Tuesday, September 2, 2008

No Crackheads in Alaska...

Who does this remind you of?....LOL


Freedom Fan said...

Diddy is about as qualified as Obama and makes about as much sense.

Freedom Fan said...

Just in: ABC news reports Barack Hussein Obama is the son of a black man from Kenya and a white man from Kansas!

Well if you can't trust the MSM, whom can you trust? Hmmm?

Freedom Fan said...

As my radio co-host, Doug Basham puts it, she's a "MILF."
-Lydia Cornell

Wow, I guess being a liberal means never having to say you're sorry for being a sexist pig.

I am disappointed that Ms. Cornell apparently is amused by such a sexually demeaning statement about a fellow woman, only the second to ever attempt to run for this high elective office.

Here's another perfect example of Lib hypocrisy. Libs care nothing about intolerance toward women and minorites. Bogus claims of "sexism" and "racism" are merely weapons in their arsenal to be used to smear Conservatives when convenient.

Ms. Cornell talks endlessly about how Libs are the true Christians who embrace the Golden Rule so let's try this test:

What do you suppose Lydia Cornell would have to say if a Conservative radio host, like say Rush Limbaugh, were to mention anything about Hillary and sexual intercourse in the same sentence?

Hypocrisy on parade.

Rustyridesagain said...

FF,liberal hypocrisy? Come on,you really dont believe liberals could be hypocrites...do you?

Is it hypocritical when the libs attack Palin prior to knowing anything about the woman?No they are just exercising thier freedom
of speech.

Is it hypocritical to call her a
MILF while blasting anyone saying something negitve about Michelle my Belle?Of course not.

Is it hypocritical to say Palin as a mother of five should'nt be on the campaign trail?No way.

The attacks against Palin by the libs is proof they are scared shitless of her.Sarah Palin has rallyed the conservative base in a way McCain never could.
If the libs were the warm hearted, caring,inclusive,sympathetic group they claim to be would'nt they embrace a woman who knowing she was carrying and Down's syndrome child did'nt abort but had the baby?

Hypocritical???? No,not them.

Rustyridesagain said...

Speaking of hypocrites...Lydia preaches her love everyone mantra,love of family,love for her children yet criticizes Sarah Palin for not being home taking care of a special needs child.This coming from a middle aged woman who makes her living selling 20 year old semi-nude posters of herself over the web.Do you think Lid's kids get a bit of razzing from thier schoolmates? Hey,I saw pictures of you mom...shes a real MILF.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Hey FF,

MILF was the least of it. Lydia's also posted quotes calling Mrs. Palin a "POA".

Being raised a gentleman and taught to respect ladies I had never come across that particular acronym before so I had to look it up. (Piece of Ass)

I did call her on that one and was told "sorry if it offended you".

Then of course we have our dear Sara here who relishes and brags about being thought of as nothing more than piece of meat.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Also FF, libs don't care about people as individuals. They only care about people in GROUPS that they can use.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

FF you'll love this one.

Uncle Jimbo from Blackfive is at the RNC and was posting quotes he THOUGHT he heard Fred Thompson say.
Evidently the sound quality was poor.

I almost spit my tea all over my keyboard at the following:

Gov. Sarah Palin once beat a moose to death and used it's bones to drill for oil."

IrOnY RaGeD said...

A cute site for Sarah Palin facts...


Rustyridesagain said...

The best line of the night so far:

"I'm not a Republican because I was raised rich,I'm a Republican because I did'nt want to stay poor waiting for a government rescue."

Gov.Mike Huckabee

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Hi Rusty,

I'm gonna sign off early tonight. I gotta get up early tomorrow and I'm gonna watch Mrs. Palin's speech before bed.

You and FF will have to keep the libs at bay!

Rustyridesagain said...

Rudy knocked it completely out of the park.

sara said...

Voltron said...
Hey FF,

MILF was the least of it. Lydia's also posted quotes calling Mrs. Palin a "POA".

Being raised a gentleman and taught to respect ladies I had never come across that particular acronym before so I had to look it up. (Piece of Ass).............."

You a gentleman, yeah frickin right dude, all you do is act like a frickin condescending chauvinistic pig to women like Lydia and me, time to look in the mirror you frickin troglodyte and not a rose colored one.

You only act like a gentleman to women that are conservotard goons like you.

this Sara Palin twit is frickin moron, an airhead, a goon.

sara said...

Voltron said...then of course we have our dear Sara here who relishes and brags about being thought of as nothing more than piece of meat................"

Sorry dude, but i'm just stating the facts, i never said I relish anything you brainwashed goon.

Go jerk off to that skank Sara Palin now LOSER.

Rustyridesagain said...

I would think her mon and pop,along with thier friends and neighbors at the trailer park are just proud as punch at what a fine young woman Sara has become.
Sara's mom and dad,the oxy tanks aside,are glad thier daughter took the time to read those matchbook covers for La Salle and was indeed able to educate herself in diesel repair.

Anonymous said...

crusty your so sad,

all that hate you spew about people you don't even know.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

"You a gentleman, yeah frickin right dude, all you do is act like a frickin condescending chauvinistic pig to women like Lydia and me, time to look in the mirror you frickin troglodyte and not a rose colored one."

Actually I DO respect ladies.

From your very first post you had a huge chip on shoulder, and started calling people who you'd never had a discussion with, "moron" and "goon".

I could tell right away you weren't a lady.

And regardless of how many years you spent in school or what degree you may have gotten, your grammar and vocabulary clearly shows you aren't in a position to call anyone a moron.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

As to Lydia, I HAVE been more than respectful to her. But I'm also not going to give her a pass on hypocrisy.

She herself wouldn't be amused to be called a MILF or a POA, and calling a liberal female candidate she supported by those terms would be instantly condemned.

She has always condemned the way women are portrayed as sex objects, yet laughs about a woman being portrayed that way when the woman is Republican or conservative.

Rustyridesagain said...

Klink,give it a rest,Sara's postings speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

No crusty cause YOU lie soooooo well you MUST be FULL of hate.

Anonymous said...

other wise why spend months feeding your lies on the tubes?

IrOnY RaGeD said...

One could ask you the same question Clif...

Anonymous said...

Yo dolt you sound a little bitter there son.

Is the 2006 fiasco of the GOP still sting

Rustyridesagain said...

Klink, you,a former officer agree with Sara's postings? You cant be serious.

Rustyridesagain said...

I hate to say this but you're smarter then that.

Anonymous said...

BTW crusty Will it seems is callin' ya out boy.

Rustyridesagain said...

Come on Klink....even you cant think Sara is a rocket scientist.

Rustyridesagain said...

Now Klink dont try to start a fight that is'nt there.

Anonymous said...

I never said that son, just said you LOSERS seem hate filled and bitter.

Does 2006 sting THAT much?

Hope you don't ask Voltron to borrow a rope about the second week of November.

Rustyridesagain said...

Will and I dont agree on everything but we do agree that Mike is an idiot.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Well anyway, I think Palin knocked 'em dead tonight. The real test will be when she makes the media rounds on the Sunday talk shows.

She's got my vote. I just hope McCain doesn't drag her down.

Can you imagine her on the ticket with a REAL conservative?

Rustyridesagain said...

2006 is history.The republicans got what they deserved.I only question why you people over on LC are so damn scared of Sarah Palin.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Yeah Clif that's it, "bitter".

I'm jest hyar clingin ta meh guns an religion....

Anonymous said...

Yes dolt, this year they would do worse then she and McCain will do, because no matter how much they LIE about it they want to continue the policies of George W Bush which have screwed this country up so much.

Sorry but the mantras the right wing has run on since 1980 are just tired old caricatures of what Reagan claimed back then, too much truth about who and what the republicans really are have come out since then.

America don't buy your brand of political spin no more.

Rustyridesagain said...

Volt,I agree 100%,I was worried how her speech would go but she indeed hit a grandslam home run.The twits at LC are bemoaning the fact she did'nt write the speech but do they think for a minute BHO wrote his.I'm amazed how scared the left is of Sarah Palin.The next few days should be interesting.I'm curious how the MSM will try to defame Palin.

Anonymous said...

Crusty, if exposing the TRUTH is being scared, well that is your kool aid version son, but the truth is comin' out because of the way McCain and his spin meisters have played this disastrous pick.

It is slowly dawning on people like Peggy Noonan and others how bad this will end.

Anonymous said...

they think for a minute BHO wrote his.

news flash crusty, he wrote almost all of it, unlike her speech written before she was picked and just tweaked for her chromosomes.

Rustyridesagain said...

Klink,I'm thinking you wont be able to tie McCain/Palin to bush,you're gonna have to run on BHO's record....oops,does he have a record?

Rustyridesagain said...

Now Klink,do you have inside info,do you know for a fact BHO wrote his speech,or are you just blowing smoke.

Anonymous said...

They have already TIED both of themselves to bush cause they are runnin' on what he stands for son.

and as for Barack, well he scares the crap outa the GOP spin machine in ways the Clenis never did, and the Clenis cleaned you clowns clock twice.

Anonymous said...

Yes son I know he wrote it and if you listened with an OPE mind you'd know the same because it was announced that night.

Oh right faux noise don't do real news just their version of it, the Karl Rove made up version he claimed they could create.

Rustyridesagain said...

Now,I ask again,instead of defaming McCain and Palin why dont you trumpet BHO's policy's....does he have any?
What are BHO's policy for universial healthcare?
What are BHO's policy for energy independence?
How will he pay for these things?
Do you have any answers?Or would you rather just name call?Either way is fine with me.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Wow, it was so rare an occurrence that it had to be announced?

Anonymous said...

Now I eagerly await tomorrow with all the obvious teleprompter gaffes and strange grins at inopportune times.

Anonymous said...

NO dolt it wasn't that rare, just that the speech was THAT good,

btw crusty go to Obama's website all the answers you want are there if ya can read it.

I ain't doing your research, you need to use the google son.

Anonymous said...

as for calling names and out right lies son, I could never compete with ya son,

you OWN that meme.

Rustyridesagain said...

Klink,I think you're going to have to run back to the echo chamber at LC.
Its amazing a
man of your intelligence cant expound on one of BHO's policys and how he intends to pay for it.Klink,you're letting your followers down.Come on you can cut and paste something.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Ah I see.

He only takes credit for the "good" speeches...

Anonymous said...

And as for calling her a MILK

That is inappropriate,

She is a GILF in reality.


Anonymous said...

Sorry crusty But I don't post to please ya, sorry to disappoint ya son.

Anonymous said...

He only takes credit for the "good" speeches...

No dolt he takes credit for all the ones he writes, MOST of then are really that good.

Rustyridesagain said...

Klink,I'm not Mike or MCH or Sara,you're going to have to come up with an answer.What of BHO's policies is your favorite?Why?How will it be paid for?
Come on Klink you can do it.

Rustyridesagain said...

Come on Klink,,,hurry find something to paste.

Anonymous said...

Sorry son but that is your problem deal with it son.

Rustyridesagain said...

Come on Klink,whats your favorite BHO policy?Why?

Anonymous said...

If ya are relying on me to help ya out son, well all I can say is don't hold your breathe .... on second thought do hold your breathe son.

Rustyridesagain said...

Klink,your buddies at LC are going to be cross with you.You let Rusty get the best of you.Shame,shame,shame.

Anonymous said...

Well son ya are gonna have to check out MY blog,

Oh right you aren't invited to my blog, oh damn.

Rustyridesagain said...

Run away little Klink...ne echo chamber here.

Anonymous said...

No son I never let you get the best of me cause you NEVER did son.

but do keep thinkin' your the legend you are in your own mind.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I ain't ready to leave just yet little boy.

Rustyridesagain said...

Klink loves Obama,but he does'nt know any of his policies.Now is'nt that special.

Anonymous said...

But if ya want you can cry to Voltron that I won't do as ya want son.

maybe he will stand up fer ya son.

Rustyridesagain said...

Klink,seeing that I pay a part of you monthly check,come over to my house a sweep the driveway.

Anonymous said...

I know son, but refuse to tell ya cause you can find out ON your own, your big enuf to read right?

besides why waste MY time tellin' ya somethin' ya are gonna ignore and vote for the losers in the end anyway.

Rustyridesagain said...

Enough of beating up on this sip.....I'm outta here.Adios.

Anonymous said...

Yo son GFY it ain't MY job to sweep your ass let alone your drive way.

but you probably need help with both.

Anonymous said...

later LOSER

sara said...

Rustyridesagain said...
Come on Klink....even you cant think Sara is a rocket scientist............."

Your right dude, Sara Palin is a frickin moron.

sara said...

Rustyridesagain said...why you people over on LC are so damn scared of Sarah Palin.............."

Uhh because she's like an inexperienced religious goon and a frickin nitwit. Most sane people would be scared of a frickin twit that still talks about high school or the pta havin her frickin finger on the button.

sara said...

Didnt like Sara Palin support the bridge to no where before she was like against it?

Anonymous said...

Yes sara she did

Freedom Fan said...

And as for calling her a MILK...

A MILK? Clippy, you're a GOOF.

Anonymous said...

Typo OLD man typo, not that you got anything else.

Anonymous said...

Go back into HIDING, cause tonight is the best it will get, with THREE out right lies in her speech want do ya thunk will be the effect when she is exposed for the fraud she really is.

Anonymous said...

She will have to defend LYING to the American people when st Johnny of Hanoi revealed her, and of course tonight's lies.

Anonymous said...

Bet she can't do it.

Freedom Fan said...

If ya are relying on me to help ya out son, well all I can say is don't hold your breathe

Um... I think you mean "breath", clippy. See "breathe" is what ya do when ya stop holding your "breath".

Glad I could help.

(And I doubt anybody is relying upon you for anything of substance.)

Anonymous said...

Ask crusty what the odds are for her quitting or getting the Eagleton treatment.

Anonymous said...

(And I doubt anybody is relying upon you for anything of substance.)

I know you clueless false generalization inbred id-jets ain't son.

Anonymous said...

(And I doubt anybody is relying upon you for anything of substance.)

I know you clueless false generalization inbred id-jets ain't son.

Freedom Fan said...

Clippy are you sssstuttering agin?

Anonymous said...

No old man just posted twice in case you didn't understand it the first time you seem so clueless about so much with all your false generalizations and all.

Anonymous said...

Can't even admit you skipped the draft to hide in ROTC because Vietnam scared the panties off ya.

Freedom Fan said...

Wow my Sarah Palin knocked it outta the park with that dynamite speech!

Heard parts of it on the radio. Gonna watch the whole thing now on Fox.

Anonymous said...

Hey fraud, ask crusty to come back and write more lies since you got NADA foole.

Anonymous said...

Well foole she LIED at least THREE times.

Freedom Fan said...

Perhaps Sara got to see in Sarah what a classy gal looks like.

(A fine role model for you munchkin; take copious notes.)

Anonymous said...

Lying to the American Public is classy?

Oh it's the right wingnut thingie ain't it fraud?

Freedom Fan said...

Again with the lies about me, Pops?

Well I ain't gonna ask or tell anyone about your military "disability".

Anonymous said...

Tell me son, what is the medical diagnosis by the US army and Veterans Administration?

Hint it includes x rays, MRI's and lots of blood work

Freedom Fan said...

I just can't wait for the debates. Suhweeet Sarah is gonna chew up Biden like she did ol' Murkowski.

Poor ole Plagarizing Plugs won't stand a chance against her superior intellect.

/kinda feel sorry for him already...

Anonymous said...

Come on she ain't got a clue let alone a chance because she isn't debating the crooks of the Alaskan GOP any more.

clif said...

BTW here are three out right falsehoods in Sarah Palin's speech;

I suspended the state fuel tax, and championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress.

McCain had criticized earmarks from Palin

Three times in recent years, the Arizona senator's lists of 'objectionable' pork spending have included earmarks requested by his new running mate..

It would help if her running mate hadn't been against the earmarks she was for.

I told the Congress “thanks, but no thanks,” for that Bridge to Nowhere.

Palin "bridge to nowhere" line angers many Alaskans

It garnered big applause in her first speech as Republican John McCain's vice presidential pick, but Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's assertion that she rejected Congressional funds for the so-called "bridge to nowhere" has upset many Alaskans.

During her first speech after being named as McCain's surprise pick as a running mate, Palin said she had told Congress "'thanks but no thanks' on that bridge to nowhere."

In the city Ketchikan, the planned site of the so-called "Bridge to Nowhere," political leaders of both parties said the claim was false and a betrayal of their community, because she had supported the bridge and the earmark for it secured by Alaska's Congressional delegation during her run for governor.

Seems she is as clueless about how the tubes retain history, even if the GOP spin machine tries to erase it.

If our state wanted a bridge, we’d build it ourselves. When oil and gas prices went up dramatically, and filled up the state treasury, I sent a large share of that revenue back where it belonged - directly to the people of Alaska.

In Alaska, Everyone's An Oil Baron

She was more about making sure the dividend check from the Alaskan fund is bigger to help her approval rating, then hurting the oil corps her hubby works for.

If Voltron was being intellectually honest he would admit that Alaska is the closest state to socialism we have. They take money from private corporations and GIVE it to all citizens of at least one years residence EVEN the kids.

So much for truth from her eh?

Anonymous said...

She will have to defend HER lies and each time she make another one.

Anonymous said...

But do continue to believe the kool aid colored right wing spin son, at least till reality hits again in November.

Anonymous said...

You were SO funny last time reality slapped your puss.

Anonymous said...

This time you should HAVE A CLUE but obviously you're as delusional as always.

Freedom Fan said...

Luv how the bonehead Libs went after her for "only" being mayor of her small hometown.

It gave her a great opening in the speech to wildly rally all the millions of folks who live in small towns across the land.

Anonymous said...

Hope you got another garage to build or some way to work out all the frustrations that are gonna come this fall.

Freedom Fan said...

If we're lucky, y'all sexist Libs will keep going after her family or criticize the way she goes off to work while her Eskimo hubby minds the kids...

Anonymous said...

Yes and those folks KNOW how crooked a small town government can be, and what type uses it to enrich their cronies and friends like SHE did.

They won't be as fooled as a clueless moron in Southern California is.

See son I have lived in a few small towns In fact I live in one right now. Even smaller then the small town she screwed over ....

Wasilla, whose annual budget of $5 Million is just at John McCain’s income threshold for a single middle-class family, was debt-free when Palin became mayor.

When she left six years later, the town was over $20 Million in debt despite receiving $27 Million in earmarks.

Lets see an annual budget of 5 million

Add an average of 4,5 million each year in earmarks,

She still loses 20 million in five years.

Damn she is WORSE then any Washington republican has ever been in budget matters,

But Bush and the con-republicans did their best.

BTW .... Somebody needs to tell her, all that money from China isn't an earmark.

Freedom Fan said...

Wow, clippy; those are some pretty serious charges against my Sarah.

Perhaps you should tell the folks in Alaska ... might even slightly depress her 90% approval rating.

Anonymous said...

Sorry son but your straw man argument won't work here; I addressed HER LIES and incompetence at being mayor while screwing up the budget.

Same old foole can't argue the issues so create s a straw man argument I never posted here about

Anonymous said...

It's quite a ways BELOW 90% right now foole try keeping up with the times 90% was last spring son.

sara said...

Freedom Fan said...
If we're lucky, y'all sexist Libs will keep going after her family or criticize the way she goes off to work while her Eskimo hubby minds the kids................"

Sorry my dear but its not the libs that are the sexists. Keep frickin calling me sweetie or munchkin and dreaming of givin me a spankin grampa, you wanna see a sexist and chauvinist look in the frickin mirror.

Anonymous said...

A reporter for the Anchorage daily, Gregg Erickson, even did an online chat with the Washington Post, in which he revealed that Palin’s approval rating in the state was not the much-touted 80%, but 65% and sinking — and that among journalists who followed her it might be in the “teens.”

90% to 65% in a few short months ....

Anonymous said...

Can she match Georgie's fall in approval ratings;

Probably especially if she keeps lying about her record.

Anonymous said...

looks like Freedum Foole is living up to his delusional self again.

Freedom Fan said...

Great point. Say ... what is nancy pelosi's approval rating? Is it above single digits yet?

Might be harder than you think to send more rudderless Lib robots to Congress.

Gotta luv how pelosi went on vacation while the Conservatives rallied to expand petroleum production.

Anonymous said...

Posting right wing spin with out checking the FACTS as usual.

Anonymous said...

Sorry fraud BUT Nancy Pelosi ain't running for VP she is, BUT nice try at a diversion from being as clueless as you have always been.

Anonymous said...

Wanna try another diversion from the lies and falling approval rating of the questionable pick for VP the senile old foole made?

Anonymous said...

What do ya say son, got any thing else to try to distract the discussion from the LIES she told tonight?

Anonymous said...

Cause ain't LYING a sin or something?

Freedom Fan said...

Sorry my dear but its not the libs that are the sexists...

Sorry dear, some ladies deserve my respect. Others are not exactly ladies.

/If the foo shits...

Anonymous said...

Oh that's right;

It's alright if she's a republican't ain't it foole?

Anonymous said...

/If the foo[le] shits...

About describes you and your shtick son to a Tee

Anonymous said...

Can't divert form her lies tonight eh FOOLE?

Freedom Fan said...

Sorry fraud BUT Nancy Pelosi ain't running for VP she is, BUT nice try at a diversion...

Good to know you think sending folks to Congress is unimportant. (That way ya won't be disappointed; I allus hated to see a girly boy cry.)

Anonymous said...

Come on son, debate HER lies don't hide behind YOUR blatant attempt to change the subject from the LIES Sarah Palin told America tonight.

Anonymous said...

tonight was HER night

she gave the speech she lied,

don't try to change the subject

cause those are the facts.

sara said...

"Sorry dear, some ladies deserve my respect. Others are not exactly ladies.........."

And some might say the same about Sara Palin grampa

Anonymous said...

I allus hated to see a girly boy cry

You must HATE mirrors then son.

Freedom Fan said...

"he worked as a Community Organizer..."

Wow that got lotsa laffs.

Anonymous said...

Sara you know about his draft dodging also?

Anonymous said...

Wow that got lotsa laffs.

From the delusional bigots who still for the most part support the worst president ever?

Damn the kool aid does damage the brain don't it foole?

cause they and YOU proved it big time.

Freedom Fan said...

"he voted Present 131 times in Chicago because he didn't know what to do. In a Governor position or the Oval office you don't get to just show up and be present..."

Crowd chants: ZERO, ZERO, ZERO


Anonymous said...

Claim working in a city of millions to help people who lost jobs is a laughable idea while she lies about her own history ... damn your clueless what this election is about ain't ya boy?

sara said...

What frickin war did he draft dodge from, WW1 or WW2?

Anonymous said...

well son I see how you're gonna HIDE from the LIES she told, pretend they don't exist, good luck the next seven weeks with that one

Anonymous said...

Sara he hid from Vietnam from 1969 till it was over in 1973 in ROTC instead of signing UP and serving before college like I did in 1975 when I turned 18.

But he don't like to talk about his draft dodging days.

Anonymous said...

He COULD have volunteered to serve BUT HE chose to go to college first instead.

By the time he was out damn if the war wasn't over.

Anonymous said...

But we shouldn't disturb him, he's watching Sarah Palin LIE to the American people and probably has a little woodie about now.

Freedom Fan said...

* Lower taxes
* Reduce government
* Strengthen free trade
* Lead country to energy independence with an "all-of-the-above" approach

Chant: Drill Baby Drill!
Drill Baby Drill!

* Keep this country safe at home and abroad

/live blogging (actually time-delayed blogging)

Anonymous said...

You know how old right wing people are and all.

Anonymous said...

They eat up the lies and spin if they think they will get something out of it in the end.

Anonymous said...

He's only two hours late thinkin' he reporting news.

We knew about the lies two hours ago.

Anonymous said...

Bet he don't even realize she lied in this speech cause he has eeaten so much republican't crap as truth the last four decades.

Anonymous said...

I bet he still thinks Reagan lowered the taxes on the middle class when in reality he raised their social security taxes more then he lowered their income taxes then used the excess he created to shore up the budget a little while passin' the debt to future generation essentially raising their taxes.

Anonymous said...

This fraud has been so deep in denial about the right wing he thought they would win in 2006.

He even defended Bush from the truth back then.

Freedom Fan said...

he don't like to talk about his draft dodging days...

Yeah I "hid out" as an Army officer during 'Nam.

Clippy had a terrible mine-related accident (he cut the red wire instead of the blue one). After he woke up days later in the hospital, his whole world view had changed (so to speak). That's why he make a perfect Liberal.

Anonymous said...

Then when they LOST big time he went away to sulk and hid for the last 18 months.

I hear he did build a garage though.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I "hid out" as an Army officer during 'Nam.

No son you weren't an Commissioned Officer UNTIL you graduated

so YES you hid in ROTC instead of signing up in 1969.

YOU made that conscious choice NOT to volunteer, and went to college instead.

Anonymous said...

YOU could have volunteered BUT you didn't ......

Anonymous said...

Clippy had a terrible mine-related accident (he cut the red wire instead of the blue one). After he woke up days later in the hospital, his whole world view had changed (so to speak). That's why he make a perfect Liberal.

Total fabrication, we don't cut wires

But the fact YOU chose to go to college and ROTC instead of volunteering for active duty isn't a lie son, and YOU know it.

Anonymous said...

that's what burns your ass, you can't deny YOU made the choice to go to college instead of volunteering for the war, like a lot of chicken hawk republican'ts did back then and even now a days.

Anonymous said...

YOU made the same choice Voltron, talltexan, crusty Bush, chneye, Quayle, et al did ... NOT to volunteer for active duty, you did it in time of war.

Anonymous said...

And YOU hate the truth of your decision being pointed out to you.

Anonymous said...

This one is funny

Freedom Fan said...

Wow! What a great speech. It's over for y'all Libs.

This little gal from Alaska will become our first U.S. President one day.

Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Dream On old man, dream on.

Anonymous said...

If her performance tonight fooles you then your more deluded then I thought.

She is an empty pants suit reading a script,

Oh right empty suits reading scripts like Reagan and Bush are what you right wingers are all about.

Signing up and suiting up certainly aren't what you right wingers are all about.

Cause you had the chance in 1969, but YOU took the Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, George W Bush college route out of harms way.

She might feed your delusional egos, but she ain't gonna foole the rest of the country after eight years of right wing in competence and fiascoes.

Anonymous said...

This little gal from Alaska will become our first U.S. President one day.

Sorry Pops but that one is already taken;

George Washington .... remember?

After the republican ticket LOSES this year the GOPers in DC will blame her ..... you can bet on the right wing spin meisters passin' the blame to her questionable qualifications and unvetted history as a big reason instead of the failure of the republican party to learn from their 2006 loss.

You can bank on that one.

If right wingers know one thing it is HOW to pass the buck.

thereturnofRusty said...

My goodness kids,you got old Col.Klink all riled up last night,when he is'nt cutting and pasting some one elses words he cant even talk.Here's an example...
Clif said....yada,yada,yada chickenhawk,yada,yada,yada chickenhawk,yada,yada,yada chickenhawk,yada,yada,yada chickenhawk.

thereturnofRusty said...

He seems to have teamed up with Sara who prior to becoming an a diesel mechanic worked for NASA as a rocket scientist.

Freedom Fan said...

Wasn't that right after Sara's candidacy to Mensa was approved?

Freedom Fan said...

Airy Sara makes GI Joe look like a genius.

But if buttocks were brains, she would be (frickin) Einstein.

C'mon how smart can someone be to put a real picture of herself wearing suggestive clothing on the internet? However, Lib boys like clippy and mikey obviously are harmless.

thereturnofRusty said...

FF,I doubt very much if sara posted her own picture.
Im guessing sara is either an alter ego of one of the LC lemmings,or shes a really ugly young woman weighing in at about 250 who has no life at all and no prospect of one.

thereturnofRusty said...

That great FF,I'd forgot about that picture of Klink.

thereturnofRusty said...

He's been over at LC all day just cuttin and pasting any negitive article about Sarah Palin he can dig up off those lunitic fringe sites.
Does that sorry fool have any life at all?I wonder if he's in a wheelchair,if so I feel sorry for him.Do you think he has a family?My god if he does they arent getting much attention.

thereturnofRusty said...

Does he get paid to do all that searching? I'd hope so,it hard to believe anyone would do all that for free.

Freedom Fan said...

Hey Rusty, take this fun quiz on Obama’s qualifications in terms of his willingness and ability to make sound decisions necessary as U.S. President:

A= Yes he's qualified
B= No, not qualified
C= Just vote PRESENT

thereturnofRusty said...

Last night I tried to pin Klink down asking him numerous times to
explain BHO's policy on healthcare and energy independence and how he intended to pay for them.Well,it seems Klink had no idea what to say.He did'nt have time to go dig up a cut and paste so that old soldier did indeed fade away.
Klink and Mike are amazingly ignorant.Klink when questioned answers like BHO..um,um,um..its above my pay grade.Klink may want to get a second career as a community organizer.
As for you quiz,I wish I could spend my like voting present.

sara said...

thereturnofRusty said...
He seems to have teamed up with Sara who prior to becoming an a diesel mechanic worked for NASA as a rocket scientist............"

Sorry LOSER but Sara aint teamed up with nobody. Frickin Clif and that mch dude are the only real frickin progressives besides Lydia that post a LC, Bart and Mike are frickin half conservotard and half progressive and that aint near enough for Sara.

Keep postin your lies and wackin off though dude as that seems like all your frickin good for.

thereturnofRusty said...

Once again ignorance rears its ugly head....I rest my case.

sara said...

Freedom Fan said...
Airy Sara makes GI Joe look like a genius.

But if buttocks were brains, she would be (frickin) Einstein.

C'mon how smart can someone be to put a real picture of herself wearing suggestive clothing on the internet? However, Lib boys like clippy and mikey obviously are harmless................"

Uhh first of all grampa I like only posted that image because your LOSER BFF Voltron never seen a female POA, it was kinda like a mercy gesture or like be kind to animals week or somthin.

But do keep frickin demeaning women like Lydia and me with your chauvinistic sexism while frickin pretending to be some studly gentleman that actually lives in this frickin century and supports strong intelligent women rather than a throwback troglodyte goon.

I've read the frickin archives you goons demean and insult liberal women while pretendin to be champions for women cause you like that skank Sara Palin.

You frickin conservotard goons hide behind respecting women and respecting POWs and the military while attacking any frickin woman or vet that isnt a frickin conservotard goon.

Now go wipe that crusty 3 year old semen out of your beard grampa its like pretty gross.

sara said...

thereturnofRusty said...
FF,I doubt very much if sara posted her own picture.
Im guessing sara is either an alter ego of one of the LC lemmings,or shes a really ugly young woman weighing in at about 250 who has no life at all and no prospect of one............."

Dude your like the biggest frickin loser of the bunch, have you ever like gotten laid in your entire life?

I assure you my dear thats really my picture, after reading some of the archives i see that all an ignorant goon like you is capable of is trying to pretend people you dont frickin like are phonies, or gay, or disabled or fat, or ignorant and deranged or like uneducated.

Try lookin in the mirror dude if you can actually stomach seeing that big a frickin LOSER starin back at ya.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sara, you complain about women being demeaned....and then you call Mrs. Palin skanky. Shouldn't ALL women (regardless of party) be treated with respect?

sara said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
Sara, you complain about women being demeaned....and then you call Mrs. Palin skanky. Shouldn't ALL women (regardless of party) be treated with respect?.............."

Uhh first of all dude, i'm a woman so me calling her a skank or a twit isnt like a chauvinistic or sexist remark, its just like honest.

As for all women or all men being treated with respect, respect has to be earned honey, somethin Sara Palin and the frickin goons on this site gotta do before they get any respect.

sara said...

How come like Sara Palin didnt say like a frickin word about her policies or what she's gonna do for the country.

All she did was like babble about high school, and her family and like bash Obama, it made me nauseos that a frickin bubble head like that is actually there for the purpose of stealin the women vote from the dems.

sara said...

Either i like scared all the goons off, or their watchin the senile old geezer on tv.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

So a woman can use demeaning terms to demean another woman? Interesting. Specificity? I haven't heard a lot of specifics from either side, frankly. But you're clearly a partisan and, so, no, I shouldn't expect consistency from you. P.S. Did you write your school papers using this grammatical tack? I certainly hope not.

sara said...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...
So a woman can use demeaning terms to demean another woman? Interesting. Specificity? I haven't heard a lot of specifics from either side, frankly. But you're clearly a partisan and, so, no, I shouldn't expect consistency from you. P.S. Did you write your school papers using this grammatical tack? I certainly hope not..............."

Dude, i'm a real liberal progressive, if you dont like it, go jerk off like your goon buddies.

Did you you write your school papers the way you frickin talk on the blogs, I sure the FUC# hope not, I played field hockey and was a frickin cheerleader dude and I still got like 3.0 average in college, so dont frickin try and make it like i'm a airheaded little twit like Sara Palin, she's a disgrace and insult to my good name.

Anonymous said...

Damn where are the cheering thongs for Grampa McGrumpy's stirring speech,

It's been almost 20 minutes and NO illogical kool-aid drenched bombastic statements?

Oh right they dozed off.

Anonymous said...

I guess McGrumpy really is better then “sominex” isn’t he?

thereturnofRusty said...

We should all feel a bit of empathy for Klink.I think I've finally realized why he continues to denegrate John McCain.
Klinks military career ended when he was discovered trying to sneak into a junior officers bunk.McCain is running to be president.Now who is the true hero?

thereturnofRusty said...

Klink,just think...if that 2nd Lt.
had'nt turned you in you could still be in uniform.

thereturnofRusty said...

Dont ask...dont tell...twinkie.

clif said...

What NO victory dance crusty?

Come on at least LIE about that.

Anonymous said...

Crusty, you're such a disappointment ..... you seem to be phoning it in now, like the GOP had Bush do Tuesday night.

sara said...

Would you want Sara Palin to go up against Putin?

I could frickin stand up to Putin better than that little twit.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't have to "frickin try and make it like you're an airhead". Your barely literate prose alone is enough to indict you. Look, lady, while I may not be totally comfortable with Palin as a candidate, at least she isn't a classless, mindless, vulgar, and narcissistic lunatic who slobbers. One look at you is sufficient reason to despair over the future of this country.

sara said...

Wanna talk about barely literate dude, read that abortion of a frickin blog of yours.

As for you calling me a partisan, hell yeah dude, Sara doesnt suffer conservotard goons like Voltron, Rusty, and Freedom Fan. Fence sitting partial goons like you, Mike and Bart are only somewhat tolerable only because I cling to the notion that you idiots just may become enlightened and start frickin acting like progressives and grow a brain.

Its a hope dude however frickin faint that you guys will grow a brain and start caring about the real issues like free health care and education instead of the conservotard crap like wagin war and national security.

Freedom Fan said...

Now go wipe that crusty 3 year old semen out of your beard grampa its like pretty gross.

Gee, was that a 'sexist' remark? Very classy honey. But perhaps you have me confused with one of your cross-dressin' lib boyfriends. Hmm ... boyfriends ... I realize I'm assuming a lot here. But hey if I had hit a long dry spell like you have, I proly would be a mite angry too.

Dolly, don't you realize we are just playin wit ya cause we haven't yet tired wit the cut of your jib?

Volt, Rusty and I are seasoned debaters, who have made grown 'men' like cliffy start stuttering uncontrollably and seek counseling, just with some of our second-string repartee.

So any one of use could easily reduce you to tears, with a wink and a smile, if we so chose ... So tread lightly dolly.

Your mock outrage at our 'sexist' remarks are comical, given how you enjoy flaunting your fanny.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Remember the arrogance and holier than thou attitude when HIS finger was on the button?


"Would someone with delete power go into the other thread and delete rustys mouth craps please?

He has nothing to say just insulting people with his sissy little baby talk.

Please delete him so the little wimp just disappears."

12:52 AM

Oh how the mighty have fallen...LOL

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Perhaps I should dig into the archives and post a few of his comments from when he was in charge over there...

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Sorry this is getting long. I'll get a new post up this weekend.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sara, I don't think that Bart and Mike would appreciate you lumping me in with them. I'm considered a right-winger by them. I'm not, but dichotomous thinking seems to work for them (apparently for you, as well).

thereturnofRusty said...

Poor sara seems a bit tense,perhaps her batteries went dead.

thereturnofRusty said...

The code pink boys at LC are becoming more laughable day by day.
It seems Larry the deleter is gone and Lyd has'nt given Klink,Mike or Worf the button.Now they are beside themselves,they go on tilt when someone invades thier chat room.Ask then a specific question you will surely hear something vile from them...thats all they got.
I asked what seemed to be a simple question..."If you are so enthralled by Obama which one of his proposed policies are your favorite,and how does he intends to pay for it?"
Now I ask you folks was that unfair? To them it was akin to defaming thier mothers.What a bunch of twits.

IrOnY RaGeD said...

Oh almost forgot,

Kudos to Will for taking no prisoners. That'll cost you with the LC crowd...LOL

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey Voltron, I just can't believe that Lydia and company are at all happy to have this Sara in their fold. Even they can't be happy with this association. P.S. Clif and I are doing better these days. I think that I might be able to converse with him, after all. Mike is going to a lot harder, though. The guy is basically a dick, it seems. At last Clif has a compelling story.

Freedom Fan said...

Diddy can put this in his crack pipe and smoke it:

USAToday poll: McCain leads Obama by 10% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The guy is basically a dick...
Opps no that was Will looking in a mirror