Man made global warming theories are lies according to this new TV documentary. The Great Global Warming Swindle(Channel 4 Video 1 hr 13 min)I'm pretty sure that AlGore and his leftist buddies will be relieved to hear this.This is really an excellent piece. I was expecting goofy right-wing propaganda, but this is extremely compelling. It explains all the aspects of the outrageous global warming hoax, from the multi-billion dollar business and politics motivating it to the serious science. The video includes some really big names, like one of the co-founders of Greenpeace, a scientist primarily responsible for atmospheric measurements, a scientist who threatened to sue unless the UN goons removed his name from the bogus IPCC report, etc.One of the most sinister aspects of the hoax is how there is a mob frenzy which ridicules and ruins anyone who dares disagree with the great and powerful Global Warming Wizards. This is what I instinctively felt all along. This has nothing to do with science and everything to do with the leftist political agenda. However I was surprised that my heroine Margaret Thatcher had such a significant role to play (I forgive you Maggie baby).Finally someone observes what I could see all along from the data: Between 1940-1975 the earth cooled while the most dramatic anthropomorphic production of CO2 was occurring.The piece also shows how CO2 production follows global warming by about 800 years; and how the most dramatic cause of the global warming is solar activity and its impact on cosmic rays which in turn affect cloud production.This is a fantastic breath of fresh air and a beacon of truth about Global Warming. Bravo.
Embedded it for ya, hope you don't mind my meddling...LOL
Good post by the way. I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but will tomorrow. Too late for me tonight.
Oh. I was still messing with the cosmetics. Go ahead and embed; I haven't mastered that yet.
Not much to it, just copy and paste the html where you want it.(I do resize them though so they don't go over the right sidebar)
325 pixels is about the max width, you gotta play with the height on the widescreen vids, but normal ones are 265 pixels in height.If you don't get it embedded, I'll do it again tomorrow morning.Gotta catch some Z's right now...LOL
Glenn Beck is doing a very interesting expose on the global warming theory on CNN Headline News. It will repeat at 9pm and midnight ET.
Yes thanks, TallTexan. I'll be sure to watch. I'm honestly trying to figure this whole thing out.
Wow that was a great show. I wonder how the libs will manage to disagree with anything that was said. No wonder the libs want to insist that the "debate is over". No actually it's just begun, pardner.
FF, did you notice how Glenn Beck made the point that global warming deniers are routinely conpared to Nazis, and then, in the LC blog, Jolly Roger made some Nazi reference about you?
TallTexan,Almost all the libs have smeared us Conservatives with disgusting epithets and lies of every kind.It's what they do. You would think libs would feel a little twinge of guilt by posing as bleeding-heart, do-gooders who have nothing but Christian love in their hearts, while behaving somewhat like pond scum.I like it though because it makes it easy to prove my thesis about liberals.
One thing I could never figure out is, that if WE'RE the cowards, then how come they seem to be the ones afraid of everything?I mean Bush is a fascist dictator, the earth is gonna burn up, there's arsenic in our water...etc.They sit there wringing their hands and babbling about all the doom and gloom, we're pretty calm cool and collected, and yet WE'RE the cowards.It boggles the mind.
Worf, if you keep deleting my posts, then this is not a fair fight. I'll post this on Volt's blog as well.
Worf, why did you delete my post. This has been one of the better debates I've seen here. What gives?
Worf: "And I am not blowing a gasket."Why are you responding to a post that has been deleted? I certainly didn't delete it. I posted it on Volt's blog.Now I really must go.Goodnight.
WOrf: "However the president can block that, by pardoning him as soon as he is found guilty."I was pointing out that the president could pardon him at any point. One needn't wait for a conviction. I guess that was over your head. But you delete this if it makes you feel better.
Voltron said...One thing I could never figure out is, that if WE'RE the cowards, then how come they seem to be the ones afraid of everything?I mean Bush is a fascist dictator, the earth is gonna burn up, there's arsenic in our water...etc.They sit there wringing their hands and babbling about all the doom and gloom, we're pretty calm cool and collected, and yet WE'RE the cowards.It boggles the mind. May 3, 2007 6:13 AM Allow me to illuminate you.Its because YOU'RE the ones willing to butcher the men, women and children of a tiny nation with no Navy, no long range Air Force, no high tech weaponry and no possible prayer of ever seriously hurting us.Thats why you're the cowards.We're not afraid of Iraq.You are.
Cowards launch "pre-emptive" wars.Cowards like Hitler, who used the exact same propaganda to invade soverign countries in Europe, that your little king George used to invade the tiny, defenseless nation of Iraq.
Clear it up any?
Volt, the following is being posted at the LC blog because it seems Worf deleted one of my posts and won't own up to it. Sorry for the consumption of space here, but my post could vanish into the wind over there. As I stated over a month ago, it's hard to debate and discuss things when your opponent is also the referee.My post:Worf, I had real-life obligations last night, which you obviously didn't, so let me just finish our discussion about the deletion of my "gasket" comment. I am not an administrator or moderator here, so if I delete something, it does not disappear in its entirety. A notation appears that says:Comment deleted This post has been removed by the author.There was so such notation from "Tall Texan," but I did claim that you were blowing a gasket. You obviously read that post because you responded And I am not blowing a gasket. You would not have responed to that with such specific language unless it was a response to what I posted.Now, follow carefully, by deduction, we know I posted that comment and we know that you read that comment because you responded to it. We know that I didn't delete because there was not message from blogger saying "message has been removed by author."THEREFORE, the only other possibility is that someone else deleted that comment, and it certainly was not me. Whoever has admin authority (you? Larry? Lydia?) most likely deleted it because only an admin can delete something without a trace that it was ever there, which is exactly what happened.Now, I don't know who deleted my comment, but I know for damn sure it was not me. You do the math.
Here's a cool morning show:Quinn and Rose(Crossposted at Volt's blog.)
Hi TT, if you read real close over there I think Mikey did it.He's had the power to delete posts for a little while now.
Volt, I didn't know Mike had admin power. That might very well be the answer.l Thanks.
Oh my. Looks like if you hurt worf's feelings he just deletes your comments. What a man.
" Mike said...I dont know why Lydia and Worf allow a Simpleton like YOU to come on here and just lie.......But its wearing REAL thin with me consider yourself warned Old Man the next time you come on here and spew BS and lies as if they were truth there will be consequences to deal with understand Old Man.Your Lying will no longer be tolerated ..........YOU goy banned at Brad Blog for doing this and you still havent learned have you Old Man..........maybe you Really cant teach an old dog new tricks.2:43 PMWow, Mikey's growing a set.And they're a communist set as well.Looks like you'll only be able to post their truth from now on, eh FF?
AND FF, I saw nothing untruthful in your post about trickle down economics at all...
Thanks, Volt.It is rather astonishing (even to me) that all the happy-face, bleeding-heart veneer is coming off the liberals at LC blog.Worf has waxed eloquently about the virtues of free speech, but given a little power, he quickly becomes a fascist. In fact he is proud to dub himself the "blog nazi" which fits nicely.Almost all the libs on the blog are eager to eliminate opposing points of view: leisure suit larry, milquetoast mike, pugnacious pussy, british gary, wharf rat, etc.You can easily see how speech codes developed on campus to remove "hate speech" by any Conservative. Europe has far less freedom of speech, and we may not be far behind if hillary gets into office.Liberals ideas can simply not withstand the sunlight of truth, and the evidence mounts daily at the LC blog.
Stanley Milgram was a psychological researcher who was made famous by his experiments into the nature of authority and people's willingness to obey authority figures, even when that meant causing apparent harm to others.His fascination with the nature of authority was prompted by the experiences of Jews during the Holocaust - Milgram was eager to try and discover how and why such events could have happened. What would cause people living in a civilized nation to suddenly participate in mass killings when told to by an authority figure?In Milgram's experiments, he asked subjects to administer questions to someone they thought was another subject, but who was in fact a partner of Milgram's. Whenever an incorrect answer was given, the subject was ordered by an authority to give the other person an electrical shock (and the person pretended to experience pain). The level of shock was increased as more wrong answers were given.One of the most important steps which Milgram found the subjects making was in allowing the authority figures to define the nature of the situation - in doing so, this permitted the subjects to bypass their own moral compass and accept their actions as being already justified:Ideological justification is vital in obtaining willing obedience, for it permits the person to see his behavior as serving a desirable end. Only when viewed in this light, is compliance easily exacted.[...]"There is a propensity for people to accept definitions of action provided by legitimate authority. That is, although the subject performs the action, he allows authority to define its meaning. It is this ideological abrogation to the authority that constitutes the principle cognitive basis of obedience. If, after all, the world or the situation is as the authority defines it, a certain set of actions follows logically."In the end, Milgram found that quite a large number of people were willing to administer very painful shocks, even to the point of life-threatening shocks. This willingness was increased when the target was not in the room and when the authority figure was much more obviously an authority, for example wearing a white lab coat. Interestingly, many refused to take responsibility for their actions:"When asked about responsibility for the victim's suffering, he places the heaviest burden on the experimenter, then on the victim, and assigns the least to himself. Of the learner he says, "He agreed to it, and therefore must accept responsibility." The experimenter has "the biggest share of responsibility. I merely went on. Because I was following orders ...I was told to go on. And I did not get a cue to stop."
The old saying "power corrupts" and "absolute power corrupts absolutely" seems to be proving true...They all seem to have the power of the delete button over there, and each is eager to use it as they see fit.I'll bet that power will eventually get taken away when the survival of the blog is threatened. You can't have that many dictators in one room, somebody has to lose...
Sorry about the Cliffy style cut and paste, but I found something intriguing about that article.There might be some parallels to what we are seeing...
Volt,What is interesting is mikey's level of outrage. I think he is reflexively one of the less liberal of the group, living amongst all the real men in Texas and all.He undoubtedly realizes the truth is not on his side and he is enraged by the affront to his religion of lies.
Regarding "hate speech" FF, Lydia has posted a thread or two regarding "right wing hate speech" on talk radio.I willing to bet she (or any of them) have actually listened to an entire Rush or Hannity show. Probably just little clips taken out of context libs pass around as proof of how awful we truly are.They talk a good line about free speech, but then in the next breath want to ban anything that doesn't agree with them.
Regarding Mikey, I somewhat agree and yet I can't totally. Mike is an enigma to me.You're correct that he seems to be the least reflexively liberal among the group, yet he seems the most eager to prove his liberal credentials.Almost like he wants very much to belong to a club that in reality he has little in common with.
I just love the way Cliffy can't help himself from foaming at the mouth everytime he responds.He'll probably start spewing bible quotes any minute now...
Volt,It's obvious most libs are borderline psycho. Cliffy is exhibit A.
Agreed.And on that note, I'm gonna retire for the evening.Have a good one FF.
Nite Volt, you Ruffian.
Freedom Fan said... Worf has waxed eloquently about the virtues of free speech, but given a little power, he quickly becomes a fascist. I've had the power to delete posts for a long time now. Ever since Lydia made me a blog adminsitrator. And if you want to excercise free speech by voicing a debate or an argument, we're all ears.But if you honestly think coming into a blog in which you choose to be hostile to the supporting membership, and insult them AND the blog administrator and owner, without being censored, then you're living in a dream world.A dream world aside from the one where you thought the Iraqi's would greet us as liberators.
And if you keep it up, then you can rot in here, crying to everyone about how unfair I am.Now see if Volt will delete these for you. Maybe it will make you feel better.
Wharf Rat, I am perfectly capable of deleting your silly comments.But we don't censor folks here because we Conservatives honor the first amendment and revere liberty.In contrast, you are an excellent representative of the majority of libs who are obviously spineless hypocrites who can't endure a difference of opinion, lest their feelings become hurt. So go strut back into your echo chamber and tell your lib girlfriends how very afraid we are of your sharp mind and silver tongue. Volt, TT or myself can easily embarrass you intellectually lazy goofballs with one comment tied behind our backs. You're not foolin anyone: You're just a yella loser.
(Posted over at LC as well.)If you insult a Liberal, Carl will insult you with the term "widdle," the constant repetition of which is childish and makes this (the LC Blog) blog look like a playground.Hey Libs, can you go for one day without using the term "widdle," or do you have Tourette's syndrome?
"BLOGNAZI WORFEUS said... I told TT last night to keep their dog on a leash. If he thinks he's going to come in here to take a crap, he's sadly mistaken." ===========Walter Sobchak: Lets not forget Dude that keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either. The Dude: What are you a fucking park ranger now?====Ok guys, no amphibious rodents here, which means you can only insult Republicans.
"Voltron said... Regarding "hate speech" FF, Lydia has posted a thread or two regarding "right wing hate speech" on talk radio.I willing to bet she (or any of them) have actually listened to an entire Rush or Hannity show. Probably just little clips taken out of context libs pass around as proof of how awful we truly are.They talk a good line about free speech, but then in the next breath want to ban anything that doesn't agree with them. May 8, 2007 9:29 PM"Yep. Recall that they were all, except Worf, very happy to have seen Imus muzzled, and if they had the power, they'd cut Limbaugh off as well -- in a heartbeat. And they cry about the freedoms of terrorists being circumscribed.
In all seriousness, Mike is the biggest pussy on that blog. He's too dumb and can't keep up, and, in his frustration, he begs Worf to delete the comments of those nasty Conservatives."Please, Worf, those big bad Republicans have bested me again. Delete their comments or I'll cry."
TT and Volt,You know I meet a lot of sharp Conservatives on other blogs as I'm sure you do too.We should invite them over here.
Actually FF, other than here and LC's I don't blog much...LOLBut feel free to invite anyone you wish.(that and the people at Blackfive and Sweetness & Light wouldn't want to waste their time I'm sure - They seem to be used to debating much more intelligent liberals than LC has)
Volt,Yeah, these are some of the most light weight libs I've met.Debating them is kinda like dynamiting fish in a barrel.They're about as deep as a wading pool with a leak.
I can't really exempt myself either I suppose. I'm not the most eloquent writer, and I don't keep a complete library of references at my fingertips to support my beliefs.So I guess I'm probably not the best fighter for the cause...LOLThe facts seem obvious to me and I can't figure out why someone else can't see it...
You know, I'm STILL curious about the supposed blocking of Lydia's posters.Worf can only provide security for the front end, the part on Lydia's server.The comments are on blogger's server which they can't control. Who was doing it? And why has it stopped now?There was/is something fishy about that whole thing.
I disagree Volt. You have a great deal of common sense combined with a first rate mind. But you are more of a gentleman than I am.I just delight in ripping liberals. It's so easy because most of them never do opposition research, or try to really understand their opponents. Witness how none of them even bothered to watch the first Republican debate. They are so shallow that they dismissed it as a bunch of white old men yammering.This is why they are surprised and livid when elections don't go their way. They are quite sure there must be a conspiracy because everything that they've heard agrees with their warped world view.
I think it was a ploy to get administrator privileges.But by who? Worf?He does seem to be the only one computer literate enough to have done something like that.
There was/is something fishy about that whole thing. They were either experiencing some sort of technical difficulty, or they were fabricating the whole thing as an excuse to silence the opposition. That was followed by an attempt to move the blog into that other format in which Worf could block IP addresses (I have about 10). I don't really know why they abandoned that idea unless it was our little boycott. They did seem bummed that we wouldn't come out to play.But it was amusing how LC was about to go on the radio with another conspiracy theory about how the eeevil Republican administration was messing with her tiny partisan blog. I suppose she eventually realized how delusional that would sound.
It was interesting wasn't it FF?The republican candidates walked right into the belly of the beast, (PMSNBC) not to mention two of the worst partisan anchors. (Matthews and Olbermann) And their democrat opponents wouldn't go on FOX.It doesn't make sense for either party really. Hardly anyone watches MSNBC, so what's the point in showing up there? And with the huge viewership at FOX, the dems missed a chance to strut their stuff in front of a pretty large audience.
The Republican candidates went on MSNBC opposite the O'Reilly goliath. They were either very dumb and did not care about ratings or wanted to reach the libs who don't watch FOX.
Yeah, right now I'm on DSL. The IP is static as long as I don't turn the modem off, but as soon as I reset it I get a new IP.Not that I care particularly, but I could get around blocking if I wished to.
I'm assuming it was to reach libs who don't watch FOX.I wonder how the dems would've reacted if a FOX anchor asked them if they wished there was another Reagan in the white house?
Volt, you've had them on the ropes with the best of them. Don't sell yourself short.
Volt you know I'm very concerned about this global warming hysteria.Few realize what the GW end game is here: A massive tax on carbon emissions which will drive factories overseas damage our economy. It will probably start modestly then they will gradually crank up the tax rates -- kinda like slowly boiling the frog.No one will see this coming unless we get the word out now. By the time the libs succeed in indoctrinating every school kid, it will be too late.
I've been accused by the ususal bunch of hacking into blogger, etc. They give me too much credit. Yes, it is true that blogger has had glitches (and those glitches have caused me problems as well), but all in all, blogger seems quite secure.
Thanks TT. (and you too FF)
I'm starting to spend a lot of time on Wiki, trying to balance the insanity.
They've been trying to indoctrinate every school kid since the 70's FF, I don't see them having much success.On the global warming thing though, I have noticed that just a couple of months ago there was snow on the ground, and now it's starting to get pretty warm...hmmmm?
Well we could do the capitalist thing and set up our own carbon offset company...
Hey Volt and TT,Have you seen AlGore's carbon offset?
I wouldn't worry too much about global warming hysteria FF.The louder they yell, the more scientists come out against the theory.I think if the tide isn't turning our way yet, it soon will.The real concern, (I think anyway) is the growing power over our country that the UN has. The global warming hysteria might be a way to increase it's control here.There are certain places in the USA now which are UN mandated "green zones".
LOL, yeah I caught that before when you posted it on LC.
Hey Carl's awake!
Evidently Carl thinks "Cracker Barrel" is a whites only restaurant...
PP also thinks his bisexual lifestyle represents a "race", so use that as a measure of the guy's cluelessness vis-a-vis reality.
Gee you'd have thunk Cliffy would sympathize with a fellow soldier...Oh wait. That soldier probably didn't have an epiphany about a WW2 deserter.
I guess soldiers are honorable only as long as they agree with you...
Freedom Fan said... Volt, TT or myself can easily embarrass you intellectually lazy goofballs with one comment tied behind our backs. You're not foolin anyone: You're just a yella loser.No. its intellectually bored with simple minds like yours.You're a simpleton of the lowest order, and the dumbest of the bootlickers to plant your stake in Lydia's blog.I've wiped my ass with your face more times than I can count. Everytime I exact the same response from you. You run out of reasoning points, facts or logic and turn to lame and redundant insults but you rarely prove a point. Just like the conservatives always do. You're silly emotional posers, nothing more. You better untie that other arm.
LOL, Worf just said I had Clif "surrendering to the enemy", I had no idea that in Desert Storm we were fighting Ken.
I suppose he actually thinks Clif was armed with a smurf too.
Get a load of THIS horseshit:"Carl said... Worf, The really egregious thing about their mockery of Clif's service is, thirty years ago, these jackasses were liberals, mocking Vietnam veterans, spititng at them. And just like their neo-con masters, now that it's convenient to "support the troops," they do. But in their heart of hearts, they are still widdle cowards who want to tear down people who stood up and continue to stand up for their country. 6:22 PM"
I mean really.Republicans USED to be democrats back when that was a bad thing.Conservatives USED to be liberals back when that was a bad thing.Up is down, left is right.
Wow, Volt. Pretty amazing. Libs are far beneath contempt.
It seems my good friend & associate, Worf, has posted some phony pic of himself in an effort to impress some chick with giant milkers.Of course, we all know this is the real Worf: Massive cheeto consumption has had dire consequences to those around him.......excess cheeto dustis is a serious matter! Cant the government do something about this? Worfs dog: Worfs pet mouse: wildlife in Worfs front yard: Worfs favorite cartoon:
Im not 100% sure, but didnt phony christian, lydia cornell, exchange DNA with this guy? :|
Ooooops........almost forgot. Mike & Cliff spreading some of that pure love ms.cornell keeps yakking about.
Post a Comment
Embedded it for ya, hope you don't mind my meddling...LOL
Good post by the way. I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but will tomorrow. Too late for me tonight.
Oh. I was still messing with the cosmetics. Go ahead and embed; I haven't mastered that yet.
Not much to it, just copy and paste the html where you want it.
(I do resize them though so they don't go over the right sidebar)
325 pixels is about the max width, you gotta play with the height on the widescreen vids, but normal ones are 265 pixels in height.
If you don't get it embedded, I'll do it again tomorrow morning.
Gotta catch some Z's right now...LOL
Glenn Beck is doing a very interesting expose on the global warming theory on CNN Headline News. It will repeat at 9pm and midnight ET.
Yes thanks, TallTexan. I'll be sure to watch. I'm honestly trying to figure this whole thing out.
Wow that was a great show. I wonder how the libs will manage to disagree with anything that was said.
No wonder the libs want to insist that the "debate is over". No actually it's just begun, pardner.
FF, did you notice how Glenn Beck made the point that global warming deniers are routinely conpared to Nazis, and then, in the LC blog, Jolly Roger made some Nazi reference about you?
Almost all the libs have smeared us Conservatives with disgusting epithets and lies of every kind.
It's what they do.
You would think libs would feel a little twinge of guilt by posing as bleeding-heart, do-gooders who have nothing but Christian love in their hearts, while behaving somewhat like pond scum.
I like it though because it makes it easy to prove my thesis about liberals.
One thing I could never figure out is, that if WE'RE the cowards, then how come they seem to be the ones afraid of everything?
I mean Bush is a fascist dictator, the earth is gonna burn up, there's arsenic in our water...etc.
They sit there wringing their hands and babbling about all the doom and gloom, we're pretty calm cool and collected, and yet WE'RE the cowards.
It boggles the mind.
Worf, if you keep deleting my posts, then this is not a fair fight. I'll post this on Volt's blog as well.
Worf, why did you delete my post. This has been one of the better debates I've seen here. What gives?
Worf: "And I am not blowing a gasket."
Why are you responding to a post that has been deleted? I certainly didn't delete it. I posted it on Volt's blog.
Now I really must go.
WOrf: "However the president can block that, by pardoning him as soon as he is found guilty."
I was pointing out that the president could pardon him at any point. One needn't wait for a conviction. I guess that was over your head. But you delete this if it makes you feel better.
Voltron said...One thing I could never figure out is, that if WE'RE the cowards, then how come they seem to be the ones afraid of everything?
I mean Bush is a fascist dictator, the earth is gonna burn up, there's arsenic in our water...etc.
They sit there wringing their hands and babbling about all the doom and gloom, we're pretty calm cool and collected, and yet WE'RE the cowards.
It boggles the mind.
May 3, 2007 6:13 AM
Allow me to illuminate you.
Its because YOU'RE the ones willing to butcher the men, women and children of a tiny nation with no Navy, no long range Air Force, no high tech weaponry and no possible prayer of ever seriously hurting us.
Thats why you're the cowards.
We're not afraid of Iraq.
You are.
Cowards launch "pre-emptive" wars.
Cowards like Hitler, who used the exact same propaganda to invade soverign countries in Europe, that your little king George used to invade the tiny, defenseless nation of Iraq.
Clear it up any?
Volt, the following is being posted at the LC blog because it seems Worf deleted one of my posts and won't own up to it. Sorry for the consumption of space here, but my post could vanish into the wind over there. As I stated over a month ago, it's hard to debate and discuss things when your opponent is also the referee.
My post:
Worf, I had real-life obligations last night, which you obviously didn't, so let me just finish our discussion about the deletion of my "gasket" comment. I am not an administrator or moderator here, so if I delete something, it does not disappear in its entirety. A notation appears that says:
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
There was so such notation from "Tall Texan," but I did claim that you were blowing a gasket. You obviously read that post because you responded And I am not blowing a gasket. You would not have responed to that with such specific language unless it was a response to what I posted.
Now, follow carefully, by deduction, we know I posted that comment and we know that you read that comment because you responded to it. We know that I didn't delete because there was not message from blogger saying "message has been removed by author."
THEREFORE, the only other possibility is that someone else deleted that comment, and it certainly was not me. Whoever has admin authority (you? Larry? Lydia?) most likely deleted it because only an admin can delete something without a trace that it was ever there, which is exactly what happened.
Now, I don't know who deleted my comment, but I know for damn sure it was not me. You do the math.
Here's a cool morning show:
Quinn and Rose
(Crossposted at Volt's blog.)
Hi TT, if you read real close over there I think Mikey did it.
He's had the power to delete posts for a little while now.
Volt, I didn't know Mike had admin power. That might very well be the answer.l Thanks.
Oh my. Looks like if you hurt worf's feelings he just deletes your comments. What a man.
" Mike said...
I dont know why Lydia and Worf allow a Simpleton like YOU to come on here and just lie.......But its wearing REAL thin with me consider yourself warned Old Man the next time you come on here and spew BS and lies as if they were truth there will be consequences to deal with understand Old Man.
Your Lying will no longer be tolerated ..........YOU goy banned at Brad Blog for doing this and you still havent learned have you Old Man..........maybe you Really cant teach an old dog new tricks.
2:43 PM
Wow, Mikey's growing a set.
And they're a communist set as well.
Looks like you'll only be able to post their truth from now on, eh FF?
AND FF, I saw nothing untruthful in your post about trickle down economics at all...
Thanks, Volt.
It is rather astonishing (even to me) that all the happy-face, bleeding-heart veneer is coming off the liberals at LC blog.
Worf has waxed eloquently about the virtues of free speech, but given a little power, he quickly becomes a fascist. In fact he is proud to dub himself the "blog nazi" which fits nicely.
Almost all the libs on the blog are eager to eliminate opposing points of view: leisure suit larry, milquetoast mike, pugnacious pussy, british gary, wharf rat, etc.
You can easily see how speech codes developed on campus to remove "hate speech" by any Conservative.
Europe has far less freedom of speech, and we may not be far behind if hillary gets into office.
Liberals ideas can simply not withstand the sunlight of truth, and the evidence mounts daily at the LC blog.
Stanley Milgram was a psychological researcher who was made famous by his experiments into the nature of authority and people's willingness to obey authority figures, even when that meant causing apparent harm to others.
His fascination with the nature of authority was prompted by the experiences of Jews during the Holocaust - Milgram was eager to try and discover how and why such events could have happened. What would cause people living in a civilized nation to suddenly participate in mass killings when told to by an authority figure?
In Milgram's experiments, he asked subjects to administer questions to someone they thought was another subject, but who was in fact a partner of Milgram's. Whenever an incorrect answer was given, the subject was ordered by an authority to give the other person an electrical shock (and the person pretended to experience pain). The level of shock was increased as more wrong answers were given.
One of the most important steps which Milgram found the subjects making was in allowing the authority figures to define the nature of the situation - in doing so, this permitted the subjects to bypass their own moral compass and accept their actions as being already justified:
Ideological justification is vital in obtaining willing obedience, for it permits the person to see his behavior as serving a desirable end. Only when viewed in this light, is compliance easily exacted.
"There is a propensity for people to accept definitions of action provided by legitimate authority. That is, although the subject performs the action, he allows authority to define its meaning. It is this ideological abrogation to the authority that constitutes the principle cognitive basis of obedience. If, after all, the world or the situation is as the authority defines it, a certain set of actions follows logically."
In the end, Milgram found that quite a large number of people were willing to administer very painful shocks, even to the point of life-threatening shocks. This willingness was increased when the target was not in the room and when the authority figure was much more obviously an authority, for example wearing a white lab coat. Interestingly, many refused to take responsibility for their actions:
"When asked about responsibility for the victim's suffering, he places the heaviest burden on the experimenter, then on the victim, and assigns the least to himself. Of the learner he says, "He agreed to it, and therefore must accept responsibility." The experimenter has "the biggest share of responsibility. I merely went on. Because I was following orders ...I was told to go on. And I did not get a cue to stop."
The old saying "power corrupts" and "absolute power corrupts absolutely" seems to be proving true...
They all seem to have the power of the delete button over there, and each is eager to use it as they see fit.
I'll bet that power will eventually get taken away when the survival of the blog is threatened. You can't have that many dictators in one room, somebody has to lose...
Sorry about the Cliffy style cut and paste, but I found something intriguing about that article.
There might be some parallels to what we are seeing...
What is interesting is mikey's level of outrage. I think he is reflexively one of the less liberal of the group, living amongst all the real men in Texas and all.
He undoubtedly realizes the truth is not on his side and he is enraged by the affront to his religion of lies.
Regarding "hate speech" FF, Lydia has posted a thread or two regarding "right wing hate speech" on talk radio.
I willing to bet she (or any of them) have actually listened to an entire Rush or Hannity show. Probably just little clips taken out of context libs pass around as proof of how awful we truly are.
They talk a good line about free speech, but then in the next breath want to ban anything that doesn't agree with them.
Regarding Mikey, I somewhat agree and yet I can't totally. Mike is an enigma to me.
You're correct that he seems to be the least reflexively liberal among the group, yet he seems the most eager to prove his liberal credentials.
Almost like he wants very much to belong to a club that in reality he has little in common with.
I just love the way Cliffy can't help himself from foaming at the mouth everytime he responds.
He'll probably start spewing bible quotes any minute now...
It's obvious most libs are borderline psycho. Cliffy is exhibit A.
And on that note, I'm gonna retire for the evening.
Have a good one FF.
Nite Volt, you Ruffian.
Freedom Fan said...
Worf has waxed eloquently about the virtues of free speech, but given a little power, he quickly becomes a fascist.
I've had the power to delete posts for a long time now. Ever since Lydia made me a blog adminsitrator.
And if you want to excercise free speech by voicing a debate or an argument, we're all ears.
But if you honestly think coming into a blog in which you choose to be hostile to the supporting membership, and insult them AND the blog administrator and owner, without being censored, then you're living in a dream world.
A dream world aside from the one where you thought the Iraqi's would greet us as liberators.
And if you keep it up, then you can rot in here, crying to everyone about how unfair I am.
Now see if Volt will delete these for you. Maybe it will make you feel better.
Wharf Rat, I am perfectly capable of deleting your silly comments.
But we don't censor folks here because we Conservatives honor the first amendment and revere liberty.
In contrast, you are an excellent representative of the majority of libs who are obviously spineless hypocrites who can't endure a difference of opinion, lest their feelings become hurt.
So go strut back into your echo chamber and tell your lib girlfriends how very afraid we are of your sharp mind and silver tongue.
Volt, TT or myself can easily embarrass you intellectually lazy goofballs with one comment tied behind our backs. You're not foolin anyone: You're just a yella loser.
(Posted over at LC as well.)
If you insult a Liberal, Carl will insult you with the term "widdle," the constant repetition of which is childish and makes this (the LC Blog) blog look like a playground.
Hey Libs, can you go for one day without using the term "widdle," or do you have Tourette's syndrome?
I told TT last night to keep their dog on a leash.
If he thinks he's going to come in here to take a crap, he's sadly mistaken."
Walter Sobchak: Lets not forget Dude that keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either.
The Dude: What are you a fucking park ranger now?
Ok guys, no amphibious rodents here, which means you can only insult Republicans.
"Voltron said...
Regarding "hate speech" FF, Lydia has posted a thread or two regarding "right wing hate speech" on talk radio.
I willing to bet she (or any of them) have actually listened to an entire Rush or Hannity show. Probably just little clips taken out of context libs pass around as proof of how awful we truly are.
They talk a good line about free speech, but then in the next breath want to ban anything that doesn't agree with them.
May 8, 2007 9:29 PM"
Yep. Recall that they were all, except Worf, very happy to have seen Imus muzzled, and if they had the power, they'd cut Limbaugh off as well -- in a heartbeat. And they cry about the freedoms of terrorists being circumscribed.
In all seriousness, Mike is the biggest pussy on that blog. He's too dumb and can't keep up, and, in his frustration, he begs Worf to delete the comments of those nasty Conservatives.
"Please, Worf, those big bad Republicans have bested me again. Delete their comments or I'll cry."
TT and Volt,
You know I meet a lot of sharp Conservatives on other blogs as I'm sure you do too.
We should invite them over here.
Actually FF, other than here and LC's I don't blog much...LOL
But feel free to invite anyone you wish.
(that and the people at Blackfive and Sweetness & Light wouldn't want to waste their time I'm sure - They seem to be used to debating much more intelligent liberals than LC has)
Yeah, these are some of the most light weight libs I've met.
Debating them is kinda like dynamiting fish in a barrel.
They're about as deep as a wading pool with a leak.
I can't really exempt myself either I suppose. I'm not the most eloquent writer, and I don't keep a complete library of references at my fingertips to support my beliefs.
So I guess I'm probably not the best fighter for the cause...LOL
The facts seem obvious to me and I can't figure out why someone else can't see it...
You know, I'm STILL curious about the supposed blocking of Lydia's posters.
Worf can only provide security for the front end, the part on Lydia's server.
The comments are on blogger's server which they can't control. Who was doing it? And why has it stopped now?
There was/is something fishy about that whole thing.
I disagree Volt. You have a great deal of common sense combined with a first rate mind. But you are more of a gentleman than I am.
I just delight in ripping liberals. It's so easy because most of them never do opposition research, or try to really understand their opponents. Witness how none of them even bothered to watch the first Republican debate. They are so shallow that they dismissed it as a bunch of white old men yammering.
This is why they are surprised and livid when elections don't go their way. They are quite sure there must be a conspiracy because everything that they've heard agrees with their warped world view.
I think it was a ploy to get administrator privileges.
But by who? Worf?
He does seem to be the only one computer literate enough to have done something like that.
There was/is something fishy about that whole thing.
They were either experiencing some sort of technical difficulty, or they were fabricating the whole thing as an excuse to silence the opposition.
That was followed by an attempt to move the blog into that other format in which Worf could block IP addresses (I have about 10). I don't really know why they abandoned that idea unless it was our little boycott. They did seem bummed that we wouldn't come out to play.
But it was amusing how LC was about to go on the radio with another conspiracy theory about how the eeevil Republican administration was messing with her tiny partisan blog. I suppose she eventually realized how delusional that would sound.
It was interesting wasn't it FF?
The republican candidates walked right into the belly of the beast, (PMSNBC) not to mention two of the worst partisan anchors. (Matthews and Olbermann) And their democrat opponents wouldn't go on FOX.
It doesn't make sense for either party really. Hardly anyone watches MSNBC, so what's the point in showing up there? And with the huge viewership at FOX, the dems missed a chance to strut their stuff in front of a pretty large audience.
The Republican candidates went on MSNBC opposite the O'Reilly goliath. They were either very dumb and did not care about ratings or wanted to reach the libs who don't watch FOX.
Yeah, right now I'm on DSL. The IP is static as long as I don't turn the modem off, but as soon as I reset it I get a new IP.
Not that I care particularly, but I could get around blocking if I wished to.
I'm assuming it was to reach libs who don't watch FOX.
I wonder how the dems would've reacted if a FOX anchor asked them if they wished there was another Reagan in the white house?
Volt, you've had them on the ropes with the best of them. Don't sell yourself short.
Volt you know I'm very concerned about this global warming hysteria.
Few realize what the GW end game is here: A massive tax on carbon emissions which will drive factories overseas damage our economy. It will probably start modestly then they will gradually crank up the tax rates -- kinda like slowly boiling the frog.
No one will see this coming unless we get the word out now. By the time the libs succeed in indoctrinating every school kid, it will be too late.
I've been accused by the ususal bunch of hacking into blogger, etc. They give me too much credit. Yes, it is true that blogger has had glitches (and those glitches have caused me problems as well), but all in all, blogger seems quite secure.
Thanks TT. (and you too FF)
I'm starting to spend a lot of time on Wiki, trying to balance the insanity.
They've been trying to indoctrinate every school kid since the 70's FF, I don't see them having much success.
On the global warming thing though, I have noticed that just a couple of months ago there was snow on the ground, and now it's starting to get pretty warm...
Well we could do the capitalist thing and set up our own carbon offset company...
Hey Volt and TT,
Have you seen AlGore's
carbon offset?
I wouldn't worry too much about global warming hysteria FF.
The louder they yell, the more scientists come out against the theory.
I think if the tide isn't turning our way yet, it soon will.
The real concern, (I think anyway) is the growing power over our country that the UN has. The global warming hysteria might be a way to increase it's control here.
There are certain places in the USA now which are UN mandated "green zones".
LOL, yeah I caught that before when you posted it on LC.
Hey Carl's awake!
Evidently Carl thinks "Cracker Barrel" is a whites only restaurant...
PP also thinks his bisexual lifestyle represents a "race", so use that as a measure of the guy's cluelessness vis-a-vis reality.
Gee you'd have thunk Cliffy would sympathize with a fellow soldier...
Oh wait. That soldier probably didn't have an epiphany about a WW2 deserter.
I guess soldiers are honorable only as long as they agree with you...
Freedom Fan said...
Volt, TT or myself can easily embarrass you intellectually lazy goofballs with one comment tied behind our backs. You're not foolin anyone: You're just a yella loser.
No. its intellectually bored with simple minds like yours.
You're a simpleton of the lowest order, and the dumbest of the bootlickers to plant your stake in Lydia's blog.
I've wiped my ass with your face more times than I can count.
Everytime I exact the same response from you. You run out of reasoning points, facts or logic and turn to lame and redundant insults but you rarely prove a point.
Just like the conservatives always do. You're silly emotional posers, nothing more.
You better untie that other arm.
LOL, Worf just said I had Clif "surrendering to the enemy", I had no idea that in Desert Storm we were fighting Ken.
I suppose he actually thinks Clif was armed with a smurf too.
Get a load of THIS horseshit:
"Carl said...
The really egregious thing about their mockery of Clif's service is, thirty years ago, these jackasses were liberals, mocking Vietnam veterans, spititng at them.
And just like their neo-con masters, now that it's convenient to "support the troops," they do.
But in their heart of hearts, they are still widdle cowards who want to tear down people who stood up and continue to stand up for their country.
6:22 PM"
I mean really.
Republicans USED to be democrats back when that was a bad thing.
Conservatives USED to be liberals back when that was a bad thing.
Up is down, left is right.
Wow, Volt. Pretty amazing. Libs are far beneath contempt.
It seems my good friend & associate, Worf, has posted some phony pic of himself in an effort to impress some chick with giant milkers.
Of course, we all know this is the real Worf:
Massive cheeto consumption has had dire consequences to those around him.......excess cheeto dustis is a serious matter! Cant the government do something about this?
Worfs dog:
Worfs pet mouse:
Unfortunate wildlife in Worfs front yard:
Worfs favorite cartoon:
Im not 100% sure, but didnt phony christian, lydia cornell, exchange DNA with this guy?
Ooooops........almost forgot.
Mike & Cliff spreading some of that pure love ms.cornell keeps yakking about.
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