Saturday, March 31, 2007

Borrowed this from Dr. Sanity...

Hope he doesn't mind....

"In addition to externalizing blame for one's own pitiful situation in life, there is yet another advantage to paranoia and projection: often, a creative distortion of reality can reliably pump up one's own self-esteem. You are righteous, persecuting the true racists and you, yourself, are incapable of any racist thoughts or emotions. Sometimes, it pumps that self-esteem up at the expense of a great deal of fear; but nevertheless, it is comforting to know that someone appreciates your genius or the threat you represent. Clearly if the CIA, FBI, aliens, Jews , POTUS, Republicans [fill in your favorite bogeyman here] are out to get you, you must be special and unique.

In short, paranoia and its little brother projection organize and distort reality in a way that makes it palatable; and, at the same time help the user to avoid recognizing some unpleasant truths about himself.

Psychological projection, which is often not as bizarre as full-blown paranoia, is a particularly good way of doing this, because by projecting one's own feelings onto someone else, you can make yourself appear particularly virtuous.

The con artist does this consciously and deliberately and understands the effectiveness of the psychological maneuver. Con artists come in all sorts of political stripes, of course, but in our day the great examples are pretty much exclusive to the political left, because the vast majority of the left's minions have such an intense need to appear virtuous. In fact, the appearance of virtue in themselves is much more important than any other reality."

Full article here

Gagdad Bob narrows it down:

"For the thoroughly ironicized secular left (which should always
be distinguished from any form of liberalism), there is no truth but no
truth. The con artist thinks everyone “has an angle,” and cannot
imagine someone who is innocently motivated by an agenda-free love of
truth, with no strings attached. This is why you will have noticed that
the left is inherently suspicious and paranoid, and therefore
habitually attributes motives to positions. Since it is
often the case that their positions are actually cynical motives in
disguise, they think this is true of everyone.

Therefore, you can’t possibly be against judges tinkering with the basic unit of
civilization and redefining marriage. Rather, you are simply using this
as a cynical ploy to get more redneck homophobes to go to the polls.
You can’t possibly think that racial quotas are bad for blacks. You
must be a racist. You can’t actually believe that raising the minimum
wage causes unemployment. You just hate poor people. You don’t really
think that global jihad is a genuine threat. You just want to frighten
people so that you can maintain control over them. You can’t possibly
believe that Darwinism is logically self-refuting. You just want to
teach Genesis as science and impose a theocracy. You can’t simply
believe that Roe vs. Wade represents atrocious legal reasoning veering
on judicial tyranny. You just want to “control women’s bodies.” You
don’t want to harshly interrogate known terrorists. You just enjoy
torturing people. You don’t really want to intercept their phone calls
either. You’re just spying on Americans. And of course, if you do not
accept all of the dubious speculations of the global warming theorists,
you hate the earth."

Full article


IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh and while I'm thinking about it has anyone heard about the new horror movie coming out next month called "The Tripper"?

It's plot is about a conservative going around killing neo-hippies in a Ronald Reagan mask....

I shit you not. Produced by David Arqette.

Johnny moo moo said...

BTW, Volt, how much is Ann paying you?

Hopefully, not more than me?

Im am now a "Level 1" blog infiltrator (highest paid). I believe your still at Level 3 if Im not mistakien?


Johnny moo moo said...

Volt said

"Oh and while I'm thinking about it has anyone heard about the new horror movie coming out next month called "The Tripper"?"

Havent heard of it Volt, but it sounds really good.....please elaborate further....LOL!

IrOnY RaGeD said...

"BTW, I also figured who Worf is/was, but I've never mentioned his name."

Actually TT, that's not true...

I saw a post on a technical board a long time ago with Worf's handle and at the bottom he signed his first name, and I made a post in Lydia's once calling him by it.

He freaked out that time too, and you saw it and repeated it once or twice just to mess with him....LOL

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Think he'd REALLY freak if I called him up on the phone sometime?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

For you Johnny!

The Tripper

I especially like the part right near the end where the kid says "But, I'm a Republican!".....LOL

Tall Texan said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
IrOnY RaGeD said...

Talk softly and carry a big stick eh?

I've heard talk about taking out their lone oil refinery. Seems for all the oil they produce and export, they only have one refinery. If one were to take that out and embargo all incoming gasoline shipments, they'd fall into economic collapse.

Sounds like a plan.
Hope someone does it.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh and tell me if this is what you found:

Scroll through the Client list.

Johnny moo moo said...

LOL, that "Tripper" movie looks funny......I didnt know libs could move that fast.

I have an idea. Call up some greasy pizza joint and have them deliver 10 fully loaded pizza's to Worf's house?

Johnny moo moo said...

TT said

"I'm listening to Bulls and Bears and they are saying that the Russians are warning of a massive US strike to take out Iran's nuke plants.

I hope diplomacy works, but diplomacy always has a better chance when the opponent knows you have three air craft carrier battle groups just off your coast."


Johnny moo moo said...

Whats "Layer 9" Volt and what does that have to do with Worf?

Johnny moo moo said...

Volt said

"Psychological projection, which is often not as bizarre as full-blown paranoia, is a particularly good way of doing this, because by projecting one's own feelings onto someone else, you can make yourself appear particularly virtuous.

The con artist does this consciously and deliberately and understands the effectiveness of the psychological maneuver."

How true! Remind you of any people in particular?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I believe it's Worf's company Johnny.

Johnny moo moo said...

Good investigative work. Are you like James Rockford only part-time?

Do you have a pic of him? Surely hes not the clean cut guy on the home page......impossible!

Also, its possible hes just the coffee boy at Layer 9 (second employee) whos picked up a little info along the way while delivering paperwork for the CEO.

If this is Worfs business then your earlier theory that Worf himself hacked Lyds computer to increase clientele is far from unrealistic.....funny how he was always quick to point the finger at us?!

I myself am fully aware that several companies who claim to protect us from spyware & adware with their software, are also the same people producing these attacks on our computers for monetary reasons.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

LOL, I deleted a lot of that Johnny. There's whacko's out there and as much as Worf ticks us off I wouldn't want anyone to mess with his private life.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Don't have a pic yet, but I'm working on it. If there's one out there I'll find it....LOL

Another thing about hacking into Lydia's, Worf can only be providing security for the front end. The comments are on Blogger's servers and he's NOT in charge of those past Lydia's log in credentials.

So why have the attacks stopped?

He could block a known attacker from clicking through Lydia's site, but if they had the address of the comments section on blogger there's not a damn thing he could stop.

I still think that whole thing was fishy.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I still may call him up some day just so I can hear him freak out live in person...LOL

Johnny moo moo said...

"LOL, I deleted a lot of that Johnny. There's whacko's out there and as much as Worf ticks us off I wouldn't want anyone to mess with his private life."

Agreed! But, what kinda bugs me is I have no doubt that Lydia has passed on my personal info to him.....but he seems to respect my privacy therefore I will respect his! It wouldnt be right to call him, not even for a joke.

Also, is it really possible for someone to hack into Bloggers servers......were talkin Google here!

Johnny moo moo said...

Isnt there a way he could have figured out her Blogger login info without her knowledge & play with her settings?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I suppose anything is possible, but IF someone hacked into a large company's servers like google they'd be caught and fried pretty quickly I'm thinking.

And yes he could've figured out Lydia's stuff without her knowledge, but it's obvious from her posts that it was WITH her approval.

(unless you think he's got her tied up somewhere and posting in her place?) - And THAT would cause a stir with her family, big headline news....LOL

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh, I see what you're saying...

I suppose he could.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I'll be back in awhile. Gotta make a supply run. (smokes and food)...LOL

Johnny moo moo said...


What I mean is if someone hacked into her main computer, it would be possible to obtain login info.

Foolishly, I keep certain login info laying around on my computer....too lazy to write it down..LOL!

Johnny moo moo said...

What brand do you smoke & whatcha havin for din-din?

I had Hamburger Helper, baked potato, & veggies.

I buy my smokes from the indian reserve....ten to twenty bucks a carton! If I buy from a regular store, their 70 bucks a carton.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Been smoking Marlboro's since I was 13. Used to smoke the short ones until they went up to 75 cents a pack, then I switched to 100's thinking I was getting more for the same price. It started cutting into my school lunch money...LOL

Just had a can of "Chili-Man" chili.
(to lazy to make my own today)

Johnny moo moo said...

Marlboro's are my favorite American smoke. Although I brought two cartons with me to Cun, I had to start buying Marlboro's coz I was handing out too many smokes too all the Mexicans......they loved me!

Johnny moo moo said...

Glad Im not sleeping at your house tonite......considering the chili & all....LOL!

Johnny moo moo said...

Anyways, although my transmissinos are encrypted my proxy server has systems installed that detect illegal activity such as hacking.

Also, Worf is a liar or he doesnt know his business very well coz I have never posted anonymously to this day.....not once!
I dont need to hide to confront those pussy's and will face them everytime only using my handle.....period!

I also have the option to anonymize my e-mail, but Ive never used it coz thats a little to sneaky for me.

Tall Texan said...

R. Lee Ermey's POV on the fired US attorneys

I wouldn't mind he Sgt. Hartman ran for president.

Johnny moo moo said...

Never heard a reasonably civil Sgt. Hartman before!

Nevertheless, his point will simply be dismmissed by the libs for some reason or another......hypocrites!

Did you read Volts "Clinton Scandals" comment in the "Ok, Ok" thread TT?

It raises similiar issues to that brought up by the gnarly Sgt.

Tall Texan said...

No, Johnny, I didn't read it. Was it in the previous blog? I have a good deal of catching up to do. I do know that Clinton was the most scandal ridden administration since Nixon

BTW, a question about your proxy server and the encryption: I get the basic concept, but as soon as your email leaves the server on its way to the recipient, I have to think that it is no longer encrypted unless you and the recipient are both using PGP, or something similar. Also, if you don't mind my asking, why use a proxy server? Doesn't your ISP know where you surf (unless your browsing is encrypted as well)?

Johnny moo moo said...


The "Clinton Scandals post" is two threads before this one. Just go to Volts home page and click on older posts...youll see a thread called Ok, Ok"

I learned quite a bit from this excellent comment.

I have never encrypted my e-mail, but basically I could send an e-mail and theres no possible way anyone could figure out who sent it.

My proxy server is so powerful, my transmissions go right through my ISP completely encrypted. Its called secure tunnelling.

Virtually, anything I do online is totally encrypted. They also supply you with a fake I.P whenever your online......just sit back & relax!

Right now my I.P is

Johnny moo moo said...

Also, my firewall has "stealth mode."

I have a pretty good system!

Tall Texan said...

Sounds very, very cool, Johnny. Maybe I should go to Comp USA and get one of those programs.

Well, I haven't had dinner yet, so I'm going to get some before it gets too late. I'll check back tomorrow.


Johnny moo moo said...

Toodles TT.

Freedom Fan said...

Great article, Volt.

It made me think of carl, the pugnacious pussy.

He freely uses the "N" word while calling others "racists" without any support whatsoever. He doesn't even know the race or background of his opponents.

Carl is typical of libs who assume that all Conservatives are straight, white, stupid, Christian men. This is why Conservatives like Clarence Thomas or Michelle Malkin or Al Rantel, simply drive them nuts. No epithet --no ugly bogus charge-- is too extreme for such "traitors" to the religion of liberalism.

That is why racist libs like carl smear intelligent, honorable folks like Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell as "House 'N'-s".

johnnythejackass said...

your the dumbest SOB in the whole world moo moo, have you molested any little girls today you fat slob.

johnnythejackass said...

Your a lying sack-o-shit moo moo, why bother to mask your IP if your such a big fearless tough guy.

all you are is a psycho troll that hacks and insults.

your the dumbest jackass on gods green earth.

johnnythejackass said...

go eat a 24 inch pizza and 19 burritos fat boy.

johnnythejackass said...

moo said "Marlboro's are my favorite American smoke."

tell the truth freak boy you smoke something else quite frequently

moo moo plays the skin flute.

johnnythejackass said...

moo said "Marlboro's are my favorite American smoke."

tell the truth freak boy you smoke something else quite frequently

moo moo plays the skin flute

johnnythejackass said...

moo said "Marlboro's are my favorite American smoke."

tell the truth freak boy you smoke something else quite frequently

moo moo plays the skin flute

johnnythejackass said...

Johnny is a fat goof that lies and hacks.

johnnythejackass said...

Johnny is a fat goof that lies and hacks.

April 2, 2007 8:09 PM

johnnythejackass said...

hi my name is moo moo and i'm a psychotic freak that likes to stalk celebrities and call peoples names.

somebody please help me.

Johnny moo moo said...

Im confused by the above lib comments?

The same libs who demand peace, scream love, and insist negotiation will save the world, seem unable to apply their wonderful philosophy on a small scale.

Hi Mike ya fat f@ck

I suggest you seriously consider getting married, have a few kids, lose massive weight, & seek therapy for your anger problem.....your almost 40 for christs sake.

Also, fatso, should a miracle occur & you do get married, try not to be a coward & think only of yourself.....stand up for your woman when she needs help!

And, shut the f@ck-up or I,ll get Volt to report ya for threating the President of the U.S

I depise, minor stalkers, fake christians, men who include little girls in their debate, communists, racists who use the "N" word, and the individuals who pat these cocksuckers on the back on a daily basis.

Anytime assholes, but do try to muster up the courage to face me when Im here.

Oh, almost forgot, tell blondie to turn off anonymous comments before you fat losers lose whatever little sanity you have left.

Johnny moo moo said...

minister, minister, minister...LOL!

You talk tough jesus lover hiding behind a woman & her comforting delete button therefore I,ll be more than happy to open the contents of your worthless christian skull on the concrete should you pursue your threats you stalkin scuba f@ck.



johnnythejackass said...

go fuck yourself son.

looks like your still as delusional as ever mook mook

johnnythejackass said...

still think your a stupid movie character son?

What would agent Smith think of a delusional psycho who has to steal his own daughter from her mother to feel like a man.

your nothing more than a pathetically deluded soul hiding behind illusions son.

johnnythejackass said...

What do your think your daughter will think of her schitzo father when she's old enough to know what kind of man you really are son?

johnnythejackass said...

issues threats of violence to people in other countries on the net now son?

why so hateful and venomous boy, you sound frustrated johnny bot whats a matta son, you bstarting to realize how stupid and pathetic you really look son?

johnnythejackass said...

your more like forest gump than agen smith son.

run forest run hahahahahahahahahahahaha

johnnythejackass said...

the truth is hard to stomach aye dolty boy, particularly for a pscychotic, delusional child stealer who goes off the deep end when he cant be the center of attention aye dolty?

have fun with your tool son and maybe you can pick up a few pointers on how to be a hateful psycho and how to disrupt discussion like a true pro, then maybe you can get that promotion and be a level one blog infiltrator like the delusional child stealer.

johnnythejackass said...

well have a good night sweeties glad you boys despise communism so much and support freedom of speech and all that other crap on that piece of damn paper that according to Bush, most people call that the US Constitution son, something the pResident swore an oath to defend and honor.

no wonder you foole dont like to go under oath aye son?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

"have fun with your tool son and maybe you can pick up a few pointers on how to be a hateful psycho..."

Nah Clif,

I'm just picking up pointers on how to be a good christian like you.

And don't worry, I'm not going to delete that. I'm going to leave it up so we can all study and learn from it.


IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh and I did delete the pure spam, but I left all your original thoughts Clif...

IrOnY RaGeD said...

If Johnny considers any of these particularly offensive I will delete them if he asks. Otherwise I think they're a good example of liberal thought.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Actually, in light of the this particular thread, that was an excellent example.

Anyone care to comment on the 'projection' showcased here?

Johnny moo moo said...

Commando Jelly

Why dont you take your hunk of junk welfare scooter, put it in high gear, and drive it straight into a cynder block wall at one hundred miles per hour.....LOL!

1. Mankind will benefit immensely as there will be one less christian in the world to screw it up with their wacky & sick views that dont work.

2. Your daughters will certainly benefit as they dont have to witness whats really on their fathers mind when you tuck them in at night.

Do the right thing Jelly & end your miserable & hateful existence.

You can even sing "yes jesus loves me" before you hit the wall...LOL!

johnnythejackass said...

whats a matta boys, yoy a a bunch of commies that hate free speech dolty boy?

how come that type of spam and personal attacks are ok on lydia's blog but not here, maybe you should look in the mirror and take that mote out of your eye dolty boy.

how come your tool states that lydia and her admin love communism and hate free speech because they delete the same type of spam and offensive attacks YOU DO dolty boy.

nice to live by such hypocrissy and double standards son, lydia embraces free speech, you not so much son.

johnnythejackass said...

how come you dont tell your tool he is out of line on lydia's site for doing that which you dedcry here son?

hell you even tell him you are willing to censor anything he finds offensive here after encouraging him to attack lydia for doing that which you your self are doing son.

care to comment on that boy or will you take the 5th like your lying criminal masters do.

johnnythejackass said...

i find the delusional psycho's comments and threats offensive and hateful son are you going to delete those two or is your hatefulness and censorshop limited to political affiliation son?

lydia welcomes dissenting opinions but not spam and insults, you not so much son.

johnnythejackass said...

looks like the child stealing fool loves stalin and communism.

johnnythejackass said...

you should welcome me here son, your pink pajama party hasnt had this much action in 4 months.

johnnythejackass said...

Hey Goo Goo, I got plenty more in store for you punk!

It ain't over by a long shot Goo Goo.

johnnythejackass said...

See, GooGoo?

I told you there was more to come...

johnnythejackass said...

thats enough slumming for me among the unwashed revolting.

think i'll bathe or take a shower or three to wash the stink off.

toodles revolting

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh Cliffy!, I'm hurt.

I told you I left ALL your original thoughts, and I'm actually glad you added more.

Now I see how a true Christian thinks and writes. You're a shining example...

IrOnY RaGeD said...

As for deleting Johnnies comments, I might if he had started it. As it stands so far I think he was sufficiently provoked...

IrOnY RaGeD said...

And Cliffy?

You don't know as much as you obviously THINK you do.

The "cryptic" comments on Lydia's blog about her and her husband are coming from family members. Her sisters in law to be precise, possibly with the help of those now residing at the property in question.

Do you know who Victoria and Sherri are? I do. Do you know who Ed and the "dragon lady" are? I do. Do you even know what property they're talking about? I do.

In short, you don't know jack.

And if you think Johnny is in cohoots with them or something, why don't you ask him?

And I would find it hard to believe that he is, seeing as they're all in the LA area and he is not.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Johnny, this is really funny. It appears they've made a community sock puppet.

While most of the posts look like Cliffy's style, some are obviously Carl.

Whaddaya know? The two most pious of the bunch.

Johnny moo moo said...

Volt said

"As for deleting Johnnies comments, I might if he had started it. As it stands so far I think he was sufficiently provoked..."

Thanx, Volt, I owe ya one.

Last time I was on the jelly blog I gave Doug Basham a nice comment & was called an asshole by the overly serious rectum pokin minister.

I civily discussed the Fith Amendment, pork pies, crunchy socks, and fried baloney with Worf.

I hardly think these comical anecdotes warrant the involvement of my wee family or the slanderous attacks againgst it......period!

But, no, the severely unbalanced, sphincter lovin minister, had to open his shithole and include my family.

Then the stalking Mazola minister indicates hes gonna get my I.P and perform some kind of attack.......sick twisted stalkin scuba f@ck.

Bet he gets his boyfriend, Leroy, to shove one of those scuba tanks up his well used ass.......ungreased.....LOL!?

I hit back hard & worf deletes my post thus indicating insults are to be given, not recevied........bullshit!

Scooter Jelly said:

"i find the delusional psycho's comments and threats offensive and hateful son"

Agreed! The gay minister should be punished by having one of my crunchy work socks stuffed in his nasal cavity....LOL!

Johnny moo moo said...

Mazola minister said

"It ain't over by a long shot Goo Goo."

Agreed, christian.

Tall Texan said...

Looks like they are impersonating me on the other blog. Here's what I wrote"

"The posts at 3:13, 3:16, and 3:20 are not from me. Someone is playing games.

"To verify that it's me, compare the blogger account numbers.

"Worf, I'd appreciate it if you deleted those posts. Thanks."

Johnny moo moo said...

Volt said

"Do you know who Victoria and Sherri are? I do. Do you know who Ed and the "dragon lady" are? I do. Do you even know what property they're talking about? I do."

Dragon lady?


Ive never heard of any of these people Volt & I dont think I want to know.

Unlike her immoral christian dogs whom she praises daily, I have never disrespected lyds family.

Im convinced the sneaky ms.cornell actually supports these low attacks against repubs as a form of revenge against Ann Coulter.

Johnny moo moo said...

TT said

"Looks like they are impersonating me on the other blog."

You must be mistaken TT, they're good christian folk.


I dont associate with sub-humans anymore on their commie turf.

Johnny moo moo said...



1 lb. ground pork
1 lg. onion, chopped
1/2 tsp. sage leaves
Dash of nutmeg
1/4 c. mashed potato flakes or dry bread crumbs
1/2 lb. ground veal
1/2 tsp. salt
Dash of pepper
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 c. boiling water


Pastry for a 9 inch two crust pie

In large skillet, combine pork, veal, onion, salt, pepper, sage, garlic and nutmeg. Cook over medium heat until lightly browned. Add boiling water, simmer uncovered 20 to 30 minutes. Remove from heat, drain.

Stir in mashed potato flakes, let cool. Prepare pie crust for two crust pie. Heat oven to 425 degrees. Spoon filling into pie crust lined pan. Cover with second crust. Slit crust in several places, brush top of crust with milk to glaze.

Bake at 425 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. 6 servings.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I know Johnny.

I honestly don't know about Lydia. She's always been nice to me personally, but she does seem to allow a lot of foul remarks and crap go on about others.

As far as that and the feud with her relatives goes, I don't really know any of them so it's hard to make a judgement one way or another.

The one who makes comments about Lydia and her husband seems to be in quite a bit of pain, so I do have a bit of sympathy, but is the pain self inflicted or legitimate?

I have no idea.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I will say this thread is particularly enlightening. Considering the topic and what we're now witnessing, it's almost as if it were fate.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

As far as the Cornell/Coulter dust up goes, I'm not sure that there is any revenge due.

Lydia once posted something about being in the jungle and a big cat eats you, it's nothing personal it's just the nature of the beast?

Well, surely she KNEW what to expect when she either naively or cunningly tried to bait Ann. Did she actually think Ann wouldn't take a look at what Lydia had written or done prior to try to see where she was coming from?

If Lydia didn't expect that, she should have.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Well, I'm gonna toddle off to bed. My gout is flaring up and hurts like hell.

If given the choice don't ever get gout. Your foot swells up like the Goodyear blimp and it feels like your walking on a bag of broken bones...


Johnny moo moo said...

Sorry to hear about your gout Volt. I just looked it up at Wiki....nasty!

It says you shouldnt eat meat, seafood, or consume alcohol.....powerful bummer!

It also says you should eat lotsa blueberries, strawberries, etc...

If it makes you feel any better, Karl Marx also had gout.

Are you seeking any kind of medical treatment?

Johnny moo moo said...

Volt said

"Lydia once posted something about being in the jungle and a big cat eats you, it's nothing personal it's just the nature of the beast?"

LOL, I always thought that quote was funny - kinda like this oldy but goody:

"Play with the bull & you get the horns."

But still, Ann went to far by posting Lyds info on the net; like you said before, theres alot of whacko's out there. I would be greatly concerned for the safety of my family as well.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

You may be right Johnny.

But I saw what Ann posted and it was all under SportsIcon Entertainment, Inc. which I believe is Lydia's husbands company.

She may not have known it was her personal info, I didn't, until the big stink I thought is was just corporate info.

IrOnY RaGeD said...


white fluffy little clouds.....

what pretty gates with the pearl like shine.......

HEY, who's that guy in the long flowing robes with the beard?
The one there next to Carl?......

Johnny moo moo said...

Voltron said

"But I saw what Ann posted and it was all under SportsIcon Entertainment, Inc. which I believe is Lydia's husbands company."

Actually, Ive read many comments from other blogs/forums that indicate the Info Ann posted was not that of Ms. Cornells home address or private phone number, but of some business she runs in Beverly Hills.

Whether this is true or not I have no idea?

Johnny moo moo said...

I have a confession.

Your projection thread is all to correct Volt.

Although I accused worf of eating fried baloney for dinner, I must admit my grandmere used to cook it up for us when we were kids......I hated it!

However, due to this extreme abuse, I now buy nothing but the best...... roast beef, turkey, and lean ham.

I havent tasted baloney for at least 20 years...seriously!

Johnny moo moo said...

BTW............HAPPY EASTER!


Johnny moo moo said...



"You have your way - I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."


Johnny moo moo said...

Lydia Cornell said:

"We will do everything in our power to see they are prosecuted and put in jail. It's time now, and the truth is coming out."


Finally, the blonde preacher has learned the difference between reality and jesus.......LOL!

This woman, who once preached how its absolutely vital we forgive our enemies, no matter how bad their injustice affected us, now demands revenge......LOL!

:D :D :D

Am I the only one who noticed this beautiful remark?

I win...........YOU LOSE.......Blondie!

Oh, but let me guess, Blondies problems are more worthy than regular folks problems.......LOL!




Johnny moo moo said...

The above comment was deleted from Lydia's blog. I dont see any un-civil evidence of me picking on her family???

Seems my wee family has been deemed expendable by m.s cornell for her vision of making the trains run on time.....errrrr.....I mean vision of polital power & wealth!


Johnny moo moo said...

Your truly a coward Mike.....seems Blondie has given you the reigns of power as well.....ay, weasel!

You would agree with anybody or anything to benefit yourself.......LOL!

Great comments/qoutes from Mike:

"Thats right"- "great post"- "I agree."

If someone picks on minor girls, heres Mikes response: ( this is when we were friends)

"Its your battle Johnny and I dont want to get involved."

If I had a juicy pink dot between my legs, I can assure you, Mike would be the first in line to defend me.

Weasel.......big time!

Johnny moo moo said...

Scooter Commie Jelly said:

Damn son get the F**K over it."

Wow, Commando Jelly.... .your brilliant!

I would certainly hate to be one of your daughters suffering an injust crime. I can hear philosopher cliff now speaking to his hurting children:

"Get over it; not a big deal. So what if the guy raped you. Life is what you make it."

Are you suggesting Lincoln should have stopped his whining about blacks being slaves to whites & gone with the program?

Still stupid as ever ay Jelly......LOL!

Johnny moo moo said...

Its time to start spreading the word about the communist Jelly blog....unless, of course, you have sympathy for their cause Volt?

Its impossible to communicate with them; the time has come to stop being reasonable and enforce some real verbal/written action.

Is this not the repub philosophy?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I hear ya Johnny,

No, I have no sympathy for them.
But I think it's better in this particular case to lead by example.

They don't realize it, but all their rhetoric is going to cause everyone to run from them as fast as possible.
And in the end they STILL won't know why or what happened.

Election time is fast approaching.
Watch them fall on their own swords when they lose big time!

They think that all of America is starting to think like them. Notice that Pelosi's little trip to Syria isn't working out quite the way she hoped? And watch closely if they cut the funding for the war. Iraq will explode into violence right before the election with the Dems holding the bag.

The support for the war fell because of the lack of progress. That was Bushes fault. However the new strategy is beginning to show results, if the funding isn't cut I believe Iraq will turn around before 08, and the Dems have already staked out their position loud and clear.

Either way, the Dems lose.

Republicans lost in 06 because they became arrogant and weren't getting things done. Since the Dem takeover they've become 10 times more arrogant than the Republicans ever were. The people want to see results, not endless investigations on made up charges and obstruction and partisanship.

The next election will be a bigger shock to their system than anything you or I could possibly do to them.

To each their own, but as for me I say take the high road. I believe in fighting when neccessary, but I think the right strategy now is just give them the rope to hang themselves with.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Besides, think how much more deflated they're going to be if we allow them to just keep on going...

Johnny moo moo said...

Volt said

"To each their own, but as for me I say take the high road. I believe in fighting when neccessary, but I think the right strategy now is just give them the rope to hang themselves with."

Ohhhhhhhh......okaaaaaaaaaaaaay! But their such disgusting creatures. However, I do see the method to the madness.

I hope your right Volt.......I really do. And, I mean that with every fibre of my heart.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Just remember Johnny, the higher up they pump themselves, the farther they have to fall.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh and I almost forgot!

Happy Easter to you as well Johnny.