you guys, it is not I, nor do I know who is.

And I am gonna take your word on that. I have no reason to doubt you.

Freedom Fan said...

Volt, I think WR would have a lot more credibility if he could explain how Ms. Cornell was impersonated. Pending better information, I'm going with my explanation.


And you can thank me later for helping your post count.

Freedom Fan said...

Volt, these libs have upset me terribly so I think it's time to censor the blog, thereby standing up for freedom of speech:

Not one more word or else I'll hold my breath until I turn blue and stomp my feet and pull my hair...

Ah that felt better. Oh and BTW I'm pretty sure we have been hacked by the dastardly libs because I can't seem to comment any more.

IrOnY RaGeD said...


As I've said I don't believe he did it purposely or with malicious intent. It just took me by surprise because I didn't think he had that capability.

And while I do still believe it was he, even the screenshot does not "prove" it was.

As you've seen a false posting can be made be anyone, and it wasn't up long enough for me to check the profile and even that could've been faked as we've seen the capability to link the alias to other IP's as well.

For that matter, if I did indeed have nefarious intent I could have done the whole thing in Photoshop.

I didn't, but you can't KNOW that.

So we are left with absolutely nothing but our beliefs and no real proof.

Freedom Fan said...

Volt, unless someone has a better explanation, I'm goin with mine.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I don't believe he has been administrator since the beginning though. He was too eager to please and in awe of Ms Cornell at that time.

Of course I think I was there for a time before you were.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

And I wouldn't be too sure he's been taken off now either.


taken off?

I'm the Czar, remember?

Freedom Fan said...

Past tense.

Now WR is simply BIZ-Czar.


Anway Volt, I've explained as much as I've explained in good faith, as a gesture of good will.

I've also offered to exchange personal information with you, so you'd know exactly who I am, however you reported you are not trustworthy, and so that offer was rejected as well.

I even posted repeatedly in here, so your invisible counter reports can isolate my IP.

You can worry if you want, or not worry. All I can tell you is those who have done nothing wrong, have nothing to fear, other than maybe the post deletions should the blockouts reappear.

Whoever is responsible, if they keep doing it, will be eventually caught, and we will know then.

But my guess is the lockouts will stop now, now that the culprit thinks I am in control.

He that has ears to hear...let him hear

chow for now

Freedom Fan said...

Volt, I'm okay with you giving your real name and address to WR.

His threats of physical violence should you "show up at his doorstep" are only meant to amuse.

I'm pretty sure it's perfectly safe. I mean it's not like he's a psycho or anything.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Not that I'm not "trustworthy" Worf, just subject to human flaws and emotions...

And as I've said your IP is currently safe. No hit counters or stat meters.

It's something I may think about if we have simillar troubles here, but not as of now anyway.


IrOnY RaGeD said...

Besides, IF your personal info DID get out and I had it, I would then become your #1 suspect.

So my lack of knowledge is to my benefit as well.

Johnny moo moo said...

"There was an old owl who sat in an oak...

The more he saw, the less he spoke...

The less he spoke, the more he heard...

Why cant we all be like that wise old bird?"

Freedom Fan said...

Good idea JMM.

Not one more word.


Johnny moo moo said...


"Trust your feelings"

