Thursday, June 5, 2008

Calling Freedom Fan!

Shoot me an email when you get a chance. I have a project that I'm working on and need your input.


Fans and Friends of Lydia Cornell said...

So now I'm a "Left Wing Hate Site?"

Are you kidding me?

Gee thanks.

Isn't it more like the essence of love? (Not counting crazy commenters)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Wow, the lady herself makes an appearance. Mustn't have been any henchmen available. Seriously, though, whatever happened to that brunette who played your sister? She was really hot!

Rustyridesagain said...

Apparently someone has ruffled the "fair implanted" Lydias feathers.I wonder if the "fair implanted" Lydia considers Mike one of the crazy commenters?
Has anyone ever seen a recent photo of Lydia without her knockers hanging half out...not that there's anything wrong with that.Its just a shame that a woman pushing 50 makes her living by selling 20 year old semi nude photos of herself one line,well I guess its better then hooking.....not that theres anything wrong with that.

Rustyridesagain said...

Would anyone venture a guess that Mike has been the largest purchaser of the old Lydia posters?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Aw Rusty, play nice.
Lets show 'em we're better than they are on their board.


sorry I haven't been around for awhile. Got a new kitten (Josie) Saturday, and she's been keeping me busy. She pretty much demands all my free time.
Democat passed away about 4 weeks
ago. Cancer I think, of course she was around 15 or 16 years old, so she had a pretty good run.

And Lydia, I have noticed the past couple of threads you seem to be trying to get a better perspective, but lets see how long it lasts...

(I also agree about the "crazy commenters"...)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I agree, Voltron. The most recent posts have had less vitriol. Maybe it's because Lydia herself is writing them and not the henchmen.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Voltron, when you get a chance, check out Utah's blog. I just unloaded on Keith Olbermann (one of her heroes). Man, oh man, is she ever going to be pissed!

Rustyridesagain said...

You know Volt,after thinking about it...I apologize to Lydia for my comments.But, for the past few years she has in fact condoned
the ravings of the likes of Worf,Clif,Mike and Average Patriot while deleting anyone with an opposing point of view.If she does'nt think people using the terms KKKRove,Chimpy,Pickels,McShame and comparing a conservative to a Nazi as hateful she is either dumb or complaisant.
I think Worf bailing out on LC speaks volume's about the content of her blog,even he could'nt continue to agree with their rantings.

Rustyridesagain said...

BTW,has anyone noticed that Chris Dodd (D-Conn)has been linked to a sweetheart deal from Countrywide Mortgage.Hmmm,I wonder why that has'nt been mentioned?

Rustyridesagain said...

May God bless George Carlin.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Agreed Rusty.

He may have leaned a bit left, but he skewered both sides pretty regularly.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Rusty, good to see you over at Politics Plus. It appears that we just left back to back bombs over there. Serves him right, I say, all that character assasination of McCain. It's disgusting, I'm telling you.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Rusty, Mike just referred to you as a slimy little shit-stain. You're not going to take that, are you? LOL

Rustyridesagain said...

Will,go check out my response to Mike at Toms.
He's asking for the delete button there.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Speaking of deleting, I just got nixed over at L.C.'s. I should probably take it as a compliment, huh? Oh well, it's off to Tomcat's, I guess. LOL

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

So, it was Mike who deleted me? That son-of-a-bitch! LOL

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Actually Will, while Mikey DID have the delete button at Lydia's, I'm not sure he still does.

Larry was probably the one who deleted you. He's notorious for deleting anyone who disagrees with his world view, and it looks like Mikey actually wanted to answer your post.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

A centrist can't even get a hearing over there. As for Mike, I don't actually think he's a son-of-a-bitch. I get a kick out of him, to be honest with you. Him and Rusty teeing off on each other. It's entertainment PLUS!!

Rustyridesagain said...

Well Volt,you can be sure...Lydia has indeed put the mute button in deluded Mikes hands and you know he wants to maintain the echo chamber.
He's asked Tomcat twice if he could be his moderator at Politics Plus...I kind of think Tom is smarter then that.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Yeah Rusty I knew Mike had that power at one time, but he hasn't used it in a long time.

He'll usually talk to me, but Larry will delete anything I post with no comment whatsoever. Even if I'm being nice and the post is relevant, it's still gone with Larry.

Freedom Fan said...

Hi Volt!

I got your message (belatedly) and left you an email.

Glad you're keeping up the fight.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Hi FF!

I sent you an email.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey, Cliffy called me a moron! How cool is that? I've finally arrived.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I left him a reply, but I haven't checked to see if it's still there...LOL

Rustyridesagain said...

Will,do'nt fret over what the....ahh,what shall I call him,oh yea expert on all things military,ecnomic,political and collecting a welfare check....yes thats Clif,better know as Col.Klink.He and Mike are cut from the same bolt of cloth...its a blend of stupidity,cowardness and finger pointing.Neither one has ever had a useful idea in their lives,they just spend time parroting something some far left loon hero of theirs farted out.
They at one time had another partner at LC named Worf,who did have a workable brain but even he got tired of them as their babblings became increasingly incoherent and bailed out.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I was just deleted again, guys. Seriously, though, I've never seen anything like this. I think Cliffy's the deleter, if I had to guess. P.S. Have you noticed how Lydia sometimes comes out and plays the good cop (maybe confused cop is another way to look at it)?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And I just got deleted a second time. Justify this, Mike. The comments weren't even a little obnoxious, for Christ!

Rustyridesagain said...

Will,the'll continue to delete,its not a blog,its a chat echo chamber.Neither Clif,Mike,Larry,Average Patriot is equipped intellectually to answer a question in a logical manner.If you notice all Clif does is cut and paste leftwing babble,I cant remember when last he had an original thought,if in fact he ever has.Mike cannot make a coherent counterpoint when the light shines upon him,so all he does is name call and delete.Larry is the undisputed king of cut and paste,he puts Clif to shame,but like Clif, Larry very seldom if ever has a thought of his own.Average Patriot can best be labeled a friggin nut,he's the one who honestly believes the conservatives killed JFK,RFK and MLK...rumor has it he spends the majority of his time on the Grassy Knoll looking for shell casings.

IrOnY RaGeD said...


I posted the facts as I found them on the websites I listed.

Yet Mikey feels compelled to respond to my "total disdain for facts" and my "lack of honesty"...


You'd think GASBUDDY would be sufficiently non partisan for them.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Rusty, you gotta write a book or a screenplay, bro. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard at something I read. "Average Patriot", yeah, he is in fact a character. LOL

Freedom Fan said...

You guys are still active at the LC blog? I haven't been there since WharfRat started deleting my comments.

Rustyridesagain said...

Being deleted at LC by the echo chamber should be considered a badge of honor,so to speak.What the delation means is that the lemmings there dont have the courage to respond to an honest query,nor do they have the intellect to respond with a coherent answer.If they cannot cut and paste a leftwing loony article they are lost,not one of them have an original thought.They are truly pathetic.

Rustyridesagain said...

Hey Will,go take a look at LC.It appears Mike's parents let him stay up a bit late last night.He tossed some rocks at you.But,as usual he did'nt make much sense.

Mike said...

Voltron said...

I posted the facts as I found them on the websites I listed.

Yet Mikey feels compelled to respond to my "total disdain for facts" and my "lack of honesty"...


You'd think GASBUDDY would be sufficiently non partisan for them."

Well Volty your facts contadicted themselves like i said if the HIGHEST taxing state California ONLY charges 17% which is UNDER 20% last i checked then HOW can the average be 20%......answer me that one you statistical genius you?

Mike said...

Voltron said...
Blogger clif said...

20% of the cost of a gallon of gas goes to the state and federal government.

"Lets see, the cost of gas is around $4.00 so 20% of that is $.80.

But here in KY all taxes federal and state is around $.38, which is one of the main funding sources for rebuilding the road infrastructure let alone new roads.

Not only doesn't will the moron hart not know his history, but he don't do economics any better then crusty the clown or his favorite senile old foole do."

Actually Clif, 20% is an AVERAGE, and a fairly correct one too.

The state with the lowest gasoline tax is Alaska at 26.4 cents per gallon. The one with the highest is California at 63.9 cents per gallon.

And that's not counting the federal gasoline tax which is 18.4 cents per gallon.

That means when Lydia fills up the tank in her Mercedes she's paying 82.3 cents per gallon in taxes.

(Also, Kentucky charges 36.9 cents per gallon + federal 18.4 cents per gallon and YOU ACTUALLY PAY 55.3 cents per gallon, NOT 38 cents)

And compare that to the oil companies profit per gallon of 6 to 10 cents."

Behold the lying dishonest troll he posts facts then constructs a lie that even HIS OWN facts prove ridduiculous............First of all gas is a hell of a lot MORE thasn $4 a gallon in California.........I just got off the phone with a good buddy of mine who is in California and just gassed up and he said he paid $4.70 a gallon.

Now i'll "assume" that the taxes you posted are correct.......(i know assuming your facts are correct is a dangerous assumption...but) YOUR OWN assertions the state with the VERY highest tax California has 82,c cents tax per gallon......that comes out to 17.5% of the price of a gallon...........SO if the state with the highest tax still is BELOW the 20% you CLAIM as a "good average" how the hell can that be a good average.......Alaska's is around 10% or less and Kentucky's is around 13% of the to me Duncetron it looks like 13% would be a MUCH better average than twenty which is not even remotely a factual possibility in the state with the highest tax no less for the average.

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart says:

20% of the cost of a gallon of gas goes to the state and federal government. I don't know, it sounds to me as if there are more than enough villains to go around (not just one bogey-man, in other words."

Well lets see now your very first few words were a lie.......but I allready addressed that in my last post and i'm well aware that facts are not yours or Voltron's strongsuit.

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart says:

20% of the cost of a gallon of gas goes to the state and federal government. I don't know, it sounds to me as if there are more than enough villains to go around (not just one bogey-man, in other words."

Yes......if only the evwill evwill goobermint will stop taxing the poor oil barrons and successful billionaires that are supporting this economy and tell the working class to shut up and stop whining.

What we need is big tax cuts for the oil companies and other corporate robber barrons, along with tax cuts for the ultra wealthy......with no conditions to benefit the unwashed working classes...........we need to scrap all the talk about national helthcare........THATS SOCIALIZE MEDICINE.........we need to finish dismantling or just bankrupt all the other safety nets FDR created for the unwashed working class like Social Security, Unermployment, Medicare etc.....

Tell you what Will, how's about you and McSame make those campaign issues the repugs are gonna run on and let me know how that works out for ya come November..............oh yeah silly me.........McSame ALLREADY is running on thosde issues.

BTW Will, lets take a look how all those failed policies have worked over the last 8 years................the TRUTH is they havent the economy is a disaster..........we have RECORD bankruptcies and forclosures and we are talking decades here not months..........GM stock is around a 55 YEAR low.........55 YEARS....IS THAT ALOT???????

Unemployment is rising the deficits are going to the moon, inflation is raging, oil is going to the moon, debt is at record levels, the dollar is dont have to be a rocket scientist to see that the failed dishonest economic voodoo of the GOP doesnt work for ANYONE but the top 1-5% and that 5% is a big stretch.

Lets see GM stock is at a 55 year low and oil which was $10 a barrel and gasoline which was 88 cents a gallon 2 years before GWB came to power is NOW $140 a barrel and $4.25 if they were to rise by the exact same amount over the NEXT decade, oil would be $2000 a barrel and gasoline would be $20.53 a gallon by 2018..........all you gotta do is vote repug if THATS what you want ............oh and lets not forget the stock market which is BELOW were it was at 8 years ago and when adjusted for the REAL rate of inflation is less than 55% of where it was at over 8 years ago.



Mike said...

MCH said...
I'm actually amazed at the number of people jumping on the get-rid-of-gas-taxes bandwagon. Yes, gasoline is too high priced. Yes, most of us are feeling it. Yes, most of us are sick of it.

But across the board, most states use gas tax money on building and repairing roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. Eliminate the taxes, elminate the funding ... eliminate more drivers because the bridge they were crossing collapsed under them."

EXACTLY RIGHT MCH.......i adressed this in a previous post as well...........i'd LOVE to know where these champions of American values would get the tax money to repair our roads bridges and highways if they cut taxes on the oil companies and the ultra wealthy.

Just curious Will and Volt and the rest of the "keep us safe" crowd who "CLAIM" to be obsessed with keeping us safe; where they are going to get the money to keep us safe by repairing our roads and bridges if they cut taxes on the corporate robber barrons and wealthy clowns gonna raise taxes on the working class and poor.........or just neglect repairing our bridges and infrastructure so American citizens die like a certain repug governor did last year.

Mike said...

Its amazing how a certain group can be DEAD WRONG on essentially EVERYTHING........yet still CLAIM they have all the answers......and wonder why know one takes them seriously anymore!

Mike said...

Lenders create a bankruptcy monster
The bankruptcy reform law isn't working as advertised -- and lenders, whose loose lending standards contributed to the problem, appear to be abusing the system.

By Liz Pulliam Weston
Consumer bankruptcy filings are on track to exceed 1 million this year, laying waste to the idea that bankruptcy reform changed anything fundamental about how Americans go broke.
Furthermore, lenders, not consumers, are the ones that seem to be abusing the system these days. According to U.S. Senate testimony, bankruptcy trustees are seeing "systemic problems" with mortgage servicers that:
Tack on exorbitant fees.
Miscalculate how much is owed.
Refuse to communicate with borrowers or the court.
Force homeowners into foreclosure without authority to do so, usually because the servicers can't figure out or prove who actually owns a mortgage, which has typically been chopped up and sold to investors.
In some cases, servicers have tried to push through foreclosures when the borrower wasn't even behind on payments, Indiana bankruptcy trustee Debra Miller told a Senate subcommittee last month. The servicers used the borrowers' bankruptcy filings, which were intended to erase other debt, as an excuse to try to take away their homes.
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention Act, my foot
The upshot, according to some bankruptcy experts, is that the fairness of the system is being eroded.
"Each of these practices has been exposed in litigation in bankruptcy courts but continues to occur despite court rulings that such activity is unlawful," bankruptcy expert Katherine Porter (.pdf file), a University of Iowa College of Law associate professor, told the subcommittee. "The upsetting reality is that the current bankruptcy system routinely forces borrowers to pay bloated amounts and permits mortgage servicers to misbehave without serious consequence."
More from MSN Money

When to walk away from a mortgage
Crackdown on unfair credit card practices
When bankruptcy is best
Protect your credit in a downturn
Foreclosure nearby? It's your problem
If you missed the irony, I'll spell it out. Congress passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 because lenders had alleged that consumers were abusing the bankruptcy system.
Back then, those in a position to know rejected the idea that consumer abuse was widespread. Bankruptcy judges, trustees and attorneys generally agreed that most people, far from rushing to file, waited too long while struggling to pay impossible debts.
But the reform act itself touched off a land rush. More than 2 million cases, a record, were filed in 2005 as consumers tried to beat the October implementation deadline for the new law.
Then filings dropped like a rock, and lenders declared victory.
Which was entirely premature. Consider:
Consumers filed 236,982 bankruptcy cases in the first three months of 2008, more than double the number filed in the same period two years ago.
Filings have continued to rise. They were up 48% in April and 31% in May from the same months a year ago.

"We're on track to go over the 1 million milestone, definitely," said Sam Gerdano, the president of the American Bankruptcy Institute, a nonpartisan organization that tracks bankruptcy trends.
What's more, the percentage of Chapter 13 filings has returned to pre-reform levels. The bankruptcy reform law was designed to force more consumers into Chapter 13, which requires borrowers to repay at least some of what they owe, instead of Chapter 7, which allows borrowers to erase most unsecured debt, such as credit card and medical bills.

When good credit goes bad
There's been some action lately when it comes to helping people over their heads in debt. But maybe if lessons were learned earlier, there would be less need for intervention today.
The law seemed to be successful, at first: Chapter 13 filings rose from their traditional level of about 30% of filings to about 40%. But Chapter 13 filings in May were back down to about 32% of the total.
Lenders created their own problem
What's driving the upsurge in bankruptcies isn't a mystery. Loose lending practices allowed many consumers to overdose on debt. For a while, many were able to postpone their days of reckoning by tapping into home equity to pay off their more burdensome bills.

But now we have:
A troubled economy with rising unemployment.
Soaring rates of foreclosure.
Falling home prices.
Tightening lending standards.
So we have more people turning to the relief that bankruptcy court offers.
Should people be smarter about debt? Of course. Anyone who carries credit card debt or agrees to an unaffordable mortgage is asking for trouble.
But most of those who file had willing accomplices in their lenders.
I've railed for years about what a terrible law the bankruptcy reform act is. It did nothing to curb lenders' worst practices while raising the costs and complications of filing for those least able to pay. And now we're seeing lenders abuse the bankruptcy system so they can inflict unfair fees and charges on borrowers.
It remains to be seen whether Congress or regulators will act to rein in mortgage servicers in bankruptcy court. But there are some interesting developments elsewhere. For instance:
Federal regulators are finally cracking down on credit card companies. Among other changes, regulators want to ban "retroactive pricing," the practice of jacking up interest rates on debt that's already been accrued. Any curbs on credit card issuers' practices may make credit less available, but it's also likely to reduce the need for bankruptcy relief.

A bankruptcy judge has opened a window for borrowers. In a little-noticed decision, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Leslie J. Tchaikovsky let a California couple off the hook for debt they owed their home-equity lender because the incomes they had listed on their applications were obvious "red flags" that the lender had ignored.
The couple had jobs as a delivery driver and for an auto-parts distributor but claimed on one loan application that they earned a combined $146,000 a year and, on another, filed six months later, that they made $191,000.
Tchaikovsky rejected the couple's contention that their mortgage broker and the bank had inserted the phony numbers into the application. But the judge nevertheless said the bank's reliance on those figures "wasn't reasonable" and held the bank responsible for failing to investigate the couple's finances.

Although Tchaikovsky's decision applies only to the bankruptcy court's Northern District of California, the American Bankruptcy Institute's Gerdano thinks other bankruptcy judges, weary of various lender abuses, may follow suit.
"Their patience wears out, and you get outcomes like this," said Gerdano, who noted that Tchaikovsky was a well-respected judge and "not just some nut job." "I think it will get the attention of other bankruptcy judges who might be willing to adapt the same reasoning."
And the impact could extend far beyond the so-called stated-income loans, also known as liars' loans, that have led to many foreclosures, Gerdano said. Credit card lenders, for example, rarely verify an applicant's income when they approve an account or increase a credit limit. Auto and home-equity lenders often don't check either.
If borrowers can lie on applications and walk away from the debt because the lender failed to investigate, the days of easy credit may be numbered.
"If stated income is no longer reasonable and the result is a claim disallowance" or the inability of a lender to collect on a debt, Gerdano said, "that's a San Andreas fault situation for the whole commercial credit industry."
That might initially be bad news for consumers. But over time, saner lending practices may accomplish what bankruptcy reform did not: fewer filings.

Mike said...

Hey Isnt John McSame getting his economics advice from one of the lobbyists that helped bring about the mortgage crisis, all the corupt lending practices and all the bankruptcies that are causing our economy to go down the crapper..........Phil graham is giving McSame his economic advice i believe..........which means McSame was actually being honest when he said he knows NOTHING ABOUT ECONOMICS........he must know nothing if he would seek out that corupt misguided charlatan for advice.

Mike said...

There you go erecting strawmen to attack Will.

First i'm not about to delete you, and i doubt anyone else will either.

Secondly, YOU are the one who seem to be afraid of honest dialogue.....I responded to what you said and asked you a simple question.........if you arent intelligent enough to honestly answer thats your problem.

Mike said...

You put statistics out there that flat out were not true......I pointed that out..........I then asked you what YOU would do if you think the oil companies paying roughly 13% tax is so unfair it NEEDS to be cut, and you failed to respond.

If you feel I mischaracterized your position somehow Will..........please clarify it and enlighten us.......i;m all ears.

Mike said...

BTW Will.......i posted the same thing over at Tomcat's..........just in case you dont have the stones to actually debate me here.

Mike said...

Like usual you clowns didnt address a SINGLE issue i raised just personal BS.........because you cant compete on the issues.

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
You gotta lot of nerve, Mike, engaging in a debate.......and are afraid of an honest dialoge."

HMMMMM this from a guy that his post started with a bald faced lie then deteriorated from there into a position that (correct me if i'm wrong) the tax on oil companies is presumably unfair.......................Yeah and "I"M" the one afraid of anb honest dialog...........tell ANOTHER one Pinochio!

I havent heard solutions or honest dialog out of you bro.........just being you know fair and balanced!

Mike said...

I know god forbid i attempt to engage in honest factual debate with one of you echo chamber clowns.........silly me I guess i should allow you to just post lies unopposed huh!

Mike said...

You clowns dont see to wanna deal with any facts or issues i posted.............i havent seen you refute a single fact I posted just name calling deflections and personal BS because you CANT deal with facts and compete on REAL issues........hence the troll tactics.

Rustyridesagain said...

My,my,is'nt deluded Mike in a bit of a tizzy.Hey wizard,where are interest rates today? Where exactly are these roads and bridges you continue to mention?

Mike said...

Rustyridesagain said...
Mike,just for shits and giggles....just what roads and bridges are you talking about?Now be specific here,where are these roads and bridges.....or are you perhaps blowing smoke out your poopee hole....again.It would'nt be the first time,or the second,or the third,or the fourth,and so on and so on.Mike you are really dumb,but I think you already know that."

Are you flat out inbred ignorant and stupid on EVERY issue Crusty..........why i'm talking about the funds from the gas tax you wanna epeal that are used to repair roads bridges and other infrastructure........see I asked WHERE o Where you Reich Wing genius's and economic wizzards plan to get the funds to repair these bridges and other rotting and aging infrastructure like the bridge that collapsed in Minnasota and killed a bunch of American civilian's because Pawletty the repug Governor was too damn cheap to maintain the safety of the infrastructure.

BUT like usual all you do is call names and deflect instead of answering my questions or focusing on the REAL ISSUES.

You repug losers love to spout off about keeping us safe except when you actually have to reach in your greedy pockets and actually pony up to put your money where your big fat mouth are.

Mike said...

Hey I just said Interest rates are at 2% while inflation is exponetially higher.........not a good for those bridges genius they are ALL over America and the gas tax pays for their upkeep............but the one that collapsed and caused all those deaths was in Minnasota..............are you ignorant of EVERYTHING that goes on troll.

BTW......hows the stock market treating ya genius..............its had its WORST June since 1939 THE GREAT DEPRESSION and GM is a 55 year lows..........55 YEAR LOWS and worst June in 78 years..........IS THAT ALOT CRUSTY?

Mike said...

Now I answered your question bout YOU answer some of mine........IF YOU CAN!

Mike said...

You seem like such an angry, bitter, hateful, frustrated little man Crusty, always calling names and resorting to personal attacks instead of focusing on real issues of debate......why is that?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Have fun over at Tomcat's, Mike. I let a few things off my chest. As for this taxation issue, Mike, there are over 40 other taxes (besides the state and federal exise taxes) along the way, from production to distribution that virtually double the figures that Cliffy provided. You might want to inform him of this.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Or to look at it another way, IF the oil companies take of 10 cents a gallon is an "obscene" profit, what do you say about a state that takes 3 to 6 times that? Or a federal government that takes almost TWICE that?

As gas prices rise so does THEIR take. How much do they need for roads and bridges anyway? (and do you really think that's what it all goes for?)

Sure, and the lottery is all for education too...

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh and since gas prices fluctuate, and are not the same all over the country, (let alone different areas of the same state or even city) I'll stand by that percentage as written.

Gas can still be found in central Illinois for under $4 per gallon.

The gas prices you're talking about are mainly in the larger cities where they also have LOCAL taxes and special fuel requirements.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

And one last thought, please don't spam the board.

I made ONE post on yours.

We probably remember what we said previously and you can remind us if we don't, you don't have to quote entire comments in each one of your replies.

I am loathe to delete posts, especially when they showcase the insanity and vitriol of the far left so well. But I may have to resort to that if you can't control yourself.

Instead of posting an entire article, post a paragraph or two that highlights your point with a link to the full article that we can click on IF we're actually interested.

I don't intend to get finger cramps scrolling past lengthy articles here like I do over on your board.


Rustyridesagain said...

Mike,you are a so typical liberal wanting america to be a "nanny State," take care of your every need from cradle to grave,you want income redistribution so guys like you,Larry and Clif can live off the success of others,you want universal healthcare run by the federal government,you want more spent on an already failing public school system,you want to tax the rich...what ever the hell that means.
Personally I dont want to pay more taxes to fund or increase funding to a pisspoor public school system just so you libs can placate the corrupt teachers unions,while you continue to reject school vouchers.I dont want to contribute to a universal healthcare boondoggle ending with socialized medicine,I dont want a dollar of my taxes funding abortions.I want parental notification.I want wind farms off the coast of Cape Cod so Ted Kennedy can see them before he croaks.I want nuclear power plants in every state.I want to drill for oil off the coast of Florida and Anwar.I do not want to pay more taxes to support you,Larry and Clif.
So Mike,I'm not an angry person,I just happen to think you're an idiot.As for name calling,reading your postings I'd have to declare you the champ in that arena.
Yes Mike everyone knows gas prices are high,everyone knows there are both federal and state taxes on gas,some states taxing more then others,we also know that a portion of the taxes go to roads and bridges as do the monies collected in states with toll roads.We also know the federal government will never lower their portion.... they would have less to piss away.
Your idiotic ramblings about gas taxes and market fluctuations just sound plain stupid.I dont think you've ever taken a long range look at the market.If you had you'd know whats happening now has indeed happened previously and I dont mean 1929.
In closing Mike I just like to say.try not to be so bitter towards your country and people that have an opinion that differs from yours.As for the name calling I dont think John McCain is "McCrazy," I dont think Karl Rove is "KKKRove," I dont think Laura Bush is "Pickles," and I dont think the sitting president is "Chimppy."
Read what you've written prior to hitting the publish button.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Rusty, I don't know if you and I agree on everything but, I'm telling you, your comments are awesome. As for Mike, I will never defend him again. The tactics those bastards use over there are indefensible. First of all, I get deleted....and then I get attack - all for a very modest statement. Bottom-line, you're right. They tolerate ZERO disagreement.

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said... As for this taxation issue, Mike, there are over 40 other taxes (besides the state and federal exise taxes) along the way, from production to distribution that virtually double the figures that Cliffy provided. You might want to inform him of this."

Hey genius I FIRST of all I wasnt using Clif's figures I was using the figures Volt provided.......Secondly I never said those figues werent accurate, maybe you should listen a little closer.........WHAT I DID SAY was thaty according to volt's figures the government charging 20% of the price of gas in taxes is impossible.

Volt stated how much the TOTAL tax is in several as long as the total tax he stated is correct itt really doesnt matter how many individual taxes comprise that total figure unless of course you are CLAIMING his figures are wrong?

ARE YOU CLAIMING Voltron's figures are Wrong WILL?

Mike said...

Voltron said...
Or to look at it another way, IF the oil companies take of 10 cents a gallon is an "obscene" profit, what do you say about a state that takes 3 to 6 times that? Or a federal government that takes almost TWICE that?

As gas prices rise so does THEIR take. How much do they need for roads and bridges anyway? (and do you really think that's what it all goes for?)

Sure, and the lottery is all for education too..."

ONCE AGAIN your NOT focusing on the issues and answering my questions.......I NEVER even touched on the subject of whether either the oil companies profits were excessive or unfair or whether the governments rate of taxation was unfair..........Thats a deflection just like your question of how much actually goes to maintaining bridges and roads for your question how much is needed for bridges and roads my answer would be obviously more than we are spending if people are dying from their lack of maintenance.

NOW THE REAL POINT I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE IS.........EITHER your statistics for the anount of taxation are wrong or your claim of a 20% rate of government taxation is WRONG.......because when i use your figures and divide the price of the gas as applicable I get roughly between 9 1/2% and 17% with an average of about 13%.


Mike said...

Voltron said...
Oh and since gas prices fluctuate, and are not the same all over the country, (let alone different areas of the same state or even city) I'll stand by that percentage as written.

Gas can still be found in central Illinois for under $4 per gallon.

The gas prices you're talking about are mainly in the larger cities where they also have LOCAL taxes and special fuel requirements."

THE gas prices "I'M" talking about???

I took "YOUR" figures on what the tax was in the states "YOU" provided and divided them into the price of gas in those particular states to get THEIR SPECIFIC rate of you see it really doesnt matter what cities they were in, how large they were or what the price flucuation is as long as YOUR figures were correct.........I took the price of gas in California, Kentucky, Alaska and divided by the tax amounts YOU provided and that gave me what each states specific tax rate was.........and it should be accurate UNLESS you are saying the figures YOU provided were not accurate........the numbers generated from those figures clearly prove 20% taxation is a lie.

So again Which did you lie about or get incorrect the figures or the claim of 20% taxation as an average?

Mike said...

Voltron said...
And one last thought, please don't spam the board.

I made ONE post on yours.

We probably remember what we said previously and you can remind us if we don't, you don't have to quote entire comments in each one of your replies."

I have VERY mixed feelings on this so be sure to read the entire post on this.

First I find it "interesting" that you would cry about having your echo chamber spammed by legitimate questions and issues.........also a BIG part of the REASON i postedentire comments was because:

1) You guys keep going off on your tangents and deflection without addressing the issues i ACTUALLY raised or answeing or responding to what i'm saying.

2) Will started crying he was being quoted out of context......i still dont know what the hell he's refering to on that........perhaps he could enlighten us.

Lastly although it appears to me he cant answer my questions or doesnt want address the issues i raise and that the threat of censorship is cause he cant hang with the big dogs.......after all I come into your house outnumbered and mopped the floor with the lot of you.........on another level it is his blog and i have to respect his rules...........JUST like you guys NEED to start respecting Lydia's and Tomcat's.

For What its worth Volt and Will.......I dont delete you guys, as long as you are making an honest point........if your just name calling and insulting like Rusty thats different......I actually enjoy getting the opportunity to respond and show how deluded you guys actualy are.

So again its not me deleting Volt or Will......Rusty is ANOTHER story Lydia has banned him permanently and the piece of shit still tresspasses where its not wanted and is persona non Rusty will get deleted ANY time he shows his slimy face there All moderaters will delete him regardless of what he has to say.......HE IS NOT WANTED THERE.......and any decent person would respect the blog owners wishes and not go there or resort to personal attacks if told so by the blog owner.

Mike said...

Volt said "I am loathe to delete posts, especially when they showcase the insanity and vitriol of the far left so well. But I may have to resort to that if you can't control yourself."

BWAHAHAHA!!!......this from a guy that associates with Rusty and Will who call more names than ANYONE i've seen.......VITRIOL huh might want to check your hippocrissy at the door........i'm NO MORE vitriolic than Will or youi and MUCH less than Rusty.

Mike said...

Well girls i better be going wouldnt want to spam your echo chamber/chatroom.

btw volty if you are such a champion of free speech how bout you open up your secret chatroom/echo chamber to me?

Mike said...

Will i'll respond to you over at TC's I think you misread things a little.

Rustyridesagain said...

Every time Mike submits a posting it just goes to prove how idiotic this guy is.
What the hell does it matter if the average tax per gallon is 10,15 or 20%? The price only concerns the person buying the gas.If he spent as much time trying to improve himself as he does trying to prove someone wrong he might be able to move out of his parents house and maybe even get a date....with a girl other then his cousin.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I told you, MIKE (get the wax or whatever it is out of your ears), that I have had entire comments deleted, only have them return with words missing. I don't know if it's you who is doing it or one of the other 2 stooges. But it's sleezy and, because of that, I will never post on that "one view and one view only" piece of cyber-shit ever again. Open your God-damned mind, for Christ!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

The only time I show "vitriol", Mike, is when I get attacked. The original post I left at LC was very modest and not at all inappropriate. And what happened, I get viciously attacked by you and Colonel Klink (yeah, I like that one, guys). You guys just cannot seem to tolerate differences of opinion. It's pathetic. As for answering your "question", if you add in the 40 other taxes that go into the making and distribution of gasoline, it all adds up to close to 20% (maybe less now due to the recent spike). Of course, if you like paying taxes....

Rustyridesagain said...

Bravo Will,you now understand what idiots the nitwits from LC are.
These guys could'nt find the cheeks of their ass with both hands.

Rustyridesagain said...

Well Volt,it looks like two of the resident dufusses at LC lobbed a couple rocks at you last night.
Who is this twit Jolly Roger? I'm guessing he's their token gay poster, half his comments are about gay marrige laws.Maybe him and Clif are hooking up.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Mike is so stupid. He wants me to PROVE to him that I've been deleted. It's like, I can't prove it to you, you idiot. It's been deleted!!!

Rustyridesagain said...

Mike is clueless Wil.I dont think he ever reads the stuff he posts.
The nimrod wrote last night that anyone calling names should be deleted or banned,but he then says he should be able to say whatever he wants,whenever he wants.
Its scary that someone as screwed up as this guy is running around in the general population.He could keep a couple shrinks busy for quite a while.
I'm pleased he shows the admiration he has for me in his postings...I kind of think he looks
at me as kind of a father figure or big brother......hell,maybe a mentor.

Mike said...

There you go erecting strawmen to attack Will.

First i'm not about to delete you, and i doubt anyone else will either.

Secondly, YOU are the one who seem to be afraid of honest dialogue.....I responded to what you said and asked you a simple question.........if you arent intelligent enough to honestly answer thats your problem.

Mike said...

Hey Isnt John McSame getting his economics advice from one of the lobbyists that helped bring about the mortgage crisis, all the corupt lending practices and all the bankruptcies that are causing our economy to go down the crapper..........Phil graham is giving McSame his economic advice i believe..........which means McSame was actually being honest when he said he knows NOTHING ABOUT ECONOMICS........he must know nothing if he would seek out that corupt misguided charlatan for advice.

Mike said...

You put statistics out there that flat out were not true......I pointed that out..........I then asked you what YOU would do if you think the oil companies paying roughly 13% tax is so unfair it NEEDS to be cut, and you failed to respond.

If you feel I mischaracterized your position somehow Will..........please clarify it and enlighten us.......i;m all ears.

Mike said...

Like usual you clowns didnt address a SINGLE issue i raised just personal BS.........because you cant compete on the issues.

Mike said...

Voltron said...
Or to look at it another way, IF the oil companies take of 10 cents a gallon is an "obscene" profit, what do you say about a state that takes 3 to 6 times that? Or a federal government that takes almost TWICE that?

As gas prices rise so does THEIR take. How much do they need for roads and bridges anyway? (and do you really think that's what it all goes for?)

Sure, and the lottery is all for education too..."

ONCE AGAIN your NOT focusing on the issues and answering my questions.......I NEVER even touched on the subject of whether either the oil companies profits were excessive or unfair or whether the governments rate of taxation was unfair..........Thats a deflection just like your question of how much actually goes to maintaining bridges and roads for your question how much is needed for bridges and roads my answer would be obviously more than we are spending if people are dying from their lack of maintenance.

NOW THE REAL POINT I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE IS.........EITHER your statistics for the anount of taxation are wrong or your claim of a 20% rate of government taxation is WRONG.......because when i use your figures and divide the price of the gas as applicable I get roughly between 9 1/2% and 17% with an average of about 13%.


Mike said...

Voltron said...
Oh and since gas prices fluctuate, and are not the same all over the country, (let alone different areas of the same state or even city) I'll stand by that percentage as written.

Gas can still be found in central Illinois for under $4 per gallon.

The gas prices you're talking about are mainly in the larger cities where they also have LOCAL taxes and special fuel requirements."

THE gas prices "I'M" talking about???

I took "YOUR" figures on what the tax was in the states "YOU" provided and divided them into the price of gas in those particular states to get THEIR SPECIFIC rate of you see it really doesnt matter what cities they were in, how large they were or what the price flucuation is as long as YOUR figures were correct.........I took the price of gas in California, Kentucky, Alaska and divided by the tax amounts YOU provided and that gave me what each states specific tax rate was.........and it should be accurate UNLESS you are saying the figures YOU provided were not accurate........the numbers generated from those figures clearly prove 20% taxation is a lie.

So again Which did you lie about or get incorrect the figures or the claim of 20% taxation as an average?

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Mike is so stupid. He wants me to PROVE to him that I've been deleted. It's like, I can't prove it to you, you idiot. It's been deleted!!!"

Are you that stupid Bill or just that I said YOU are "CLAIMING" someone took your post out of since that person's post would not have been deleted "IF" you are not lying as usual you should be able to identify this out of context post you CLAIM I ask again are you going to admit your lying JUST LIKE O'Lielyy seem to Never back up the lies and outrageous unsubstantiated claims you make BILL!

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
The only time I show "vitriol", Mike, is when I get attacked. The original post I left at LC was very modest and not at all inappropriate. And what happened, I get viciously attacked by you and Colonel Klink (yeah, I like that one, guys). You guys just cannot seem to tolerate differences of opinion."

Lying again I see, first of all You came into LC like a foul mouthed thug attacking people, lying and making sweeping generalizations about EVERYONE that posted there.........i didnt even know you existed till several days were deleted because of your behavior not what you said, on many of the issues i actually agree with you........however what you actually say and how you behave do not add up.........You CONSTANTLY try to smear and mischaracterize and twist Obama's positions while defending McSame's.

Further a moderate fair and balanced individual would not gleefully egg on and condone a hyper partisan troll like rusty that mocks and insults a disabled veteran on the 4th of July by saying he is just a dope on welfare or on Veterans day wishing a disabled veteran dead and saying he doesnt deserve disability or welfare just like McSame and Bush say the soliers and vets dont DESERVE modest pay raises, increased tuition benefits or adaquate health care despite using slimy demagogery to imply that they and only they support the troops and vets when their actions like YOURS say not so much.

No Will only a partisan thug would behave as you have, any fair and balanced moderate would be appaalled by those actions and strongly decried them.

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
And let's not forget, either, folks, how OBoomBoom (what can I say, the fun's contagious) has threatened to bomb INSIDE OF PAKISTAN! I mean, you think that the civil war in Iraq is bad, trying causing one in a country where extremists can get their hands on 3-4 dozen nuclear weapons. Thankfully, he seems to have backed off this madness."

Once again acting like a hippocritial reich wing partisan spreading lies, half truths and dishonest propaganda to smear Obama and defend McSame while trying to hide behind the illusion of being a fair and balanced moderate........the truth is Obama NEVER threatened to attack or bomb pakistan.......what he said is that unlike GWB and the Reich Wing liars who dont seem to care about capturing or killing Bin Forgotten and the REAL terrorists who actually attacked us he is willing to go into remote regions of Pakistan to capture or kill Bin Forgotten and the Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists who murdered our citizens if there is accurate intelligence..............Slimy Will really slimy to try and smear him and portray him as some inexperienced trigger happy wacco...........just like McSame and the Reich Wing MSM is doing..........DOESNT SEEM VERY FAIR AND BALANCED TO ME WILLIE BOY!

Mike said...

Voltron said...
"Please remember, everyone, that we treat each with respect here, even when we disagree"....

..."Where are his attacks on McConJob?"...

"On another note, Charlie Black, McBoomBoom's ReichsCampaignFuhrer",...

Me thinks white man speak with forked tongue..."

I think YOU are the one speaking with the forked tongue anmd trying to misrepresent Volty..........its pretty clear what Tomcat said........he said EVERYONE on HIS BLOG gets treated with if McSame ever did wander into this blog i believe Tomcat would show him respect and not attack him personally, smear him with lies or call him names..........but he's not here.

Secondly if YOU guys were REALLY that appalled and offended by joking jestful names that are made along with a clear point and not just to attack personally, insult or intimidate a blogger that is actually present...........THEN YOU (particularly Rusty) wouldnt be doing that yourselves.........does it hurt your widdle feelings hearing McSame, McBoom Boom and Reich Wing........if it maybe you need to grow up or else dont let the door hit you in your you know what!

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
In addition to the state and federal exise taxes, stooge, there are over 40 other taxes that get tacked on to the price of gasoline from production to distribution. And, yes, the inclusion of these double the figures that Cliffy provides. 18-19%, close enough. No, you never SAID I was a Bush supporter but you always lump me with him, try and give the impression that I'm a Bush advocate. Sneaky little shit."

My my such a bitter, hateful angry little man...........actually Will I used Voltrons figures and divided by the price of gas in those states to get specific tax rates and they were NO WHERE NEAR 20% or 18% so:

1) are YOU saying Voltron lied and/or his figures are wrong?

2) or are you gonna admit YOU were wrong because using Voltrons figures that according to him included ALL taxes the average is around 13% with California around 17% and Alaska around
9 1/2%.

Secondly for a guy always whining and crying about being called a Bush supporter or a partisan........your aweful quick to label me and others rabid Obama supporters and partisans.............why is that Willie Boy........that doesnt seem very fair and actually seems kinda hippocritical just like Bill O'Liely..............i'm gonna start calling you Bill from now on since you act SO MUCH LIKE HIM!

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
I'm not a Bush supporter, you jerk. And you know that. Of course, neither have I sold my soul (or my brain) to the left. This, I'm saying, in that I need those things to function with life's complexities, you partisan stooge."

Well at least i thought you werent a Bush supporter.........maybe you are and maybe you arent..........but its becoming very clear you loathe the left and like the REich...........i dont think i've seen anyone PRETEND so hard to be a fair and balanced moderate so they can subtlety smear and trash obama and defend McSame and pretend to NOT be a Reich Wing stooge with no credibility...........the last guy that tried that shtick was so desperate for attention and friends he aligned him self with the same rabib hyper partisan reich wing goons you seem to be aligned with..........well have fun at the echo chamber you call a blog that no one cares or values enough to comment at or actually read.

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
In terms of his capacity for critical thinking, folks, Mike is amongst the thinnest there is. He sees everything, EVERYTHING, through a hyper-partisan, hackneyed, kool-aid drenched, sollypsistic prism (compare this to my writings, in which I am extremely critical of both extremes on the political spectrum). Vicissitudes/nuances be damned! And he (along with the rest of Lydia Cornell's stooges/henchmen) is utterly dishonest as well. You see, folks, over there they have this tendency to delete virtually every comment that challenges them. But not only that, they have the absolute gall to quote you....from these deleted passages LEAVING OUT WORDS. Yeah, that's right, they tailor your message so that they can more effectively answer (I still call it flailing away) it. I mean, that's the type of crap that Rush Limbaugh does, for Christ! "

Thats interesting coming from a hippocrit ALWAYS cryin and whining about others calling HIM a partisan and a bush supporter to do the VERY SAME THING HE CLAIMS TO DESPISE TO OTHERS.

Could you provide some evidence of this Bill or else retract it because i clearly stated on several blogs i was VERY disaponted in Obama on FISA, drilling, lapel pins and several other issues...........for the record i think i hardly qualify as a far left liberal or partisan like YOU say will, first i am not now nor have i EVER been a registred demacrat, in fact other than kerry i have never even voted for a demacrat, secondly i support the right to own guns, nuclear, clean coal, lng and many other things that are not far left positions.

I in no way support the Demacratic congress.........I think Pelosi, reed, Hoyer ect.......are spineless jellyfish............and lastly about the oil tax.........your once again ASSIGNING me a position........I NEVER said i supported a windfall profits tax on the oil companies or that this problem is structly the oil companies or the speculators/traders fault........what i did ask you was to:

1) explain where you would get the funds to maintain our bridges and roads if you cut the tax on gas

2) to admit you made a mistake stating the government's tax is 20% the price of gas.

SO FAR YOU HAVE DONE NEITHER............instead you have lied and smeaered me falsely just like Bill O'Liely would have.........despite the fact that you havent provided a shred of factual evidence to back up and support ANY of your outrageous unsubstantiated claims..........So who is the partisant stooge here Bill........its starting to look like You.........just look at the company you keep one guy advocates more wars and killing and torturing the 1.4-1.8 billion Muslims in the world the other tells a veteran that bdefended his country in Desert storm to drop dead on veterans day and on the 4th of July mocks him for being disabled and states he doesnt deserve disability and welfare just like Mcsame and Bush say the soldiers dont DESERVE 3 1/2% payraises or increased tuition benefits..........seems to me you picked your side and are ONLY pretending to be the fair and balanced moderate BILL!

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
I have NEVER trashed Obama, you idiot. I've criticized him. Big difference, bro. And I have written hundreds of post highly critical of Bush and the Iraq War. You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?"

And So have i and still try to spin things and label me as a partisan while you cry and whine about others doing that to you........Why is that and why do you associate with 2 rabib Reich Wing goons.......and just what do you guys discus in the super secret locked chatroom......plotting strategy?

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
When I was saying "compare that", I was referring to the constant smearing of McCain on Lydia's site and comparing that to the extremely rare and tepid criticism that Obama gets. As for the MSM, it depends on where you go. Fox is very unfair to Obama. MSNBC (Olbermann, Abrams, etc.), they, on the other hand, have been hammering McCain."

HMMMMM...............depends where you THERE'S a thought, so i guess if you go to left wing liberal blogs your not going to get favorable coverage of McSame.......just like on Reich Wing blogs like Voltron's your not going to get favorable coverage of Obama.........i dont need to lie or smear McSame........i dont like him and there's enough facts, stupid things he's said or done as well as his record to post on............if you dont like that maybe you should pick and choose which blogs you visit just like you do tv channels or just stay in your little echo chamber..........but Lydia's site and Tomcats site are left wing liberal blogs you are not going to find favorable glowing coverage of Mcsame they should be truthful and factual but positive no........if thats not to your liking oh well.

As for you getting deleted ever consider the fact maybe its not what you say.......maybe someone just doesnt like you and/or want you there......posting on someone's blog is a privlige not a right."

And on that note i hope and pray that that champion of free speech Voltron doesnt chose to delete me because he obviously him and his stooges cant counter my facts with their lies and dishonest Reich Wing talking points.

Mike said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Get this, folks, one of the comments of mine that was deleted at the Lydia Cornell site had this as a message; namely, that I am to the LEFT OF BARACK OBAMA on the Iraq War. Specifically, I am critical of Obama's plan to leave a 55-60,000 troop contingent behind, after this so-called phased withdrawl plan"

There you go again with the Reich Wing spin trying to mischaracterize Obama's position............You arent to the left of Obama slick and opposing the war isnt a left wing issue........around 80% of this country opposes this unless your saying the OVERWHELMING majority of our country around 80% is part of the left wing.........its flat out dishonest to label opposing the war a left wing fringe issue.

Further Obama has said from Day one he wants to end the war.........however he's also said he will be as careful and smart pulling out as GWB was careless and reckless choosing to go in........he has said this as well as the fact that he will listen to his commanders on the ground then make a decision from the despite YOURS and McSame's and the Reich Wing's lies and dishonest spin Obama's position has been fairly have shown yourself to be nothing more than a sly Reich Wing troll with your suble smears and dishonest charater assassinations.

I however like dismantling your lies and machinations.......Rusty however i dont addreess very often..........he's none too smart........infact he's a rather dim witted intellectually inept loser.

IrOnY RaGeD said...


You'll notice I haven't deleted you YET.

If we were on your board I can assure you Larry would've deleted me without even looking at my post.

Lydia keeps telling me in emails that I'm not banned, but evidently no ones told Larry. He will continually delete ANYTHING I post no matter how relevant or polite I may be, unless someone else catches it and replies before he gets to it.

AND if and when we ARE allowed to post, we are forced to walk on eggshells so as not to offend any of your delicate personal sensibilities.
All the while none of you have a second thought about tossing out the name calling and personal attacks against us.

In that light, I think Rusty is completely justified in his responses.

Now really though, you've been making like 16 posts in a row, quoting others FULL posts and cross posting them over at least TWO or more blogs.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

And regarding this:

"btw volty if you are such a champion of free speech how bout you open up your secret chatroom/echo chamber to me?"

Obviously it's not that big a secret if you KNOW about it, is it?

AND I can assure you that for right now the only voice that "echoes" there is mine.

And as soon as I have it up and running the way I want it to it will be opened to all.

Rustyridesagain said...

Mike said (I'm paraphrasing here),

"Volt,please make Will and Rusty stop talking about me,they hurt my feelings,sometimes they make me cry.I try to make people think I'm smart and Will and Rusty make me look dumb,come on Volt delete them like we do at my bestest girlfriend Lydia's.Come on Volt please make them go away,if you do I'll let you ride my new bicycle...come on Volt..please,please,please."

IrOnY RaGeD said...

As to gas prices and the 20% percent figure, that was obviously a reference to much lower prices than we are currently paying, so you are correct as far as you go.

However, Will is also right. Those listed by state as well as the federal rate are only added at the pump. There are many more taxes that are paid along the way and simply passed on the consumer before the gas even gets to the pump.

Oil companies pay taxes on their profits, refiners pay taxes on their profits and wholesalers pay even more tax on their distribution AND profits.
All that gets passed on to the final price dealers are charged before the final state and federal taxes are even added.

Now I don't intend to sit down and do the research for 50 states, (or you being an Obama supporter 57 states...) But I'd say the total rate is probably far north of 20%.

AND I'm betting the states haul in far more than is required or even actually SPENT on repairing bridges or maintaining roads.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

I know Rusty, LOL, I know.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

AND if you really want to get into it, Clif deserves just about everything he gets.

At one point I really did respect Clif for his service, but after awhile I noticed that he doesn't seem to consider that as an 'honor' or even seem to respect it himself.

It's a shield, a get out of jail free card for trashing anyone whose opinions don't match his own.

I don't know if he went in intending only to use it as a bullet point on his resume, but that's about all he's using it for now.
His own statements show disregard and disrespect for his 'brothers in arms' and the officers above him if they dare to disagree with his talking points.

He has by his own admission only ONE tour of duty, AND again by his own admission a shorter one than are currently being done, and if he was medically discharged he probably didn't serve ALL of that one.

He claims to know more about how the military should operate than the joint chiefs of staff and the pentagon does, and while he CLAIMS to love his country, his rhetoric doesn't reflect that. Add to that his sympathy for a WW2 deserter and we have what I'll bet just about anyone who served with him will say is a "Blue Falcon".

Google it.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Wow, I just spammed my own board...

I wonder if I should cross post it on all the blogs I read?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Rusty said:
"Well Volt,it looks like two of the resident dufusses at LC lobbed a couple rocks at you last night.
Who is this twit Jolly Roger? I'm guessing he's their token gay poster, half his comments are about gay marrige laws.Maybe him and Clif are hooking up."

Rusty I'm used to it. Besides, they can only pick up styrofoam rocks due to a wrist problem...

You reminded me though of an incident at LC's where after Cliffy posted something about motorcycles, an openly gay poster replied "Bikes are hot!".

I never knew you could see someone blush in a reply on a message board before...LOL

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh and one final thought,

Mikey you keep claiming everyone's making up "strawman" arguments against you using positions you don't believe in.

Well, you've thrown your lot in with liberals so I guess you're gonna have to answer to their positions too. Just like WE have to answer for all conservative opinions.

I keep getting called a Bush supporter, and the truth is I support very little of what he's done, and on about half of that I don't like the execution. But you guys are one issue activists, if you support the war you support Bush. So be it.

Kinda like how Lieberman supports your positions on just about EVERYTHING but the war, and now he's Joe LIEberman and a conservative tool...LOL

Rustyridesagain said...

Volt,I could'nt agree any more with your assement of Clif.I view him as a gutless coward.He has absolutly no honor,no reguard for the uniform or the country he swore to serve.He constantly denigrates active officers,it seems his only hero's are former service men who either were drummed or forced out similar to him and know have nothing good to say...those people are in fact his band of brothers.He's gutless because did'nt have the balls to speak out while he was in uniform,but he now lays back collecting his check and thinks he's Gen.Patton, while hiding at a keyboard.I'd guess quite a few soldier's he served with would lay a code red on his sorry ass in a heartbeat.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

There goes Mike again with the Nazi imagery. I told him on the other site, "I dare you to use that type of loaded language with a Holocaust survivor." They'd frigging spit in his face (justifiably so)!! So, did you hear that, Voltron, I'm a member of the far-right now? That's funny, I always thought that you liked me IN SPITE OF MY VIEWS! LOL Maybe he considers anybody to the right of Ho Chi Minh to be a conservative. And just for the record, Mike cut off my quote (something he says he never does, btw). I also criticized Obama for not having the power of his convictions. He, unlike Congressmen Paul and Kucinich, continued voting for the funding of the war. And I (also cut out by Mike) also posited that he, Obama, probably did this for political reasons (knew he was going to run for the Presidency - EVEN BACK THEN, yada-yada). Sneaky little shit, isn't he (Mike, I'm saying!)?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Thanks Rusty, I do respect military service, but not the way Clif abuses it.

Oh and Will, I'll have to do a graph to show just how you are "right wing" to them.

And as for "Tom", I'm thinking Cliffy.

Rustyridesagain said...

Yes Will,to those folks anything to the right of Joe LIEberman (that one makes me chuckle)is the "reich." I find it quizical how they could throw Joe Lieberman,their VP candidate under the bus and the way they turned on Hillary during the primary.I wonder what they will do about BHO sprinting towards the center? They say nothing about his position on FISA,guns,faith based and his changing position on Iraq.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Try this Will:

The Right Wing

As you can see, to them you ARE a right winger...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

You're a God-damned liar, Mike. Obama DID say that he WOULD bomb inside of Pakistan (must have had wax in your ears). He said it in one of the debates and had his ears boxed by Hillary (boy, is she looking good, in retrospect). It was a big story for a while, actually. What planet do you live on?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Great graph, Voltron. Witty and irreverant, as usual (I'm going to get hammered for complimenting you, you know that, right?). The only thing I would change (only my perception, mind you) would be to slide both me and Fox News a little to the right. I would keep Mike and Cliffy, however, to the left of Pink-land. LOL

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Another thing, MIKE, if you actually read my posts (you know, as opposed to hyperventilating/hallucinating), you'll see that I never really support McCain's positions (I disagree with probably more than half of them). I support him when he's being "swift-boated" (as I supported Kerry 4 years ago) and I support him when he's being tarred and feathered with nazi innuendo by the likes of you, Cliffy, Average Lunatic, etc.. It's a decency thing, in other words, moron. Try and develop some, for Christ.

Rustyridesagain said...

Will,check out the spat Mike and Klink had with their old partner over at LC.Bart (A.K.A.Worf)always was the brains over there, Mike and Klink can bearly tread water trying to outwit him and he proved it again.I suspect his comments will be deleted by one of those morons.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Just got done with it, actually. What can I say, I'm speechless.