Friday, July 20, 2007

Some interesting tidbits...

Caught these on "Shrinkwrapped"...

"For a leftist whose sense of himself depends on being smarter and more caring than selfish and evil conservatives, when a leftist position fails, they are quite capable of shifting positions on the fly. For example when the Gorelick wall between foreign and domestic intelligence prevented us from discovering the 9/11 plotters, the inquisitors on the 9/11 panel had no problem attacking the Bush administration for failing to connect the dots they had prevented them from connecting. Note that 6 years post-9/11, the left is attempting to once again make it impossible to connect the dots by revealing secret terrorist screening programs, attempting to interfere with successful counter-terrorist intel collection, etc. You can be sure that if another attack succeeds, they will once again rail at those who failed to connect the dots.

there is an additional aspect of the pathology of the collectivists; it is such a deeply ingrained aspect of collectivism that it is barely noticeable until one looks for it. That is, the pervasive lack of empathy on the Left. The Left cares deeply about populations but not at all about individuals. Even worse, the Left cares deeply about populations only so long as they serve to advance the agenda of the left. (A classic example would be the Left's support of Israel when they were still victims and their intense antipathy to the state of Israel ever since the Israelis refused to remain victims.) People are merely objects whose existence serves to confirm the goodness and correctness of the Left.

From a previous post...

"In addition to externalizing blame for one's own pitiful situation in life, there is yet another advantage to paranoia and projection: often, a creative distortion of reality can reliably pump up one's own self-esteem. You are righteous, persecuting the true racists and you, yourself, are incapable of any racist thoughts or emotions. Sometimes, it pumps that self-esteem up at the expense of a great deal of fear; but nevertheless, it is comforting to know that someone appreciates your genius or the threat you represent. Clearly if the CIA, FBI, aliens, Jews , POTUS, Republicans [fill in your favorite bogeyman here] are out to get you, you must be special and unique."

Does "Get out of my computer you DOJ bitch" ring a bell?, Or perhaps "Republican hackers" locking people out of blogs?...

The Narcissist and the Borderline exhibit different aspects of damaged narcissism. Both, because of their own inability to experience another person as an independent creature with his own desires, lack empathic understanding of others. Other people are objects in the worst meaning of the term and much of the Borderline's and the Left's Pathology follows from this disconnect.

This is why the Dixie Chicks are "sweet girls" and Ted Nugent is a "chickenhawk", Or why hardworking people who outnumber and vote against you are "inbred rednecks" and all live in "trailerparks"...

It must be stated that there are plenty on the right who lack empathy; however, the Left's political philosophy structures this lack as an integral part of their politics. People are only important when they serve the collectivist function. It is no coincidence that conservative red staters give so much more Charity than liberal blue staters.

Collectivism represents the failure of empathy on the grandest scale; it allows and encourages the worst atrocities in the name of the collective, all the while enabling the Leftist to think of himself as a loving, caring, and good person."

And if you disagree with the collective, we'll just delete your post while calling you "Nazi's" and "Jackbooted thugs". Then we'll talk about how when "real Americans" take power, people like you will be imprisoned and shot or lynched.
But hey!, they are loving caring good people you know?

Sound like anyone we know?

"What this implies is a kind of merger, an inability for those on the left to see anyone as separate from a larger "structure" or "system" which they ideologically argue explains everything."

But, we ARE paid bloggers, right?
Who are we working for this week? The RNC?, Karl Rove?, Ann Coulter???

"Whenever I go to a website like Daily Kos I can feel the overwhelming heat of their anger at anyone who disagrees with them. Also many left leaning commenters on conservative blogs cannot conceal their bitter anger at Bush and anyone who supports him. The level of anger seems totally inappropriate for debate about foreign policy or even domestic policy. For all the angry cries about the loss of personal liberties, I have yet to see anyone come forward and offer a specific complaint.

The other thing that strikes me is that they are never outraged or angry about the barbaric acts of the Islamists. Videotaped beheadings, using children as shields, bombing markets or places of worship, exploding chemical bombs, and other such acts just don't seem to faze the left. But let there be a whiff of an act of brutality by our side and the anger comes out almost as virulently and predictably as the Arab street.

Why would they be angry with their brothers in arms? The reason that Islamists don't care about killing their own "peaceful" men, women and children is because the ONE thing Allah hates most is a muslim who will not Jihad.

Similarly, the ONE thing the smarter than everyone else "intellectuals" on the left hate is an American who will not acknowledge their superiority. And make no mistake, if they thought they would get away with it, they'd kill those who disagree too. Just read their posts about what they THINK ought to be done with those who disagree...hangings, firing squads, all after a "fair trial" of course"

For people who are under attack by a stateless group of terrorists it seems very strange that they show little anger at the terrorists who would slit their throats without a moments hesitation. Yet they go into paroxysms of anger at the slightest rumor of brutality by the very people who are defending them."

Ouch! that's gonna leave a mark!

What really fascinates me is how we're always told about how awful the "hatespeech" is on the right. Of course it's just as bad (or worse) on the left, but they're not "hateful", just telling the "truth".

For further enlightenment check out "Shrinkwrapped" on the blogroll...


IrOnY RaGeD said...


Then again, unlike Canada, much of our country has been innundated with inbred halfwits, who's entire lives revolve around "acting and sounding tough". Thats it. Thats all they do. You'll find this indigenous species are densely populated in midwestern trailer parks. Since Bush likes to "talk tough", these people, who's miserable lives rely on their "feeling tough" and "acting tough" because our public educational system failed them (or their moms home schooling), they like Bush. And because most of them are unemployed, aside from acting tough and reading the National Enquirer while reruns of watching Wheel of Fortune, they have plenty of time to vote.

And they all do."

The Left cares deeply about populations but not at all about individuals. Even worse, the Left cares deeply about populations only so long as they serve to advance the agenda of the left.

The Narcissist and the Borderline exhibit different aspects of damaged narcissism. Both, because of their own inability to experience another person as an independent creature with his own desires, lack empathic understanding of others. Other people are objects in the worst meaning of the term and much of the Borderline's and the Left's Pathology follows from this disconnect.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Notice the elitism there?

The whiners on the left and right coasts think the people who actually make the country run are "inbred halfwits"...

But Worfy cares deeply about people. (Just not his own countrymen)

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Speaking of "supporting the troops", when is Murtha going to apologize to the country and the families of the Haditha marines who he accused of being "cold blooded killers"?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Murtha is what the Army would call a "Blue Falcon"...

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I know it's probably been said before, but it's worth repeating:

Liberals have NO sense of context.

Last night Worfy deleted my comments towards Barty claiming I "attacked" him without provocation.

I suppose if you can't see past last night, it APPEARED I did. However, if you look at all the previous times I've conversed with Barty he ALWAYS attacks me first.

Bart has set the tone for our interaction, and all Worf and the others see is what I do at one particular moment in time.

These people who claim to be so much smarter can't see past the end of they're noses.

Of course "fairness" was never their motivation. It was to paint me in a bad light no matter what.

I allowed them to succeed.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

“Fred Thompson and Hillary were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person.

The Republican, Fred Thompson, gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his office for a job. He then took $20 out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

Hillary was very impressed, so when they came to another homeless person, she decided to help. She walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. She then reached into Thompson’s pocket and got out $20. She kept $15 for her administrative fees and gave the homeless person $5.

Now, do you understand the difference?”