"I have never been a practicing Muslim"
Dreams From My Father, Page 154:
"In Indonesia, I had spent two years in a Muslim school ... In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies."
"John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith."
"Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent...Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset:'"
"Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah..."
Nicholas Kristof, NYT"I will stand with [Muslims] should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
"Let's make clear what the facts are: I am a Christian. I have been sworn in with a Bible. I pledge allegiance [to the American flag]"
[But] "I decided I won't wear that [silly] pin on my chest..."
So do not suggest Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim ... for he is something far worse:
A Marxist who wants to radically Change America into a nightmare Thomas Jefferson would not recognize, but which would fulfill the dreams of Obama's spiritual mentor who urges "God Damn America".
Barack Obama's Muslim Childhood
Looks like the frickin deranged conservotard goons are like pretty frickin desperate if they gotta stoop to postin images of Obama in Muslim clothes, you LOSERS like got nothin left huh?
Now go wack off and tell grampa to wash the 3 year old crusty semen outta his beard its frickin gross.
mcLOSER is a senile drewling old goon and Obama's gonna make that frickin deranged moron look real frickin stupid, it'll be like Einstein debating a senile Brittny Spears.
Peeople are like losin their homes and dont have frickin healthcare an all you LOSERS got is to post images of Obama to like scare people and make them think he's like a secret muslim or somthin.
The issues really frickin scare you LOSERS huh?
I hate to like burst you LOSERS Sara the twit Palin bubble, but like no one is frickin talkin about that deranged twit anymore, cant wait till we ask her her position on healthcare, helping people keep their homes and jobs and a womans right to choose and see ow she like matchs up to Joe Biden
With like 5 and possibly 6 kids the only position that frickin twit has gotten right is doggy style.
Oh and like dude if your like tryin to convince people Obama is like really a muslim you might wanna get rid of the Rev Wright image unless your like tryin to focus on a very frickin dumb and deranged group of people, kinda like illiterate deranged truck drivers an artists.
That twit Sara Palin is like a religious wack job, she's a frickin religious throwback an a goon kinda like Voltron an his conservotard goon squad, only diffreence is Sara Palin an her pastor from Wassilla are like throwbacks an regigious wack job zealots schemin for power from the 1600 Witch trial craze, Voltron and his troglodyte frickin goon squad are only like Vietnam era throwbacks kinda like a watered down frickin Encino man or somthin.
These frickin goons wanna paint Obama as a muslim extremist check out this shit about Sara the twit's witch hunting church that will do frickin anything for power.
Uhh I hate to like burst your bubble but you deranged conservotard frickin goons are runnin scared, I frickin own this abortion of a blog.
Sorry to see your currently in Prison. Hope it isn't a long sentence.
9/21: Rasmussen Pres-Tracker: Obama 48%, McCain 47%
9/21: Res. 2000 Pres-Tracker: Obama 49%, McCain 42%
9/21: Gallup Pres-Tracker: Obama 49%, McCain 45%
9/21: Hotline/Diageo Pres-Tracker: Obama 45%, McCain 44%
Naa, naa, naa, naa;
Naa, naa, naa, naa;
Hey, hey, hey;
Naa, naa, naa, naa;
Naa, naa, naa, naa;
Hey, hey, hey;
Naa, naa, naa, naa;
Naa, naa, naa, naa;
Hey, hey, hey;
Goodbye, McSame;
I can't put to words how sorry I am for having to ask a serious question, but I seem to have no choice. Does this argument continue from post to post, or am I expected to post in the old stuff?
Sara, my love, I do so wish you were here, severely bound and gagged, but I still wish you were here. The new picture is killer.
You've made wood, but the tree huggers won't let us cut it down.
What's the matta eddypussboy, your left hand divorcing ya?
Hey guys, I saw Clif the other day. I didn't recognize him, though. It was the first time I'd ever seen him without a computer growing out of his chest. Looked so different!
Hey Eddy,
Yeah it's usually a running argument. We don't necessarily stay on the thread topic.
Besides if you post in an old thread we might not see it...LOL
Hi Will,
It must have been after 3am, he usually goes out about then to mow his lawn. (his neighbors love him)
Like most liberals he sleeps till noon or one then sits with the shades down and blogs till well after midnight...
I just ran through LC,Clf is overthere having a conversation with himself.
I wonder if he got pushed out of the military due to some mental issue?Could be.
Heck with Clif it's nothing.
You ought to see when Bart gets wound up. He'll harangue the walls all by his lonesome till the wee hours.
Of course they both just LOVE to see themselves pontificate.
anymouse ....
can't even use the crusty sock puppet routine any more eh son?
With all the WHINE you seem to have here, you need some cheese.
Volt,we need to stay off LC...we just ran Clif off.
I guess he just wanted to talk to the mirror.
No son I just didn't want you two clowns pleasure each other, like you always do.
Sorry Clifffff, but these guys just have flat-out more wit than you do. And, besides, I'll take a conservative with a sense of humor over mean-spirited/maniacal liberal any day. Actually, I think that most people would. You don't agree?
Aw Will,
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.
Will.now you've gone and hurt Klinks feelings.
I think I'd give about 5-2 odds that one day Klink is up on the local water tower with a rifle.
It may be the Wed. after election day if BHO looses.
Mike concerns me, too (that whole going postal thing, I'm saying).
Hey, Voltron. I got some messages from "Nicholas", 5:30 Eastern Standard time. You don't think that Cliff is doing this in his sleep, do you?
Oh. Dear Lord. What's a guy got to do to get fried on a blog anymore?
I've openly insulted this Cliff guy. I get nothing. I've been nothing less than a chauvinist jerk to Sara, and still nothing. She doesn't seem to have a problem voicing her opinions otherwise.
I even chose a screen name that would allow the, oh what would the modern term for it be, "humor challenged?", room to work. Even with a back door the size of that, still nothing. (There's a back door joke there for those with the balls to use it)
I don't think that I''ll be giving anyone a complex Voltron. If anything, they're giving one to me.
I'm starting to think that I'm losing my touch.
Perhaps it's just a tenure thing?
On a side note: I found it painfully amusing that so many other assholes went with eddypuss that I was forced to go with eddypuss1965 On the other hand, it's a pretty easy pun.
There's some witty bastards in here. You can do better than the left hand divorcing me thing.
I'm right handed.
You've stepped in me. I'm stuck to your shoe permanently now. (Cue shit joke in three...two...one.)
We're pretty laid back here for the most part. If you really wanna stir up the shite try Lydia's board...LOL
I guarantee they'll love you over there.
(not that you're not welcome here of course, I do enjoy your sense of humor)
Sorry Eddy dear, but yourr like a boring frickin LOSER kinda like Will, your not even like worth the keystrokes asshole!
Your the bimbo who's constantly complaining about not making enough money and not having health insurance. What was your "frickin" major, Mediocre Body Posing?
Hiya Will,
I believe her major was "aerobics"...LOL
As for the debate, McSara, I think they both looked like pandering lunatics. In terms of McCain, though, he could have given the Gettysburg Address and you still would have declared him the loser. Olbermann and Maddow thought Obama won? Wow, stop the presses! Come on, they work for frigging Obama, for Christ!
Hey Voltron. FYI, Clif is now threatening me with legal action. What do you think, should I hire Bob Bennet?
Sara majored in dance,I'm sorry I ment frickin dance,there is a difference you know....one is verticle one horizontal.
I dont think theres free healthcare for either one.....unless you live in Sweden of course and ply your trade in a store front window.
Uhh at least I like have a frickin 4 year college degree asshole
I happen to agree with Bart on this one Will. In my view it was pretty much a tie.
I think McCain came off a little better, but just a little.
He just couldn't quite drive the stake into Dracula.
Bart's claiming Barry let him off easy by not pursuing certain points, but the same could be said of McCain.
When Obama was trying to tie him to the Bush administration McCain could've pointed out that on the Frannie/Freddie bailout Barry voted FOR the Bush plan while he (McCain) voted against it.
Also, don't look for the media to actually INVESTIGATE or REPORT it, but many of the claims McCain made against Obama that he denied, he DID actually make those statements.
Like now Barry's FOR nuclear energy while before he's said he wanted to eliminate ALL nuclear materials, and voted against the storage facility in Yucca mountain.
I can't recall exactly what Obama has said about clean coal in the past though in this debate he indicated he supported it, but BIDEN has come out against it VERY RECENTLY.
OR how Barry was AGAINST "unproven" missle defense systems.
(like the "unproven" one we used to shoot a frickin SATELLITE out of earth orbit...)
mcLOSER's a frickin goon kinda like all you frickin LOSERS are.
Sorry my dear but Barack Obama is frickin strongly against nuclear, clean coal, drillin an all that other frickin conservotard goon crap you frickin deranged goons drewl over.
You goons could frickin care less about our environment or health care or education, all you are is a bunch greedy frickin bastards.
"Sorry my dear but Barack Obama is frickin strongly against nuclear, clean coal, drillin an all that other frickin conservotard goon crap you frickin deranged goons drewl over."
That's NOT what he said tonight "my dear"...LOL
So was Barry LYING to the public tonight Sara???
Not ONLY did he say he was FOR nuclear AND clean coal, he also said he supported offshore DRILLING...
By the way Sara, I'm still hoping you get out of prison soon.
You look like you're enjoying your stay though. Did you find a nice bull dyke to take you under her wing?
What the hell is a "frickin 4 year college degree asshole?"
Is that a doctorate in proctology?
Dont you understand.....I have a frickin 4 year degree.
I should have free healthcare and education.
I majored in dance....thats useful to society.
Dont you understand....I was born to dance.....come on pay me for it.
While you're at it,give me a free car and a nice apartment....come on I've got a 4 year degree and I can dance.....damn it pay me.
Crusty the clown, a gutless yellow bellied PUSSY who is all talk and NO balls ..... who'd a thunk it.
I always thought that Clif was the crazy one but, Mike, that stooge basically blows a gasket with every utterance. He's the one that the Feds need to follow, I'm thinking.
Patty, Laverne, and Maxine, good one, Rusty. I didn't think that you were old enough to come up with a golden-oldie like that. Made me laugh, that's for sure!
Dancing CAN be a dangerous profession, I imagine you could get some real nasty pole burns, not to mention paper cuts from the currency being shoved down your skivvies...
9/27: Gallup Pres-Tracker: Obama 49%, McCain 44%
9/27: Hotline/Diageo Pres-Tracker: Obama 48%, McCain 43%
9/27: Rasmussen Pres-Tracker: Obama 50%, McCain 44%
9/27: Res. 2000 Pres-Tracker: Obama 49%, McCain 43%
5-6 point lead .....
Looks like Obama is slowly pullin' away, and these polls are before the first debate.
How does McInsane's campaign respond?
From the Times of London ...
In an election campaign notable for its surprises, Sarah Palin, the Republican vice- presidential candidate, may be about to spring a new one -- the wedding of her pregnant teenage daughter to her ice-hockey-playing fiancé before the November 4 election.
Inside John McCain's campaign the expectation is growing that there will be a popularity boosting pre-election wedding in Alaska between Bristol Palin, 17, and Levi Johnston, 18, her schoolmate and father of her baby. "It would be fantastic," said a McCain insider. "You would have every TV camera there. The entire country would be watching. It would shut down the race for a week."
Yep a shotgun wedding between a pregnant 17 year old and her redneck boyfriend, how much more right wing could it be?
Oh how far the GOPers have sunk from the heights of Nov 2004.
"Sorry Eddy dear, but yourr like a boring frickin LOSER kinda like Will, your not even like worth the keystrokes asshole!"
Thank you for taking the time to waste the keystrokes on me baby.
I feel better in a strange kind of S&M sort of way.
It was kind of you to take the time to include me.
Boy duncetron, your NEW BFF is really pathetic if that is all he needs.
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