Oh, and for all you liberal ladies,
he's single!
Great with all your kids from previous one night stands!
Here's an example of what the left sheds crocodile tears for:
One of the lebanese PLF "fighters" released in exchange for the dead bodies of two israeli soldiers kidnapped in a cross border raid. Samir Kuntar
"In 1979, the Israeli newspaper Maariv newpaper described the attack as follows: After drowning Danny in the sea in front of Einat (as Ahmed Al-Brass, Mhanna Salim Al-Muayed, and Abdel Majeed Asslan served as look outs and backup cover for Kuntar), Kuntar turned his attention towards the 4 year-old. He took his rifle and then swung it across the toddler’s head, knocking her to the ground. Kuntar then dragged the toddler a couple of feet to the closest rock he could find and laid her head down on a rock, with the intention of crushing it with the butt of his rifle. Einat, instinctively covered her head with her arms, Kuntar struggled with the toddler until he finally managed to clear her arms out of the way. Once her arms were out of the way, Kuntar repeatedly beat her on the head with the butt of his rifle and stomping on her body, until blood rushed out of her ears and mouth. Then, to ensure she was dead, Kuntar continued beating her over the head until her skull was crushed and she was dead."
Oh yeah, did I mention this piece of work was a 16 year old boy when he did this?
How evil of the Israeli's to keep him in prison for 30 years. After all he was just following the education his elders gave him. This boy should have been given Geneva convention rights, halal meals, a Quran and constitutional protection by the US. Israel's leaders should be FORCED to appear before the World Court to answer for his simply awful treatment.
These are the ones the left cries for, these and the ones who welcomed them home with love and adoration and celebrated them as "heroes".
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A rose by any other name...
liberal tears
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No Volt, that piece of human excrement should still be in a jail cell, but obviously the government of Israel disagrees with me.
Behold the Reich Wing liars erecting their straw men..........there you go trying to assign me and others phony positions AGAIN.........after you cry like a little hippocrite about people saying you support McSame.
For the record Dolty I think the piece of human waste should have been put to death or imprisoned for life.........I have NO PROBLEM whatsoever if terrorists and murders are imprisoned for life or put to death as long as they are charged with something and given a fair trial........this imprisoning indefinately without charges or a fair trils is BS...........if they are guilty PROVE they are guilty or let them go.......thats what we stand for in a free democracy anything different would be a bannanna republic or fascist dictatorship like Hitler had or Orwell wrote about and like you SEEM to crave.
Remember Dolty once you cross that line and start imprisoninbg people indefinately without charging them and denying them fair trials and adaquate legal representation..........the same fate can and likely will happen to you someday.
Yoy cant CLAIM to be better than men like Hitler or Stalin you have to ACTUALLY ACT BETTER to be better!
You better keep up trhe hit or is it "shit" and run tactics Dolty because you get your ass handed to you when you debate REAL issues...........time to run and hide or have one of your sock puppets like Crusty bury the thread>
Idiotic Nazi comparisons persist, I see. My challenge remains Mike. Use terms like "Reich Wing" to a holocaust survivor. I dare you. You don't have the guts, do you? As to the substance of this issue, I tend to agree with you. Namely,I think that these characters ultimately do deserve some sort of trial. I'm just hoping that the judges used aren't as mushy-minded as some of the ones I've seen.
Hate to do this,Voltron, but I think I'm going have to bounce Clif. He's just too obnoxious. And, besides, the bastard deletes me over at LC. All because I made fun of a frigging TV show!!!
Agreed on Clif's obnoxiousness, but I don't think he's the one deleting you.
Larry does all the heavy lifting in that area, and doesn't even post to let you know. He deletes anything and anyone that he doesn't like.
(and thats anybody to the right of Marx)
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Hate to do this,Voltron, but I think I'm going have to bounce Clif. He's just too obnoxious. And, besides, the bastard deletes me over at LC. All because I made fun of a frigging TV show!!!"
No you dont you snotty little lying hippocrite..........YOU cant hang with the big dogs, all you are is an intellectually lazy little punk instead of defending your positions with factual evidence you start a new thread derail with irrelevant BS, fail to answer or take the cowards way out like O'Reilly and threaten to delete.
Just like Bill O you are too dishonest or intellectually lazy to support or defend your positions, or admit when you lied or were wrong!
1) Clif NEVER deleted you, in fact Clif hasa NEVER had the power to delete yet YOU lie or post totally wrong information like it was fact.
2) Lydia Never said what YOU attacked her for you were told this on at least 10 occasions by several people YET you STILL lie and act like this is a fact.
3) I NEVER deleted once nor agreed with that article yet YOU KEEP assigning that and other similar positions to me like a little troll while crying and whining like a little bitch when and a HIPPOCRITE when people assign you a position, you claim isnt yours........further only a complete idiot would call someone a partisan with no facts to back up their statement......back up your statements with facts or else resign your self to being nothing more than a lying hippocritical blowhard like Bill O's that denies facts and is an intellectually lazy stooge.
apparently its somehow cool for you to be obnoxios and push the envelope on Lydia's blog, and its somehow wrong when Larry or Lydia delete you but its ok if you delete Clif on your little echo chamber..........that just shows you cant hang with the big dogs and have to delete because you arent smart enough to defend your positions and deleting is your desperate attempt to NOT look as stupid.
Clif (whoever), you left that same stupid comment on my blog. You're resigned to recycling your crap now? How pathetic. Anonymous, yeah.
That was Mikey.
You can tell by all the misspelled words.
Cliffy sometimes makes typos by hitting a key close to the one he meant, but it takes Mike to really mangle the english language.
Yeah, when Mikey wants attention he'll cross post that at every blog he knows you post on.
I'll bet it's on Tomcats too.
Exactly what "Big dogs" are we talking about Mikey?
The "Big dogs" who delete us at every opportunity?
Regardless of all your claims of hippocrissy (or however YOU spell it) you'll note you've never yet been deleted.
Oh and by the way it's "Hypocrisy"
Interesting point on the spelling. Mike is also unintelligible at times and that should have tipped me, also.
Volt and Will along with breaking up the MSM media empires and conglomerates to insure truth and honesty in media and fact based news rather than Reich wing lies and spin, and preventing the SCOTUS from being stacked with freedom hating elitist fascists who crave a fascist police state, several other reasons we need to win back the White House are to stop the bogus dishonest government stats currently being used to steal from the working clas and the poor.
I've talked about the Core CPI and how it is a complete joke and utter lie many times before firstly it excludes food and energy the two things that have probably inflated and risen in price the MOST the last 8 years, particularly the last year, food and energy probably make up 90% of my expenses other than housing.......and as for housing the CPI doesnt even measure housing it measures rents, so if 65% of America owns houses and those houses were rising like crazy the last 10 years that inflation is hidden just as the current food and energy prices were hidden, last year gas prices double and the core CPI about half way through the year was listed around 2% food and gas which make up roughly 90% of my non housing expenses doubled and the idiots calculating the CPI say inflation is around 2%..............ok they gotten better recently they are around 4%-5%, the trouble is when you use the older more accurate method of calculating the CPI it is around 14%..........among the worst its ever been.
Lets examine some other bogus ways of calculating the CPI, i've discussed Hedonics before but lets briefly go over it again in a general way Hedonics is used as a sham to vastly understate inflation and overstate GDP, just as an example lets say computer processing speed has gone up 5 times over a 10 year period while prices have remained the same now this is likely a slight exaggeration but for simplicity sake lets say that Hedonics would say that computer prices are "FALLING" by 50% per year even though the price you pay for a computer is the same and even though the government claims productivity is rising at 50% a year for computers you cant type or generate a report 50% faster or do your job 50% faster.......this also works for other items take coffee makers say the price for a coffee maker rises 20% from last year but the new models allow it to set a timer to make the coffee automatically that saves you about 90 seconds of sleep in the morning Hedonics could claim the price went down 10% because you are more productive even though you are paying 20% more........see the Hedonics sham allows many items particularly electronics and appliances to dishonestly offset the rise of items like food and energy, consider that a computer is usually only bought every 5 years or so while food and energy are every day expenses. Further Hedonics could be used to overstate GDP, in several ways firstly inflation is always subtracted from GDP so if inflation is understated at 4% instead of 14% then GDP will be overstated by a similar amount because much of the rise in GDP is illusory because of inflation and devalued dollars, the second way is if computer prices remain the same but processor speed rises 50% the government could take that 50 million in sales Bartlebe had for instance and make it 75 million thus overstating GDP, understating CPI and cheating seniors and the working class particularly those on fixed income who get raises according to the stated CPI.
The purpose of CPI AND Fed is to stop inflation from robbing the working class and poor and reducing their standard of living, in fact the Federal Reserve has a dual mandate to control inflation and maintain maximum unemployment...........lets examine yet ANOTHER sham they utilize to cheat the poor and working class and do the EXACT OPPOSITE.
The Federal Reserve uses the PCE Deflator to hide and camaflage inflation and lower standards of living and reduced lifestyles, it basically says instead of inflation infiltrating the economy and lowering peoples standard of living you just substitute one thing for another and everything is great......kinda like when Cheney stated the Iraqi's will scatter rose petals at our feet and greet us as liberators. lets look at another cute little example of scams like the PCE Deflator and Hedonics dreamed up by economic charlatans and hacks like Phil Graham, Milton Friedman, Helicopter Ben Bernanke, The Maestro, Reagan and others:
Lets say the year is 2005 and our good friend Fascist Fan drives a Dodge Viper with a big block V10 engine, eats Filet Mignon and King Crab legs 4 times a week and takes 4 vacations a year to Europe along with putting $15,000 a year away for retirement in a 401 K.................lets say food and energy rise 50% as does insurance and other costs and the Fascist Fan only receives his 2% raise, now while the CPI has only gone up a "CLAIMED" 2% the Fascist Fan feels the pinch so his wife gets a job and he substitutes Filet Mignon and crab 2 nights a week for hamburger and fries, substitutes 2 vacations to Europe for a relaxing vacation 2 weeks at home.
Now the Year is 2007 and food and energy have again risen at 50% per year, so now the Fascist Fan substitutes his Dodge Viper with the mighty V10 for a Toyota Prius, his 2 nights a week of filet mignon and crab for hamburger and fries 4 nights a week, he substitutes his remaining 2 vacations to Europe for 2 relaxing weeks at home, and 2 weeks were he goes to work and takes the money instead of the vacation time off.
Now the year is 2008, food and energy have risen 100% per year, so now the Fascist Fan substitutes the $15,000 he puts in a 410K for retirement for paying down his credit card debt and the Foole's wife substitutes the free time she has from her 20 hour a week part time job for a full time 40 hour a week job so she can earn more money.
Now the year is 2009 food and energy have again risen 50% a year, so now the Fascist Fan substitutes the hamburger and fries for catfood, substitutes all his vacations for working 52 weeks a year and takes the money instead.
Now the year is 2010 food and energy have risen 150% a year, so now the Fascist Fan substitutes driving his Prius to work with riding a bicycle to work, he substitutes paying his electrical bill for light and heat with using candles and wrapping himself in a blanket, and he substitutes the catfood he bought to scrounging for roadkill or shooting and eating birds and the neighbors dogs or cats and raiding other peoples gardens and stealing vegetables........................BUT according to charlatans and hacks like Helicopter Ben Bernanke, Greenspan, Milton Freedman, Phil Graham etc............there IS NO INFLATION AND YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING AND LIFESTYLE DID NOT DECLINE............oh YEAH AND PHIL GRAHAM MCSAME"S OLD ECONOMIC ADVISOR SAYS TO QUIT WHINING THE ECONOMY IS FINE!
BTW volt;
"Volt and Will along with breaking up the MSM media empires and conglomerates to insure truth and honesty in media and fact based news rather than Reich wing lies and spin,..."
like the "Reich wing lies and spin" being delivered by the ANCHORS of ALL THREE networks following Obama around the middle east just like they did McCain? - Oh wait, they DIDN'T follow McCain did they? Be careful what you wish for, you get that passed and they'll have to start accurately reporting on Republicans too...
"...and preventing the SCOTUS from being stacked with freedom hating elitist fascists who crave a fascist police state,..."
You mean preventing SCOTUS from having originalists instead of those who think we need to incorporate European law (Kennedy) or who think they can take private property and sell it to corporate interests for higher property taxes (Souter)???
"...several other reasons we need to win back the White House are to stop the blah, blah, blah,...ad nauseum."
Don't be so smug Cliffy.
He throws plenty of barbs at the left too.
And do you really think he's saying something conservatives haven't been saying all along?
I've often said Bush is not a true conservative, and the Republican led congress got seduced by power and money.
They lost their conservative values and that's why they lost. And, lucky you, they STILL haven't figured it out or we wouldn't have McCain as a candidate.
Funny volt when I among other posters, was saying the exact same things 2 years ago,
You freedom fan, tallltexan ET Al called me, kirk12, mike, worf, kayinmaine al a lot of other people unpatriotic at best, traitors among other things.
It's funny with every thing we complained about 2-3 years ago, getting a fair airing by the media after the 2006 election results, you'd a thought maybe the attacks on people for being correct in what they said before it was popular would have ceased, but at least far too late to do any good you admit the people you decried for years were right about Bush and the people he surrounded himself with (cause George W Bush did not create this whole fiasco alone, he had a lot of incompetent help screwing up so bad).
Sorry but what Phil Gramm, Tom Delay, Newt Gingrich, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell ET Al have fought for have resulted in helping Bush create this fiasco we all now face.
Smugness has little to do with it, truth has a lot to do with it.
Voltron said...
"Volt and Will along with breaking up the MSM media empires and conglomerates to insure truth and honesty in media and fact based news rather than Reich wing lies and spin,..."
like the "Reich wing lies and spin" being delivered by the ANCHORS of ALL THREE networks following Obama around the middle east just like they did McCain? - Oh wait, they DIDN'T follow McCain did they? Be careful what you wish for, you get that passed and they'll have to start accurately reporting on Republicans too...
I'm all for accuracy and truth in NEWS in fact ANY time a NEWS anchor and/or network lies or is factually innacurate they should have to pay BIG punatative fines after all it is their job.
An Honesty Doctrine is more crucial than a Fairness Doctrine at this point but make no mistake I am in no way opposed to a Fairness Doctrine as well..............Like I said the MSM chose not to cover McSame not because they favor Obama but because he is a boring incompetent fool no one really cares about and they are after ratings..........If I had my way they WOULD give him equal coverage to Obama so it would show what an incompetent fool he is and his campaign would implode even faster.........kinda the say reason I would like You and Will to be able to post on Lydia's without getting deleted because exposing your lies, hippocracy and and delusional out of touch ideas is too easy.
If you are somehow CLAIMING the MSM leans to the left or is left wing you are a delusional fool.........The MSM is CLEARLY Right Wing and has CLEARLY favored McSame over Obama, they have trasahed Obama over stupid idssues like Rev Wright, Patriotism, correctly ointed out his wrong stance on FISA etc.....while McSame has essentially had a free pass.........What your crying about is the MSM in the last week has stopped giving McSame a free pass, theyve stopped covering and glossing over his ignorant mistakes and incompetence and that galls you because you see his pathetic campaign imploding.......I wish McSame got MORE coverage because that buffoon would crack like an egg under pressure.
I don't know, most of the non-Fox coverage of Obama I've seen has been glowing. Even Chris Matthews (who I normally find to be down the middle and who irritates both sides) seems to have fallen prey to Obama's charisma. Remember after that platitudinous race speech that Obama gave, Matthews said he "felt a chill run up his leg"? Do I think that the media is "in the tank" for Obama, as O'Reilly claims? No, I wouldn't go that far. But, clearly, to say that they are rooting for McCain, that's a little on the delusional side, too.
So, Mike, still not willing to take me up on that holocaust survivor challenge? How come?
Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
I don't know, most of the non-Fox coverage of Obama I've seen has been glowing. Even Chris Matthews (who I normally find to be down the middle and who irritates both sides) seems to have fallen prey to Obama's charisma. Remember after that platitudinous race speech that Obama gave, Matthews said he "felt a chill run up his leg"? Do I think that the media is "in the tank" for Obama, as O'Reilly claims? No, I wouldn't go that far. But, clearly, to say that they are rooting for McCain, that's a little on the delusional side, too."
Are you EVER capable of reading and comprehending what people say or do you suffer from ADHD and have a reading comprehension problem.........i'll say this REAL slow so maybe someone of your limited mental capacity can understand Willie The Wimp................The media "DID" want McSame to win but after seeing what a buffoon he is they essentially gave up on him and are pretty much not covering up his ignorance and stupidity anymore.......do they want Obama to win because they see McSame is a senile doddering dunce........probably but they dont want to wreck the drama and potential ratings they could get if it is still perceived as a competitive race.......so now they will most likely play this fairly straight up rather than trashing Obama and giving McSame a free pass like what was happening a few months ago.
The Media gave up on McSame just like the power players in the repug party did in 2000 when Bush and his thugs trashed aqnd destroyed him because they realized McSame was not presidential material and not electable.
I "comprehend" when people make sense. Seriously, bro, you're like O'Reilly in that you can basically spin anything to your advantage (not really, but that's what you seem to think). McCain's coverage soured NOT because of his gaffs, disability boy, but because he turned from being a maverick to a conservative. The MSM doesn't like conservatives, asshole. And, besides, when McCain was getting good ink before, that was back in 2000 WHEN HE WAS RUNNING FOR THE NOMINATION!!! Do you seriously think that that would have continued in the general election? What is that stuff your smoking?
Um, Will ......
The person posting as anonymous is NOT me son,
So your venom for me telling you posting about all your failed INTERNET dates was in bad taste is being spent on the wrong person,
But you'll never apologise will ya son?
But it is nice to see just how touchy you are about all those failed dates.
I would apologize, Clif. The only reason I won't is because I thought I was responding to Mike. I call him disability boy, too.
Hey Voltron. Any idea who this Nicholas stooge might be. The sexual inappropriateness of it leads me to think Clifffff. Plus, just like Clifffff, he says I'm a far-right guy pretending to be a moderate. And Mike, that frigging pissant wants it both ways. One minute he says I'm to the left of him. The next minute he says I'm part of some far-right smear maching. Is he on disability, too. Seriously. Clifffff is, right?
Sorry doltron BUT you are posting about a study done in March and April,
READ the TITLE and you will see that.
Volume XXII Number 1: March/April 2008 (from the header of the PDF yopu posted Dolt)
which means PRIMARIES.
The one I reference is from the general election cycle;
to wit;
but a think tank finds that ABC, NBC and CBS were tougher on Barack Obama than on John McCain in recent weeks.
and THE KEY quote;
The media center's most recent batch of data covers nightly newscasts beginning June 8, the day after Hillary Rodham Clinton conceded the Democratic nomination, ushering in the start of the general-election campaign. The data ran through Monday, as Obama began his overseas trip.
Sorta DESTROYS any chance it is the study from March-April time frame YOU reference don't it dolty boy?
or this quote;
That was a reversal of the trend during the primaries, when the same researchers found that 64% of statements about Obama -- new to the political spotlight -- were positive, but just 43% of statements about McCain were positive.
The study you reference is from the primaries which I never spoke about, and this shows there is TWO studies;
Even Faux noise gets their place and they were tougher on Obama to NO ones surprise;
The review found that, since the start of the general-election campaign, "Special Report" offered more opinions on the two candidates than all three networks combined.
The way I see it for ya about now son is; either say your dumb as a box of rocks and have NO reading comprehension skills, which is why YOU referenced a study THAT the article I posted is NOT talking about, like DIDN'T you read but searched for disinformation to derail what the study shows;
Your just another gutless chicken hawk lying right wing troll doing what YOU always do;
I posted it here in case widdle willie deletes my posts again, seems HE can't stand the truth about himself.
I've never deleted a single comment that had the name Clif(ffff) attached to it. I only deleted those that had Nicholas or Sassy attached to it (because they were abusive and/or sexually inappropriate). You're not saying that YOU are those people, are you, Clifffff?
I don't know for sure who "Nicholas" is, my first thought was Clif what with the "son" and "chickenhawk" and the sexual innuendo. That's Cliffy's bread and butter.
Nicholas denies it, but so would Clif, as he will here shortly.
And it IS interesting that Clif THINKS he's been deleted when only Nicholas was....
Things that make you go hmmmm.....
Nice to see YOU can't admit YOU were wrong ..... again (as usual)
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